
This wonderful looking site was suggested by my trainer. I've lost 73lbs in the last year and am looking to lose about another 100lbs...I think! This looks like it could be the key to continuing my journey.


  • patito_ps
    Wt?? You lost 73 lbs last year and you want to loose 100 more??? YOu are my hero!
  • AndraSales
    Wow!!! What an inspiration you are! You must be very proud of yourself. This board is fantastic for help and ideas and talking to like minded people. Whereabouts are you from?

    And keep up the excellent work!!

    Andra x
  • owengem
    owengem Posts: 131 Member
    Welcome. Wow, youve made a great start

    Ive been here since July 2010, I did well then I fell back into old habits and gained 10lbs. But now I feel that this time when I lose them I am saying goodbye to them forever. So now I'm kinda starting again.
    Still got a long way to go til my goal. But I have learnt that however desperate I am to see big numbers every weigh in, this isn't actually an episode of biggest loser, this is my life and slow and steady definitely wins the race!

    Good Luck
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Thanks all. I'm proud of what I have accomplished but still have a long way. I am lucky that I have a personal trainer who keeps me motivated...and knowing I am accountable for what happens when I get on those scales each week. That's not to say that I haven't had weeks when there have been gains or loses so tiny it feels like they don't matter.

    I am located in SE London, althought I'm orginially from Canada.