thyroid problems???

Hi! I am new and hoping this is the place that will help me on this journey. I have an underactive thyroid. Getting Rx on the 28th and my dr. says that with the Rx and exercise I should be able to lose weight. I hope so, cause I have quite a bit to lose. I want to be at 130. That is what I was before health issues got me down.....if anyone has any thyroid advice I would really appreciate it! Thanks!:tongue:


  • osblara
    osblara Posts: 2 Member
    I'm certainly no expert but i'm going to get myself tested for postpartum hypothyroidism. I have read that gluten if you have an intolerance to it, can interrupt the regulation of your thyroid hormones. I'm off gluten for about 3 weeks now for other reasons but they may all be connected. All the best!
  • vaavamom1
    vaavamom1 Posts: 136 Member
    I have a hypothyroid ,been taking medicine since the past 12 yrs.although weight can be kept in check it is all the more difficult to not put on weight.
  • Shan605
    I have also been recently diagnosed with an under active thyroid. I have been on medical for about 3 months now. Before the medical i would eat right and exerise and no results, now that im on it i eat right and exercise and i see results. Its not a fix all drug but it has made a different in my ability to lose weight
  • diabeticcat
    Hi there - I had a total thyroidectomy a few years ago which means that I have no thyroid gland at all now. With the right dosage of thyroxine ( and it can take a while to suss out the best dose for you so it can be frustrating for a while) it's entirely possible to lose weight with an underactive thyroid. I've lost 35 lbs over the last 7 months and it continues to come off although verrrry slowly! Very best of luck, I hope it goes well for you.
  • chelsea32291
    I also have hypothyroidism, and take synthroid. Best of luck to you!! :)
  • DivaDLB
    DivaDLB Posts: 85 Member
    I am currently on .50 of Levothyroxine and the only issue that I have is that I am soooo tired some days. My doctor has suggested that I take 2 at least twice a week until I feel myself again. Going back for a follow up. I was told that ingesting too many Soy based products could also be an issue.
  • valliekat
    Hi i have the same problem under active Thyroid it is a lot harder to lose weight but i also have alot to lose so best of luck. :smile:
  • stephn1
    stephn1 Posts: 21 Member
    I have had hypothyroid for 6 years. Even with meds it is tough loosing the weight. I take supplements that are suppose to help the body absorb the synthyroid. drug. I have had to up my dose twice. If you are still feeling tired you should ask your dr to check your number and up your dose. I refused to feel tired all the time. So I have the energy to work out and it takes a strict diet.
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    I'm 24 years old. Hypothyroidism runs in my family. I was diagnosed with it when I was 14. So, I've struggled with it for a little over 10 years now.
    Before they found out I had hypothyroidism, I was a 160 lb 14 year old who stayed sick constantly. I would barely eat and still gain weight.
    After my problems were discovered, I was put on levothyroxine and within 6 months, I dropped down to 120 lbs. I felt better, I ate better and best of all, I had more energy. But, to this day, I still battle with it going up and down, up and down. If you have thyroid problems, the best advice I can give is when you find a strength of medicine that helps you feel your best, make sure your doctor knows.
    Also, don't rely on what is "the normal" because as with anything else, what may be normal for someone else is not normal for you.
    Today, I am on Armour Thyroid because my body became immune to all other thyroid pills. (Yes, that can happen.)

    But, once you get in a "normal" range, you'll start to notice the change. It may take up to 6 weeks though. So just don't get discouraged.