SAHM fitness

Hi everyone!

Silly question but what is a good routine/way to get in fitness minutes for a stay at home mum with small children. I tried doing Zumba and other fintess DVSs with my boys but they are not into it at all. I rarely have minute to myself so involving my children is key. I esp need ideas for incorporating everyday acitivies like housework and something to do on days when we can't go out (raining days,etc) Thanks a bunch and good luck to everyone!


  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    Cant you exercise when children are in bed!

    I do my zumba dvd once my 2 little ones are in bed :)
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I do my workouts when my little guys are taking a nap. I have to make ME time- I think it's very important for us stay at home moms. When my husband is able to watch our boys for an hour, I'll walk outside. Last night it was 30 something degrees, but I put on a thick sweater and walked for 40 minutes.
  • HotMomma86
    My sons are 3.5 and I do a quick 30-50 minute workout DVD first thing in the morning either before they get up or while they are sitting and having breakfast. I like Jillian Michaels DVDs and The Biggest Loser Cardio Max. When I want to incorporate the kids, I put the Wii on and we play games together. Or sometimes when I'm feeling lazy but know I need to move, I put on the music channel on TV and we all dance around. They love it and I get a little workout.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    When my children were little (littler, my oldest is in 2nd grade) I used to exercise when they were taking naps. Now I spend my whole day on the run, driving kids to preschool or dance or speech therapy, etc ... I recently bought a mini stepper at Walmart and have been doing it for just 15 minutes every morning (it is tough). I also try to jump on it for a few minutes at a time throughout my day. I squeeze wourkouts in whenever and wherever I am: I walk laps around my kitchen island with my kids and we pretend we're racing horses, while I'm filling my gas tank I do step ups on the little curb that the pump sits on, I walk up and down the hall while my daughter is in speech therapy (when she had eye surgery last month, I got in 4 miles walking the halls instead of sitting in the waiting room), while one daughter is in dance I take the other to Walmart and "try out" their elliptical, I do squats and lunges while I dry my hair, if I'm cleaning and a good song comes on the ipod I jump on the exercise bike (I have a gate around it so my 20 month old can't get to it) and peddle as fast as I can until the song ends, etc . . . Good Luck!:flowerforyou:
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    I have a 17month old I started when he was 12months. I do treadmill and was doing 30 day shred. He got use to me working out now, at first he was scared of treadmill noise but eventually got used to it, he loves jillian and does the warm up with me, its so cute!!...its all about routine, they will get used to it...get some time for urself!
  • mamato4boys1girl
    I have 4 boys, 3 are 3 and under so I am very very busy all day. I started with fitting it in when they were napping then slowly I started doing some during the day and they have now gotten use to me working out. I'm not saying I get through the whole workout without having to stop but I am able to get a little more done each week without having to stop! I put on pbs for the 3 and 1 year old in their room so they can play & be distracted, it is a treat for them so they get excited & will stay in there for atleast 30 minutes now. Then I put the baby in the pack n play or just the last few days the walker & have him right next to me so I can still talk to him, make silly faces at him or whatever distracts him for the moment while I workout. I just desided that they need to get use to knowing that mommy is going to workout almost everyday & they are going to have to let me! My 3 year old will try to workout sometimes with me & the 1 year old will just sit on the couch & watch me sometimes or other times they are playing practically under foot but I have managed to get it done. And when one of them has a day where they are just not letting it happen I either go back to waiting until nap time or just don't beat myself up for not getting it all in that day! Letting them see that you are working out is a good thing for them too, knowing mommy wants to be healthy & exercise is how you do it! It took me awhile to get to realize that they will learn to entertain themselves for a short period of time but they caught on. You can do it!!
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Thanks everyone for the great ideas ... but I have set of newborn twins + 2 other small children at home -- all take naps at different times so I am finding it impossible for ME time right now LOL!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I think the biggest think to remember is that what works for one person will not necessarily work for another. Be flexible and keep your eyes open for opportunities. Don't get discouraged! You have definately got your hands full. Just do your best!:flowerforyou:
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    Wow you certainly have your hands full.
    I just got the 30 Day Shred DVD in the mail today and set my 2 year old up with his own DVD to watch while I did the exercises and you know what...he wanted to do it with me! He would hand me the weights (everytime I didn't have them he told me I wasn't exercising) and when I did the sit ups he was right there beside me.

    But for other activities. I figure skate and I've been taking my son out to skate (it REALLY wears them out). Can you go swimming? Put the Imagination Movers on tv and dance around with them. My little guy can't sit down when that show is on. :)