What to do?

almondbliss Posts: 115
edited September 24 in Food and Nutrition
OK, it's 9:42pm here I just finished eating a large salad around 7:30 and feel stuffed and I clicked to complete my log and it told me I wasn't eating enough calories. Normally I eat a large apple for breakfast or a small bowl if Kashi cereal- Lunch I eat 100% whole wheat ham sandwich w/veggi crisps or Tilapia and 1/2 backed sweet potato and a glass of green tea- Supper I eat a large chef salad and a hard boiled egg on the side w/green tea...I manage to drink about 5-6 bottles of water a day also.
I'm not one for eating spinach, broccoli,cabbage,and a whole lot of other veggies....just can't seem to acquire a taste for them so this makes things a little bit harder.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    It sounds like you need to eat a larger breakfast and add in a snack. I'm not sure what your calorie goal is, but remember that your calorie goal is actually a baseline minimum, not a limit. You should be trying to get as close to that goal as possible. MFP even recommends reaching that number on days you exercise so you should be eating back your exercise calories (this is what I have a hard time doing.) GOOD LUCK!!!
  • Anidorie
    Anidorie Posts: 291 Member
    ifyou are needing alot of calories in a small amount eat nuts. if you are needing few calories with alot of volume...eat special k
  • pmiller1723
    pmiller1723 Posts: 7 Member
    u do need to add a snack or 2 make sure it has some protien and carb to get the max energy boost. Yogurt is great and u can sneak in some fruit to increase fruit and veggie in take. peanut butter and apple slices is another fav
  • it sounds like to me from reading what you ate today.....not enough protein either. You need to eat at least 5-6 times a day in smaller quantities. That will give you the right amount of calories, etc. Add in a couple more snacks (protein shakes are high in calories and protein) Good luck!
  • I'm having the same problem! I have like 350 calories left over AFTER eating dinner. And, it's even worse if I exercised that day. I try to eat a bowl of cereal with raisins and soy milk around 9:00pm. I don't go to bed until like 1:00am, so eating at 9:00pm is not an issue for me. I add in a tablespoon of flax seed oil (120 calories) to make sure I get my good fat, and that helps. But, usually, I'm still under my 1200 goal also.

    I was watching Dr. Oz the other day and they had people on there who were eating only 500 calories a day on the HCG diet and they were STILL losing weight. So, I figure if they able to walk around and function on 500 calories, then what's the big deal if I'm slightly under 1,200? It certainly isn't gonna kill me. I try to stay above 1,000 calories at all times though.

    I can't eat nuts of any kind (allergy), or gluten either. So, nuts are out for me. But, they do pack a big calories punch and they are super good for you!
  • forestdancers
    forestdancers Posts: 146 Member
    Eating a good protion of your calories for breakfast is a good idea since we can burn off those calories during the day and it helps to make you feel full for longer. Keep the fruit your eating but use it as snaks.
  • For many yrs I never ate breakfast. I would feel sick to my stomach for some reason....I will definitely try these things suggested. I just feel so full all the time with all that water and green tea. Goal Calorie intake is 1400, but I do cardio for and hour and weight training for 30-45mins at least 4 days a week....so like today after all my workout was complete I burned 554 calories. I was an emotional eater for many years...so the thought of eating 5 and 6 meals worries me a little....I know it's small meals....But That is A lot of chewing and swallowing....and you know what comes after that...Doo tha Potty Dance!

    Thanks for the advice
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I think a lot of us have a very uneasy relationship with food - it's hard to not see it as the enemy, when really it is just like the fuel and oil that we put in our cars - I wouldn't drive without these and your body won't function well either. Part of this journey needs to be working out how you function best and just how much you need to eat to lose the weight you need to while staying healthy.

    It's ultimately your decision how many calories you eat, but if the number is on the low side make sure you are getting good nutritional value out of your calories. Could you just add a little more to the meals you are having - add a bit of avocado to your sandwich, a bit of olive oil dressing to your salad, maybe a smoothie for a snack during the day, or a bit of yummy greek yoghurt with some berries and a little drizzle of honey - heaven!
  • I will try my best, cause I'm not gonna lose this battle.....gone check out the recipes....and thanks for the info and support.
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