How long has it taken women to drop pant size



  • MontanaB
    MontanaB Posts: 439 Member
    im 24/25lbs down and have dropped 2 pant sizes and im not sure about my top half - think its at least one dress size but maybe two :)
  • Mammym
    Mammym Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, I've lost 19 lb since Jan 1st and I am still in the same size clothes, however I have noticed the legs are looser, I just need more weight off my tummy ( my youngest is 5mths old) before I can go down a size. I am wondering how I managed to fit in these clothes before the loss, I must have been show horned in!!!
  • cathyv0409
    cathyv0409 Posts: 230 Member
    I have lost 36 pounds so far but started out with a lot more to lose than you. I have gone down 2 sizes so far....that is if you don't count the need for breathing room :huh:
  • ingeborgv
    ingeborgv Posts: 175 Member
    I'm down 15 pounds since early December - and two pants sizes.
  • songofserenity81
    songofserenity81 Posts: 138 Member
    I started in November have lost 33lb and dropped from a 40'' waist jeans to a comfortable 34''
  • I began my new eating-behavior plan in mid-January and have since lost about 12 lbs - starting weight 178, current weight about 165. WOOT! :love: I am on my way to successful completion of Stage 1: 150 lbs. (I've set myself a program of 'stages' to reinforce positive progress along the way to my ultimate goal.)

    It was dismaying to put pounds on that added inches around my middle, as previous weight gains typically showed up in my hips and thighs. I'm very happy to report that what I've lost so far is most obvious in my belly. I have a flatter tummy, YaY! However, though the waists of my size 14s are delightfully loose, the legs of the next-size-down 12s are still - thanks, live2smyle, for this great visual! - hooker-tight. This has led me to try getting into good exercise habits, too, such as walking a mile daily and starting to work out to a DVD of salsa-dance exercise.

    Best of luck to us all! Hurry, spring!
  • paulaercksn
    paulaercksn Posts: 29 Member
    I've lost 35lbs. I was wearing a size 20 tightly and 22 comfortably. The 22's no longer fit. They fall right off me. The 20's are too big too, but I just wear a belt. I could probably wear a size 18, but I have been this size for so long that I don't own any smaller pants. Once I meet my goal (17lbs to go!), I will buy some clothes that fit. The size 20 pants started fitting correctly at about 20lbs lost. My t-shirts are all getting too big too. I was in a XXL and am now in an XL.

    I agree with a lot of the other posters, I think it totally depends on your body type and where you lose it. I've lost 5 inches in my waist and 6 in my hips. I'm 5'11" and am shaped like a pear. I have always been very athletic and I've always hid my weight well. I think because of this I'm not seeing a huge size difference.
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