cholesterol, teeth, and weight loss

So, went to the doctor about a week and a half ago. My HDL was too low and my LDL was slightly high. Doc prescribed me some meds and I'm to return at the beginning of April. Obviously I want to get this under control so I'm not stuck on meds forever, and I'm already working toward healthier living. Now I need to tweak it for this.
But, in addition I am about to start a process at the local dental school that will remove my remaining top teeth and start using dentures. Yes, I'm only 35. Anyway, because it is a learning facility, this process could leave me without the ability to chew for a while, estimating 2 months right now.....
I need foods that
1. don't require much chewing
2. do not contain Trans Fat
3. increase my soluble fiber and good fats intake.
4. provides a good balance of all my other nutrients too.

It seems pretty doable until I start to chew things. Already alot of the foods I eat end up hurting me by the end of the meal. And lately I've turned back to alot of soft carby foods like cakes and PB&J. This clearly needs to end, as it is sabotaging my weight loss, and weight loss will help my cholesterol too~

Things that hurt to eat now that I have relied on for the last 6 months include salads, raw veggies, tuna and crackers, popcorn, apples, and most meat. I'm sure this list will get much bigger when my teeth start coming out next week.
I have a weird deversion to cooked veggies, even at restaraunts I convince them to give me the raw broccoli over steamed. I think I can get around the fruit because there are so many soft ones out there and I can make smoothies with whey protein. But can I live on fruit for two months? And would that help my cholesterol?

So, I guess I'm looking for any suggestions that might help me succeed in all three of my goals at once.


  • jjjuuunnniiieee
    I don't really have too much advice to give you, but while reading your post the first thing that popped into my head was a juicer/Magic Bullet kinda thing. You could always blend up your fruit and veggies into smoothies!
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    blenders and food processors are going to be your friend. so is soup

    everyone is going to say cut eggs out even though there is no evidence that they increase serum cholesterol levels. I say having one hard boiled or poached a day would be good to get protein

    fruit is great though i will say there are so many pureed soups you can make with vegetables. and i'd also be buying protein powder to add to your fruit smoothies as it's going to be difficult to get in protein

    are you a fan of beans? you could always make dips with them or even make some sort of soup using them to get more fibre in
  • strandedeyes
    strandedeyes Posts: 392 Member
    I am in somewhat the same boat (or will be next month).

    Look into various smoothies (I am not an expert on smoothies but this will help with variation).

    Also instead of mashed potatoes, try mashed cauliflowers.

    When it comes to steams veggies, what don't you like about it? Is it the texture or the taste? If its the taste, try adding a variation of spices. Also look up various types of soups you could make. I know its getting warmer, but its easier to eat. Do you own a crock pot? Try making some fun stews or soup with loads of veggies. Even if you can't completely chew the veggies, some will be soft enough and mixed in with the liquids that you can "slurp" or chew ever soooo lightly.

    Will you be able to slurp? I know this isn't the best but slurping spaghetti is always something I can do a day or so after my dental procedure.

    I hope your procedure goes well and if I think of find out anything else, Ill let you know.
  • Ral263
    Ral263 Posts: 318 Member
    How do you feel about pureeing stuff?

    For example, you can puree or food process cauliflower and zucchini into super fine chunks and blend it in to tomato sauce.
    It sounds weird, but I'd check out Jessica Seinfeld's book about "sneaking" vegetables into food, since a lot of it is about hiding veggies into food.

    Also, white fish is very soft and flaky and typically low in cholesterol, as well as egg whites: Try an egg white omelet with finely chopped onion, tomato, spinach, and mushrooms (all are pretty soft once cooked)

    When I had my wisdom teeth out, I mixed 2/3 a can of pumpkin puree (NOT PUMPKIN PIE mix-- that has a ton of sugar in it; just plain, unadultered pumpkin puree) with a serving of steel cut oats, along with a tsp of Stevia, cinnamon, vanilla, and cloves. It was delicious, easy to eat, and had 2 servings of vegetables in it.
  • gurgi22
    gurgi22 Posts: 182 Member
    Yogurt and hummus can add protein and fiber without too much chewing.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    So, went to the doctor about a week and a half ago. My HDL was too low and my LDL was slightly high. Doc prescribed me some meds and I'm to return at the beginning of April. Obviously I want to get this under control so I'm not stuck on meds forever, and I'm already working toward healthier living. Now I need to tweak it for this.
    But, in addition I am about to start a process at the local dental school that will remove my remaining top teeth and start using dentures. Yes, I'm only 35. Anyway, because it is a learning facility, this process could leave me without the ability to chew for a while, estimating 2 months right now.....
    I need foods that
    1. don't require much chewing
    2. do not contain Trans Fat
    3. increase my soluble fiber and good fats intake.
    4. provides a good balance of all my other nutrients too.

    It seems pretty doable until I start to chew things. Already alot of the foods I eat end up hurting me by the end of the meal. And lately I've turned back to alot of soft carby foods like cakes and PB&J. This clearly needs to end, as it is sabotaging my weight loss, and weight loss will help my cholesterol too~

    Things that hurt to eat now that I have relied on for the last 6 months include salads, raw veggies, tuna and crackers, popcorn, apples, and most meat. I'm sure this list will get much bigger when my teeth start coming out next week.
    I have a weird deversion to cooked veggies, even at restaraunts I convince them to give me the raw broccoli over steamed. I think I can get around the fruit because there are so many soft ones out there and I can make smoothies with whey protein. But can I live on fruit for two months? And would that help my cholesterol?

    So, I guess I'm looking for any suggestions that might help me succeed in all three of my goals at once.

    I got dentures at 23 I remeber eating alot of appelsauce oatmeal even babyfood for a long time
  • mamaDaisyJ
    Thanks for all the great ideas!
    My doc already told me to still eat eggs, cause they are the good cholesterol. But everything in moderation and cook in olive oil rather than butter. I like mine scrambled, which means I can easily keep these for breakfast. And my daily oatmeal too.
    I like the idea of tasteless spinach in my fruit smoothie... with some protein powder to boot. This could be a regular lunch for me. I somehow forgot all about beans! Now I want the winter to stay for some chili :P
    Oh, and I already have tons of tilapia in my freezer... ok, more like 5 pounds or something.

    So, I'm feeling much better about keeping it together and pulling through. Thank you all again :drinker: