Eating out



  • daddyratty
    daddyratty Posts: 305 Member
    The children's meal is great as far as portion control is concerned, but not very many of them are very healthy. I guess it just takes a couple levels of discernment to do this right.
  • JenCM
    JenCM Posts: 195
    I ditto the figure it out before online.
    I have to do that. My in-laws are HUGE for eating out and we get sucked into dinner with them a lot. So I've become the Queen of nutritional info for the restaurants we end up at a lot. Some places, there's really not much other than a salad I can even get. But steakhouses always work out well for me. :) But yeah, I do the same as most. I find what I want beforehand, write it down and take it with me to wherever and just order that.
  • jessicamichalski
    ah yes and drink only water at restaurants...(add lemon if necessary) but that's a big calorie cut as it saves you money!!! :)

    oh and another thing I have learned...I used to order whatever was cheapest on the that I am VERY food conscience I order what is good for my body , not the cheapest because usually the cheapest is fried sandwiches with french fries (very HIGH calories)
  • daddyratty
    daddyratty Posts: 305 Member
    Jen's post reminded me of something else I was going to put, and that it is that it is so FREEING to go and know exactly what you can eat. It lets you budget your calories in whatever way you want.

    You could even get a higher calorie dish, put half of it in a take-home box right away and have part of a dessert! Without the planning, though, I think we can all relate to that looming feeling of dread that's there not knowing if you've just blown it.
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Here's how I would enjoy dining out/social functions/parties yet ensure I did not over eat:

    Ideally we would all just make amazing choices, listen to our bodies (i.e.: eat when we're hungry and stop when we're full), but in social situations this common sense stuff can frequently fly out the window. In order to set myself up for success, I do a few things:

    - Spoil my appetite: I never enter a social situation hungry. I do not save calories for these events. I eat before I go and arrive at the event/restaurant full. This way I can make rational decisions about what to taste/sample. Even if I plan on eating a full meal at a restaurant, I STILL spoil my appetite. Arriving full saves me hundreds (if not thousands) of calories.

    - I wear clothing that does not allow room for a huge meal/over eating: The belt-over-everything trend has been my friend. I always wear a fitted belt around my waist over button downs, sweaters, cardigans, whatever. Wear those skinny jeans. Wear that fitted dress. Whatever I chose, it's my goal to make it fit comfortably ALL. NIGHT. It's really hard to stuff myself full of food when my outfit does not allow for much expansion of the belly. There's a reason people undo their pants after a big meal. I won't be that girl.

    I also skip the bread basket. Start with a cup broth based soup to fill me up. Half of my entree goes in a 'to go' container as soon as it arrives at the table. If dessert is ordered, I have a bite or two. I also keep the black, decaf coffee coming. I pick and choose which items mean the most to me (do I want birthday cake/dessert or do I want hors d'oeuvres/appetizers, for example) and pick my pleasure.

    These tactics have worked for me for the past year :)

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!
