Anyone NOT seen results with P90X?



  • ShaneT99
    ShaneT99 Posts: 278 Member
    If you're not seeing results with P90X it's either because you're not putting enough effort into it or because you have bad eating habits. It's a solid and well-rounded program. Not perfect, of course, but nothing is.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Okay, cool. Maybe that is the better option then. By the way, you DO look amazing. :) I'm not sure I would want to follow the food plan for P90x either, but maybe doing the cardio/insanity would be better for me. Thanks!

    There's a food plan for Insanity too.
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    P90X is not a weight loss plan. The original infomercials all showed people that had fairly normal bodyweights going from normal looking to shredded, NOT from fat to thin. The nutrition plan has you eating a lot of calories to support muscle growth while also cutting the carbs at the beginning to assist fat loss, then adding carbs back in to push harder in the workouts, again supporting muscle growth.

    The thing is that the circuit training style of the resistance workouts is great for over-all fitness, including fat/weight loss. If fitness and a stronger body are your goals, then P90X is good. If weight loss is your goal, then there are better options.

    BTW, if you don't plan to follow the nutrition guide, don't waste your time doing it and if you do, don't waste our time complaining about how it doesn't work. You're not doing P90X if you don't follow the nutrition plan.

    And no, it isn't the same to just do anything an hour a day. As an experienced lifter, I can say that I saw the reasoning behind the timing of the seperate workouts, and it's timed well. For me, I prefer the gym, because I like to switch things up constantly and don't need anyone telling me what to do. I can push myself harder then anyone else can push me. My wife, on the other hand, NEEDS the structure that comes with the videos, and needs someone there to push her. P90X is perfect for her, and before she started her new job and stopped having the time to give to the program (which can be hard to find sometimes) she was having good results with it.
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609

    from what I'm hearing Insanity has more Cardio than P90X - I lost 16lbs w/ Insanity and 26inches off of my whole body - didn't follow the food plan either....the workouts are only 30 - 45 mins long.

    Okay, cool. Maybe that is the better option then. By the way, you DO look amazing. :) I'm not sure I would want to follow the food plan for P90x either, but maybe doing the cardio/insanity would be better for me. Thanks!

    I'm a picky eater and I also have a family to feed so eating "100% healthy" is just too expensive.
    I still eat white rice, pizza, pasta but just in moderation compared to before. I do make small adjustments to low the cals or sodium in my meals.

    I'm sure if I had strictly followed the food plan I would have better results but I'm happy with the results I got and I knew my results won't be like those on the commercial because I have some body fat to lose and like on one of the P90X ads, one guy said he got his results after 6 rounds of it.
  • think48
    think48 Posts: 366 Member
    Okay, cool. Maybe that is the better option then. By the way, you DO look amazing. :) I'm not sure I would want to follow the food plan for P90x either, but maybe doing the cardio/insanity would be better for me. Thanks!

    There's a food plan for Insanity too.

    Aha. Thanks. There is so much to these programs. It's a lot of money to invest in something before getting the details.

    I was motivated by the fact that she got the results she did by not following the nutrition plan to a T.
  • think48
    think48 Posts: 366 Member
    P90X is not a weight loss plan. The original infomercials all showed people that had fairly normal bodyweights going from normal looking to shredded, NOT from fat to thin. The nutrition plan has you eating a lot of calories to support muscle growth while also cutting the carbs at the beginning to assist fat loss, then adding carbs back in to push harder in the workouts, again supporting muscle growth.

    The thing is that the circuit training style of the resistance workouts is great for over-all fitness, including fat/weight loss. If fitness and a stronger body are your goals, then P90X is good. If weight loss is your goal, then there are better options.

    BTW, if you don't plan to follow the nutrition guide, don't waste your time doing it and if you do, don't waste our time complaining about how it doesn't work. You're not doing P90X if you don't follow the nutrition plan.

    And no, it isn't the same to just do anything an hour a day. As an experienced lifter, I can say that I saw the reasoning behind the timing of the seperate workouts, and it's timed well. For me, I prefer the gym, because I like to switch things up constantly and don't need anyone telling me what to do. I can push myself harder then anyone else can push me. My wife, on the other hand, NEEDS the structure that comes with the videos, and needs someone there to push her. P90X is perfect for her, and before she started her new job and stopped having the time to give to the program (which can be hard to find sometimes) she was having good results with it.

    Thank you. It's always great to hear a man's perspective. We women have a tendency to put our arms around each others shoulders and all sigh together about how we "try" and it's "just not working." Men tell it like it is and say suck up your *kitten* and get in there! lol.
    You are right. It's not worth it if you aren't going all the way, which is why I started this post, to see comments about "why" people didn't really get results.
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    There is no way you are working out at that intensity an hour a day with no results, unless you have not changed your eating. The problem with P90X is that most people won't be able to dedicate that amount of time and effort FOREVER, so once you hit your best results and slow down you won't be that ripped forever ! some of the videos are 1 hour and half.... who has that kind of time!!
  • bobball
    I see this time and time again 2 things, people who don't see results did not change their diet or their diet got worse because they were so hungry. The CUT look is from low body fat which comes from doing what we do here...counting calories, eating low fat.
    2. P90x X stands for extreme. I could not do it very well, I am not athletic. It took me nearly the entire 3 months to get through all the workouts completely and even then I could not finish some of them.

    I would go with something less extreme unless you are already athletic...or better yet get a personal trainer to help you. Most of them are hurting right now because of the economy and could use the work...and you might get a great deal.

  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609

    And I still had my Sunday cheat days where I eat whatever and not concern myself w/ cals or logging in my food. Those will be the only days we go out to eat at a restaurant. I still drank water instead of soda (even it was a cheat day) and instead of ordering the dinner meals, I order the lunch meals because they are smaller portions.

    For me it's just about moderation, I drink at least 10 cups of water a day (that's all I drink really) and trying to watch my sodium. Haven't seen a weight gain yet and it has been about 84 days =)

    With these programs you NEED to eat to keep fueling your body or else you won't have the energy or motivation to do them =)
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    There is no way you are working out at that intensity an hour a day with no results, unless you have not changed your eating. The problem with P90X is that most people won't be able to dedicate that amount of time and effort FOREVER, so once you hit your best results and slow down you won't be that ripped forever ! some of the videos are 1 hour and half.... who has that kind of time!!

    My head wants to explode with reading all of this mis-information. Yoga X is the ONLY DVD in the program that is 90 minutes long. All the other DVD's are under 60 minutes long. The diet is mostly protein in the first two phases and includes clean eating. If a person does not want to dedicate themselves to that then fine. Keep driving to the gym for a half hour, walking on the treadmill for a half hour each day while talking on your cell phone and see if you get results.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member

    My head wants to explode with reading all of this mis-information. Yoga X is the ONLY DVD in the program that is 90 minutes long. All the other DVD's are under 60 minutes long. The diet is mostly protein in the first two phases and includes clean eating. If a person does not want to dedicate themselves to that then fine. Keep driving to the gym for a half hour, walking on the treadmill for a half hour each day while talking on your cell phone and see if you get results.

    I agree, and another thing if you have the time to watch tv for an hour or more a night then you have the time to do a p90x workout too!!! Just saying!
  • carlyrenee1
    I really like the program it but bulked up with it. You really have to be careful with how many calories you are eating and need to be pretty close to your goal weight. I would use it more for toning up rather than weight loss (but that's just my opinion). I am doing Chalean currently and I am defiantly NOT bulking up! It is by the same company and is just as intense. I have noticed a lot of changes and really enjoy it.

    Hope this helps :happy:
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I know that many people say it is not a weight loss program, but that should be amended by saying that it IS a FAT LOSS program. While most people want to lose those pounds on the scale, P90X is more about increasing your overall fitness by putting some lean muscle on your body and stripping it off excess body fat. This may lead to a minimal weight loss, but since you are smaller and leaner you have achieved fat loss which is more beneficial to you anyway.

    That being said, on my first go-round with P90X, I lost *maybe* 3 pounds. However, I went from a size 12 down to a size 8. I continued on and did the program again, this time I dropped to a size 6 and also dropped 10 pounds (because women typically benefit from the program later than men when it comes to "weight" loss.)

    I followed the food plan with 1 cheat meal a week, drank only water, and did my best to not miss a workout (but did on occasion cause nobody's perfect).

    I also have helped a few of my friends get started on P90X and lose lots of fat and weight...

    The ONLY person that I helped get started with P90X that did not change their body composition did NOT follow the food plan at all. She actually told me that she refused to change how she ate. I tried to tell her that no amount of exercise was going to help her change her body comp. if she didn't alter her food intake...but now she thinks that even though she was warned and helped and told to eat right, that it must be the program that doesn't work. Hmmm.

    ALL exercise programs will work as long as you are required to workout and eat right. :flowerforyou:
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    I know that many people say it is not a weight loss program, but that should be amended by saying that it IS a FAT LOSS program. While most people want to lose those pounds on the scale, P90X is more about increasing your overall fitness by putting some lean muscle on your body and stripping it off excess body fat. This may lead to a minimal weight loss, but since you are smaller and leaner you have achieved fat loss which is more beneficial to you anyway.

    That being said, on my first go-round with P90X, I lost *maybe* 3 pounds. However, I went from a size 12 down to a size 8. I continued on and did the program again, this time I dropped to a size 6 and also dropped 10 pounds (because women typically benefit from the program later than men when it comes to "weight" loss.)

    I followed the food plan with 1 cheat meal a week, drank only water, and did my best to not miss a workout (but did on occasion cause nobody's perfect).

    I also have helped a few of my friends get started on P90X and lose lots of fat and weight...

    The ONLY person that I helped get started with P90X that did not change their body composition did NOT follow the food plan at all. She actually told me that she refused to change how she ate. I tried to tell her that no amount of exercise was going to help her change her body comp. if she didn't alter her food intake...but now she thinks that even though she was warned and helped and told to eat right, that it must be the program that doesn't work. Hmmm.

    ALL exercise programs will work as long as you are required to workout and eat right. :flowerforyou:

    Best answer so far.... i agree with everything you said!!!
  • lizziewhan
    lizziewhan Posts: 148 Member
    i am on week 10 of not following their diet plan...and my nutrition has been not so great the last 30 days...i guess thats to blame for the slow weight loss. BUT i am down 15.5 inches and its noticeable. people are telling me that i look this program DOES work. like others have said..had i had my nutrition on point id probably have even better results. i really love p90x but i cant wait to give turbofire a try next!
  • doo1963
    doo1963 Posts: 320 Member
    I almost done with the second round of p90x. I had more weight loss in the first round but the second round I have lost more inches. I agree with everyone's viewpoint on the nutrition. If you don't watch what you eat and limit your consumption of fried foods etc. then you will not get results. No amount of exercise will combat a bad diet.

    I think people see the results that people have gotten using p90x and think that all they have to do is order the program and they will get the same results. What they don't see is the hard work and dedication that went into getting those results.
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    I think that people also tend to confuse WEIGHT loss and FAT loss. Especially on programs such as P90X and ChaLEAN Extreme, your weight will not necessarily show your true results so you should not use weight as your sole measure of progress.

    Muscle is more dense and compact than fat, so it is possible to be smaller, yet weigh the same or sometimes more as you add muscle. Fat is less dense, so as you lose fat, you will get SMALLER even though the scale may not reflect the change. The idea is to build muscle (GAIN) and drop fat (LOSS) - the two may not necessarily cancel each other out. If you have more fat to lose to start with, you may see a larger drop on the scale. If you don't have as much fat to lose, the change in the scale may be less or even go in the other direction - however you will see a change in body fat percentage or the size of your waist - which is really what we are all aiming for anyway!

