Hello everyone!!!

My name is Alex and I am ready to change my life!!! I will become a NEW person and prove to myself and others that I am not weak!:) I need as much help as possible and encouragement, so please, feel free to add me! I do tend to give up sometimes...Need a loooooot of motivation! Can't wait to see what will happen! I see some amazing results around here!!! Thank you all!!!!:)))


  • Livie_Marie
    Hi Alex, welcome! I have been here about a week and a half and the tools on this site are fantastic, and I am already making friends to boot! Lots of support, lots of good recipes, just lots of motivation if you go it alone or in a pack. My name is Livie, and feel free to friend me if you'd like!:happy:
  • go80k80
    go80k80 Posts: 22 Member
    Alex, you are going to do great! You can do this and will! Let me know if you ever need anything!