Anybody regret the major they took in college?



  • marji4x
    marji4x Posts: 144 Member
    I went to school to be an animator and I didn't face too much pressure form my parents otherwise although my dad kept darkly hinting that I should join the army cause it would be more stable and give me better health coverage (WHICH IS TRUE by the way hahaha).

    But I stuck with it and now I am living the dream, being a cartoon animator! I love my life and I have no regrets.

    I will say though that I had a lot of luck coupled with hard work and effort. I've seen talented people not make it in this industry or struggle to find a job or even support a family on this stuff. And I've seen people not work hard and fall through the cracks. It's a definite risk.

    So it's not all perfect. And I know a LOT of kids who wasted their parents (or their own) money on art college and are now working retail or fast food or something (nothing wrong with that....just sad if you spent upwards of 20-30k a year on college degrees).

    So I know a lot of parents are really concerned for their kids not succeeding. It happens all the time, people don't work hard enough and waste their degree.

    If you know you're not this person, then GO FOR IT....don't do a job you hate and live with the regret. You may have to go against your parents ideas, but try to respect where they are coming from.

    Now that I am a success and I work on a show on tv, my dad is all talking about his "famous" daughter and how great my job is hahaha ;D

    But it takes effort and you are taking a risk. It's up to you in the end, not your parents :)
  • modifyinglife
    @marj I love your story. I totally agree that when you go into "untraditional" industries you do have to work harder because there are so many people and not many jobs. I'm glad that you are a success and are enjoying what you do. What show do you work for if you dont mind me asking?
  • jmwolffyy
    jmwolffyy Posts: 212 Member
    Only because there is NOTHING I can do with a Bachelor's in Psychology! I either have to keep going for a Master's or higher, or I have to find something else to do... I found a small niche for myself, but then got laid off when the company decided they didn't need my department. I can work in direct care type jobs but most of those pay minimum and I didn't get a BA to earn minimum. I will probably go back myself, because I DO like the field, but it may take a while before I can afford any more education bills.
  • marji4x
    marji4x Posts: 144 Member
    Word Girl on PBS :)

    It's not super well known but I'm a big fan :D
  • modifyinglife
    @wolfy yes I've heard you need your phd to like actually practice. My cousin is a phycologist and had to get her phd

    @marj thats awesome! I'll check it out one day =]
  • heyitsmekatie
    heyitsmekatie Posts: 544 Member
    i started down the path of elementary education. luckily, the major had internships where i could "play" teacher. it was there that i learned that teaching wasn't for me. even though i had only one semester left in that major, i changed it and started in a completely different major -- management information systems. best decision i ever made!
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Slightly...I was a business marketing major, and a Spanish minor, which turned into a major. Then, I went and got my masters in education, taught for 3 years, wasn't my thing. So now I'm getting another masters in Spanish linguistics, and then hopefully my doctorate. I'm 29, and have been in school for 22 whole years. I'm getting sick of school....and tired. Hopefully, will be done soon.
  • shelliewu
    Word Girl on PBS :)

    It's not super well known but I'm a big fan :D

    That's a great show! My kids used to watch it a lot... I wish they still would.

    To original poster: you have to do what you love. My Mom and 2 of her sisters went to nursing school in the 90s because there was a shortage in our area. Now they are all burnt out on their careers. My cousin is a radiation therapist and hates it so she is cutting down to part time to open a children's boutique. I was stupid. I received my degree in biology because I love biology but had no idea what to do with it. Fortunately, teaching soon found me. I had to take 3 classes and a few tests to get my certification. I love what I do! I think some things would be easier if I would have just gone for my teaching degree but on the other hand I really know my subject area and can teach more than what's in the textbook.
    Anyway... go for what YOU want to do, Your family shouldn't be pressuring you to do what they want you to do. They should be supporting your decision.
  • MrsDickie
    Here's a different spin:

    I majored in Theatre, because I loved it and was passionate about it. I was good at it too.
    Now that I've graduated....I do regret my decision, unfortunately.
    Yes I did what I loved and what made me happy....but it's not making me happy now. It's not doing anything for me anymore, I've changed.

    I think it's really tough to know what's the 'right choice' when you're 18.

    My advice: do something that you're proud to tell people, whatever that may long as you can say it with confidence then you're probably doing something that's right for you. I hope that makes sense!

    all the best!
  • tinboy
    tinboy Posts: 121 Member
    Don't get your LPN (aka Little Play Nurse) . LPNs are being phased out. The hospital that I work for...LPNs were allowed to work as nursing assistants, but now they just aren't even hired. LPNs don't work at hospitals. They work at nursing homes because there isn't much use for them in a hospital. least in California, they are already pretty much phased out of the hospitals. I don't know about other locations. I've been a nurse for 31+ years. I didn't have parental pressure to do that, but certainly there were familial influences. I took 5 years of college education...Completed my BS in Home Economics Education (a multi-subject degree consisting of: clothing, consumer education, nutrition, and early child development), then finished my ADN (associate degree nursing---that's what they called it in my day!!) the next year. Although, I enjoyed taking the Home Ec classes, if I did it over again, I'd just do nursing. At the time, they didn't have a BSN program where I went to college. There are a lot of different type of jobs in nursing, it has variety. But, it is a lot of hard work and very stressful (on-going from school to work). Personally, I think taking a 2 year to 4 year degree (so you can become an RN before completing the BSN, that way if things change, you can still get out there and work) makes the most sense. However, if your heart isn't in nursing, it may not be for you. Not everyone can do fashion merchandising ...if you have talent and love it AND think you can get work and that it will support you adequately; I'd say go for it and don't feel guilty! Certainly, there is less job opportunity there than in nursing, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't do it. I am not knowlegeble about jobs in fashion merchandising . But as a parent, I would discourage (and have done so) my daughter from getting a college degree in something that can't "feed you"! My job has kept the bills paid; at times I've been burnt out, and hated it; but for the most part, it is just a job with good things and bad things about it, and at times it is very rewarding. Just my $0.02 Good luck in your choices and future, I wish you the best!