sticking to cals but not losing weight..HELP!!!!

nicolawaite Posts: 13 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
i wonder if anyone can help me??? i am sticking to the calories i have been set and i am exercising 2-3 times per week but i am not losing weight. i am starting to lose interest and feel disheartened. any ideas to help? xx


  • hard to tell with out yuou opening up your food log. but what are you doing and when are you doingit and for how long. do you have a hrm.
  • Hello there,

    We need a bit more information, how many calories are you eating a day? How long have you not been losing weight for? Also, can you make your food diary open, or give us an idea of what you eat on a typical day?
  • Your exercising could possibly be turning fat into muscle. I was like that for a couple of weeks so I increased my cardio.

    Are your clothes fitting differently? Are they looser now? Don't get discouraged. I was advised not to look at the scale (easier said than done but it makes sense)

    If you are eating right and exercising, your body is changing. Look at how much cardio you are doing and maybe amp it up some. Whatever you do, DON'T QUIT!!!
  • Barelmy
    Barelmy Posts: 590 Member
    If you've been doing this for a few weeks, then I'd guess that your calories are calculated wrong. Maybe the site's overestimating your exercise calories, or your basic metabolic rate. You could try setting your activity level lower, or finding another way to estimate exercise calories, or knock 10% off your calories per day and see if that makes a difference.

    Or maybe you are gaining muscle and losing fat, yeah. Have you tried measuring yourself?
  • how long have you been doing this? I felt the same way for about 3 weeks, lost 1 lb and was discouraged. Then in the 4th week, I lost 3 lbs. It was sort of like my body caught up to it. Maybe the extra muscle in my legs from running helped burn up some more calories. Not sure. Just keep doing it. And also consider what you are eating or if you are eating too little for the amout of exercise you are doing. If your body thinks you are starving, it might hold on to some fat.

    good luck and keep on going. Remember, it never hurts to eat healthy!
  • nicolawaite
    nicolawaite Posts: 13 Member
    i have logged in now for 40 days (just over 5 weeks) and i have lost 6lbs and then put 2 back on.
    i do 1/ 2 zumba classes a week and i tone class.
    current weight is 144lbs
  • nicolawaite
    nicolawaite Posts: 13 Member
    i am eating 1200 cals per day xx
    thanks everyone for advice xx
  • do you use a hrm
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,308 Member
    i am eating 1200 cals per day xx
    thanks everyone for advice xx

    Plus the calories earned by exercise, right? So on those days eat 1500-1800 calories. Very important.
  • nicolawaite
    nicolawaite Posts: 13 Member
    no max is 1300 when exercise.
    what is hrm ?? sorry just getting used to all this xx
  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    Have at least one "break day" of eating each week (eat a few hundred calories above what you normally would). It helps your body not get used to the same amount of calories every day, and can sometimes jumpstart the weight loss again. There was a recent post on "zig zagging" calories- check it out!
  • nadiakim
    nadiakim Posts: 21 Member
    Definately sounds like your not eating enough. You body will hold on to fat if it thinks its being starved. I agree you should be around 1500-2000 calories per day, but make them quality calories dont fill them with junk. Not saying you are but try not to. The prior posts are referring to Heart Rate monitors like Polar watch, I use one to tell me exacally how many calories I am burning each day I excercise. Its a great tool. But make sure you get one that has a chest strap because thats where it supposed to read it from. I used to have one you had to put your fingers on its a pain.. Good Luck dont get discuoraged. I have been doing this for over a year and havent lost too much but it just takes some tweaking to see what your body wants in order to burn the fat.
  • nicolawaite
    nicolawaite Posts: 13 Member
    thanks thats very helpful and encouraging.
    i am on holiday from work this week so prob have been eating more junk although still within cal range. i do usually eat lots and fruit and veg per day and do allow myself one treat per day too within my cal allowance.
    i think i am gonna try and eat more cals on the days i exercise and see if that makes a difference.
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