    And women - you can not bulk up from doing these programs. Bulking up requires testosterone, which we just flat out don't have enough of to end up looking like a she-Arnold. Not gonna happen.

    As to whether or not to choose P90X or ChaLEAN? Both are good, solid , muscle building programs. Yes, you can get the same results if you have a good solid lifting program in a gym. Yes, strength training to build muscle should be part of your exercise strategy. Why? Two very big reasons: muscle requires more calories to maintain (50 cals per day seems to be the quoted average), so it significantly raises your metabolism and burns more calories just by existing on your body. The other reason is that after the age of 35 (I've also read as early as 30), your body starts to lose up to 5% of muscle per every decade after if you don't do anything about it. That means that after age of 35, if you don't do anything to build and maintain muscle, you've got to start eating less or you'll gain fat. (Don't believe me? Look it up on Dr. Oz's website).

    Regardless of the exercise program you choose - you must, you must, you must clean up your diet or you won't get results.
  • carlyrenee1
    I think that people also tend to confuse WEIGHT loss and FAT loss. Especially on programs such as P90X and ChaLEAN Extreme, your weight will not necessarily show your true results so you should not use weight as your sole measure of progress.

    Muscle is more dense and compact than fat, so it is possible to be smaller, yet weigh the same or sometimes more as you add muscle. Fat is less dense, so as you lose fat, you will get SMALLER even though the scale may not reflect the change. The idea is to build muscle (GAIN) and drop fat (LOSS) - the two may not necessarily cancel each other out. If you have more fat to lose to start with, you may see a larger drop on the scale. If you don't have as much fat to lose, the change in the scale may be less or even go in the other direction - however you will see a change in body fat percentage or the size of your waist - which is really what we are all aiming for anyway!

    And women - you can not bulk up from doing these programs. Bulking up requires testosterone, which we just flat out don't have enough of to end up looking like a she-Arnold. Not gonna happen.

    As to whether or not to choose P90X or ChaLEAN? Both are good, solid , muscle building programs. Yes, you can get the same results if you have a good solid lifting program in a gym. Yes, strength training to build muscle should be part of your exercise strategy. Why? Two very big reasons: muscle requires more calories to maintain (50 cals per day seems to be the quoted average), so it significantly raises your metabolism and burns more calories just by existing on your body. The other reason is that after the age of 35 (I've also read as early as 30), your body starts to lose up to 5% of muscle per every decade after if you don't do anything about it. That means that after age of 35, if you don't do anything to build and maintain muscle, you've got to start eating less or you'll gain fat. (Don't believe me? Look it up on Dr. Oz's website).

    Regardless of the exercise program you choose - you must, you must, you must clean up your diet or you won't get results.
    Everyones body responds so differently. Personally I can be very thin in my upper body and gain all my weight in my lower body. I never lost inches in my lower body- only gained inches. My upper body definitely toned up - but I DID feel like "she-arnold" in my lower half :ohwell: With Chalean I have not gained any inches in my lower half- only lost inches :happy: This is totally my personal experiences though. I totally agree that you do have to clean up your diet- I was also not eating very Clean when I did P90x.
  • Melky06
    Just completed Day 10 and doing the exercises for the 2nd time and already made progress. I gained 3.5lbs in the first 2 weeks and ate extremely well and plenty of water. I have no worries my gain was fat related. I am doing a weight loss contest at work to help motivate me and lost 2.5lbs in 10 days then started px90 which resulted in a 3.5lb gain. I am seeing and feeling results in just a short amount of time and would like to say don't get fixated on your weight, fat is melting off and you prob. know muscle weighs more. I think I will eventually see a weight loss. This program is legit and very fun. Use your heads people the #'s on the scale are not the only focal point, do measurements, fat calipers, how to your clothes feel, etc. I can't fathom the thread here is not seeing results, you almost have to if your sticking to the plan and eating better. Think about what your really doing and make the necessary changes. Good Luck