I need to be motivated!

zoe021601 Posts: 63
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
I just started counting my calories again starting this week. And I'm doing really great with that, however I just can't seem to find the motivation to work out! Anyone have any tips for me? What gives you motivation to do your work outs?


  • Currently my motivation is going away on holidays, but I am anxious to see the responses that you get. I tend to do really well for awhile with my eating and exercising and then tend to dwindle off and find it hard to keep motivated. Thank you for posting :)
  • When it comes to working out I am the least motivated person, however I have a walking partner who keeps me going. The best thing to do is get a work out partner who is very committed and work out with them.

    If I get bored i change things up. It helps so much.

    Good luck!
  • sometimes I put it in my exercise log in the morning, then I know I have to do it because everyone already saw it. lol...it works for me! Good luck!
  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    I tape the Biggest Loser, then only allow myself to watch it while I work out. I figure if a 500 pound man can work out for 5-6 hours a day, I can do 30 minutes!!!! Plus, now I'm really starting to see the results, and that motivates me a LOT! Good luck!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I just looked at your profile. Perhaps filling out your profile page will help you find the motivation. We can all tell you what motivates US, but that won't work for YOU. Motivation isn't something you can borrow, you have to find it.

    So what is it? What do you want from exercise? A longer & healthier life? Bikini body? Once you have your answer, THAT'S your motivation.
  • amandalc980
    amandalc980 Posts: 383 Member
    If you are a runner or a potential runner sign up for a 5k today. Sign up for one next month! I found that by signing up ahead of time for them forced me to stick to an exercise program. I also reward myself with a massage after my races, so its a win win for me.

    If nothing else, Jillian Michaels 30 day shred is only 20 minutes! Its a great workout for 20 minutes. I got to the point where I would do the workout on my laptop so I could watch Cougar Town or Community while jumping around.
  • tweety_montana
    tweety_montana Posts: 10 Member
    Try something that you will enjoy and set it in your weekly diary. For me I like have a good laugh with my workmates and play badminton for 45 - 75 minutes. You play a game without you notice you are actually working your whole body too.

    If you enjoy swimming - aqua aerobics is good for you too.

    Hope this helps.
  • To keep motivated and not get bored, I try to mix it up frequently. I do a combination of wii step aerobics, wii active personal trainer workouts, going to the gym to use the elliptical and weights, and getting outside with my family for a walk, snow shoe or anything that gets us moving together. Like someone else said, I often put it in the exercise log in the morning so that everyone can see it and I feel guilty if I back out.
  • Thanks everyone! I would love to have a work out partner, but I moved here a year ago and I still don't know anyone. And my fiancée is only home every other weekend so I'm not getting any help from him. I'm also a stay at home mom to an eleven month old.
  • What can help is to get dressed in your workout clothes every morning. That way you're already in the mindset of working out.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Ok, girl, you did it! All of your motivation is all on that page! It really is! You want to set a good example for your daughter and be hot for your future hubby! You already know that you can do this, you've already had so much success! Not having a workout partner or help from your man is no reason not to work out. Neither is staying home with a baby! The beauty of MFP is that we are all your workout partners. We will all help you and we are all here 24/7. Now it's up to you. Seriously, it's like brushing your teeth, you have to do it.

    BTW-- putting your workout clothes on in the morning totally works.
  • Ok, girl, you did it! All of your motivation is all on that page! It really is! You want to set a good example for your daughter and be hot for your future hubby! You already know that you can do this, you've already had so much success! Not having a workout partner or help from your man is no reason not to work out. Neither is staying home with a baby! The beauty of MFP is that we are all your workout partners. We will all help you and we are all here 24/7. Now it's up to you. Seriously, it's like brushing your teeth, you have to do it.

    BTW-- putting your workout clothes on in the morning totally works.

    Thank you so much! I love that you compared it to brushing my teeth! You are so right!
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    summer & my next birthday (in mid april) are my motivation! i bought a pair of shorts that are too tight & i want to be able to wear them while being able to breathe & not jiggle this summer & i'm depressed about this next b-day, so i want to be in the best shape of my life (including my tiny early high school years).
    when i'm feeling extra lazy & start making excuses, i'll step on the scale to remind myself that i have a ways to go.
  • holli_walker
    holli_walker Posts: 109 Member
    I wrote a list of reason why I want to lose weight. When I feel weak or thinking skipping a work out. I read the entire list. I also have a picture of myself I hate(you can tell how heavy I was) the I remind myself I never want to be that way again. In between the two it is enough to remind me it is not going to melt away no matter how much I wish it. I hope this gives you some ideas or helps.
  • It really helps if you write your goals down on paper and hanging it somewhere. Seeig it on the wall in your writing really helps remind you what you really want. Today I wrote my weight loss goals and rules (no soda, no alcohol). I even initialed each rule and signed the bottom. A contact between me and my body!! Feels very motivating now that its hanging on my wall!!!
  • Thank you all so much for your suggestions. It feels really nice to have support, even from strangers :) I'm already feeling more motivated!
  • My motivation is being healthy. The few times I have gone out to eat, I constantly see people that are morbidly overweight. it makes me feel bad that they are so unhealthy but it motivates me to not get to that point. Also people constantly tell me that they are impressed I get up at 5am and work out 6 days a week. It wasn't easy at first but now it is a habit and I wake up automatically. I know that if I get it done first thing in the morning then the rest of the day can't get in the way. I feel great am hardly ever sick and have tons of energy to enjoy life. Not hauling around extra weight allows me the energy to enjoy more of life. Someone recently asked me if I have a hard time finding smaller sized clothes in the stores as everyone he sees is very overweight. Not a problem, I imagine the larger people have a more difficult time finding clothing, but I'm not much of a shopper so I don't know. Lots of motivation out there. Keep up the good work, you will get to your goals.
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