QUESTIONS: working out with a trainer...

McBody Posts: 1,703 Member
edited September 24 in Chit-Chat
Hello fellow MFPals... I would like to know (serious feedback please) if you were going to workout with a private trainer... what would you expect from that trainer?


  • wHEN i HIRED MINE, i TOLD HER WHAT i EXPECTED. i SAID THAT i SEE ALL THESE TRAINERS AROUND the gym joking around with their client more than working them. I said I wanted a real Nazi. And, thats what I get.
  • You tell them what you want, they are supposed to give it to you. If not, fired!
  • Darth would be a good choice as a trainer.
  • joan_herzfeldt
    joan_herzfeldt Posts: 11 Member
    The first session with a Trainer is to set expectations and get a baseline of where you are at now. Trainers are usually educated on a variety of topics. So the question is What are you going to a trainer for? Do you want to build muscle in problem areas? Do you want to learn the proper form using free weights? Do you want them to help you with nutrition? Do you want to concentrate on burning fat or increasing your stamina? Or know how to work those funny looking machines in the back?

    You are in control, you tell them what you're looking for in a trainer. And if you're not sure what you need a good trainer should be able to point you in the right direction after talking about stuff for a while.

    BTW - I don't recommend doing free weights unless weight lifting is becoming a passion for you. Good form is hard to keep when you are tired and bad form will injure you. (just my two cents).

    Hope this helps.
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