Any other P90X newbie's out there that just started?

I just started the P90X (lean program) workout. I'll be doing day 3 today. I've been working out for over a month & I can't believe I am this sore! Anyone else just start the program for the first time? Feel free to "friend me" if so. I'd love to see how others are doing w/it & keep each other motivated!


  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I just started the P90X (lean program) workout. I'll be doing day 3 today. I've been working out for over a month & I can't believe I am this sore! Anyone else just start the program for the first time? Feel free to "friend me" if so. I'd love to see how others are doing w/it & keep each other motivated!

    Are you drinking your recovery shake?
  • MariaMullenix
    I've done it before, and I can tell you that after the first cycle, it gets a lot easier. Try taking Glucosamine for the soreness, and keep going!!! I made it for a little over a month and then lost motivation, but if you can find your own personal way to cheer yourself though, you'll be really happy with the results; I know I was feeling better about my increased stamina and strength after just a couple of weeks! Good luck, and DON'T GIVE UP!!! :)
  • A_shelton316
    A_shelton316 Posts: 127 Member
    I have done P90X Lean before but I didn't finish :( I plan on starting again next week and this time I will finish! feel free to add me and we can go through this together! Good luck and BRING IT!!
    NBFIT Posts: 79
    No, haven't purchased any of the supplements yet. Money talks ya know. I already take a multi-vitamin, calcium, vitamin D & fish oil daily. I hope those plus fruits & veg will be enough.
    NBFIT Posts: 79
    Thanks all for the motivation!
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    I'm doing the lean version. I'm on day 12. I'll send you a friend request!
  • FitPhysique
    FitPhysique Posts: 284 Member
    I am currently on my 8th week of P90X Lean routine. The only thing I have not been able to really follow is Yoga X I attempted it 3x but now I use a different Yoga program. I go to the gym at work and push play at 6:30AM 95% of the time M-F. THat has motivated other people. Two of my coworkers are starting the Classic Routine on Monday.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    No, haven't purchased any of the supplements yet. Money talks ya know. I already take a multi-vitamin, calcium, vitamin D & fish oil daily. I hope those plus fruits & veg will be enough.

    Not saying you have to buy the Beachbody product, but you need to have some sort of recovery shake after you work out. When you work out you are breaking down your muscles. A recovery shake helps in the repairing of those muscles and reduces soreness.
    NBFIT Posts: 79
    Thanks! What do you recommend or suggest, as far as picking one up at Walmart, GNC, etc.? Is it a protein shake I'm looking for? or more like a Gatorade?