jlmorse Posts: 5
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi my name is Jess... My story is kind of long. But I will try and give a brief version. I just got back from the Mayo Clinic in MN about a week ago. Before I left for the Mayo I was counting and watching my calories closely but not exercising. I have severe joint problems that limit me from any high impact exercise. I would like to swim but cant afford it and also it's about a half hour from my house. Since I have been back from MN, I can't get myself to watch what I'm eating... I keep telling myself I will start tomorrow, and I never do. Then on top of that, the night before I pig out because I tell myself I won't be able to eat this starting tomorrow (even though I don't start tomorrow)... How can I get back in the swing of things and what kind of exercises can I do from home??? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance... Hugs ♥♥♥



  • sdoherty1000
    sdoherty1000 Posts: 146 Member
    just plug in your headphones and walk, its a great way to lose calories and how little impact on those damaged joints. I too am suffering from painfull joints in my knees and have stopped jogging as a result. I now just go for a 6 mile walk instead and lose about 850 cals in just over an hour.

    I am going to doctors tomorrow to arrange a consult to see why the knees are so bad and hopefully get it sorted out as quick as possible so i can get back out there.

    I dont have a motivational for you except, if you want to feel happier, more energetic and look better in the process then pick a day and stick to it- you have to want it to be able to start this journey. Its not an easy journey but we all have to start somewhere.

    This time last year i was 18.5 stone and to date i am a few lbs from getting back into the 15's which for me is a massive achievement because im normally bored by the 2nd week of dieting and fob it off. I can tell you though that i am sleeping better, looking bettter and even started looking in the mirror again which is something i havent done for many years on a regular basic. I even enjoy having my photo taken again. Also dont pig out before you start, just pick a day and say this is the day where my life changes forever....For me its been the best decision i have made for a long long time

    Remember "Every journey starts with a single step"

    Good Luck
  • cami78
    cami78 Posts: 42 Member
    Welcome to MFP!

    You are in the right place where you can find a lot of support. Think about it as a new beginning, every day is a new day told beat yourself up if you have a bad one we all have it :)
    Good luck with your journey!
  • Hello! Your on the right track by joining this site & asking for advice. You just have to pick & a day & stick with it. Go out and take a walk w/ some music for about an hour & do that about 5 times a week and you will notice a difference in your clothes, sleeping habits & you will feel better about yourself. It's easier if you have a workout partner b/c they will keep you motivated & push you. I'm hoping to find someone close to me so that we can push eachother. Good luck!
  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    About the motivation, try to log in a days worth of what you've eaten, but everything, even sugar in tea/coffee. Then complete your food diary for the day. It tells you that if everyday was like that you would weigh xxx by xx/xx/xx. Belive me, it a GREAT motivation. Also, start swaping foods for healthier options, and in no time you'll feel much better and have enough strengh to start it properly. Not talking about fruit and salads, cz its hard to go from bigmac to carrot sticks, but things like grilled not fried, dark choc not milk, low fat cream not full fat, fruit juice not soda, peanut putter not choc spread etc... and then you'll be ready to move to fruit and veg. I did that, and even though I havent lost a lot of weight I feel 100 times better. Drink lots and lots of water, give up coke (I know its hard, I used to be addicted to caffeine), but it will help you. Talk to people on mfp, it helps. As to exercise, try aerobic or workout dvds, they normally low impact on joints.
  • Wow, you all are so sweet... Your right, I need to just do it... Hey let me know what they say about your knees... I have a disease called Ankylosing Spondylitis, Osteoarthrits and Degenerative Joint Disease. I will be getting jaw joint replacements soon... But walking is a great idea. I will start doing that... And great tips on eating. That way I'm not totally going cold turkey on the foods I love but choosing the healthier of the two options :) Great ideas, thank you guys so much:)
  • sauza
    sauza Posts: 159 Member
    have a look at my progress, I'm living proof that a little effort (both in nutrition and exercise) goes a long way. I got a sinus infection that just took me out of the game. BUT because of logging on to MFP, I could see during each day - I mean it was in my face, that I could do something. Those tiny little somethings have kept me on track. Even though my motion and nutrition in no way even compared to what I had been doing I at least did not lose ground while sick. Just eating stuff that was good - getting my nutrients- along with the cookies, and walking instead of just sitting, standing and doing upper body for as long as I could stand it while watching television, and so forth. Just use the site to moniter yourself, it is very inspiring.
  • phoenixsxflight
    phoenixsxflight Posts: 20 Member
    I have totally been there. For me there's a few different roads I can take - 1) Get myself pumped up about something - anything. Alot of times when I'm eating whatever and not looking after what I'm eating it's because I'm feeling down about one thing or the other. Getting pumped up about something, often helps get the ball rolling in the right direction.

    2) Get out and do some sort of exercise. Even if it's just walking around the block. If I do something that goes towards my goal of being fitter, it makes me want to follow up with something else that's going to help.

    3) I start looking through healthy cook books and blogs, for things that look absolutely delicious but are also healthy. Then I cook them, and I have one more thing to add to my arsenal of healthy eating - and it (hopefully) tastes awesome.
  • jppizana
    jppizana Posts: 59 Member
    I normally wouldn't be able to stick with dieting and exercise for more than a few days, but this time what I found to be motivating would be a little healthy competition. Even if its with myself. I would think if what I am eating is healthy for me? Am I going to feel better in the long run or more disappointed in myself? Do I really need to eat that much? I'm also crushing on a boy that works out every day at 6am. That is enough motivation to get my butt to the gym after work :blushing: And when that doesn't work, I find that if I plan on it and then don't think about it all the way up until being in the gym, I get there.

    I have found that after a few weeks of regularly watching what I eat, I eat less and more frequently (like 2-3 hr intervals). I also am drinking way much more water than I used t o- a good thing because it helps with hydration, alertness, that full feeling, etc.

    Motivation wise: below is a quote that I got from a fellow MFP and I think it is very accurate and very wise. The 2nd one is something I am determined to do and look at it everyday to see what I have done to make it come true.

    Good Luck with your journey and know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, the grass is greener on the other side. :DD

    "It's not about becoming a saint - it's about the ratio of good to bad"

    "I *WILL MAKE* a life that is worth waking up in the morning for, worth living each day, and will let me go to sleep with a smile upon my face."
  • Thank you all for your wonderful comments and words of encouragement... Today is a new day, and I have been watching what I'm eating:) YIPPPEEEE....
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