starting anew..

In April 2004 I had gall bladder surgery. That day I weighed 318 lbs. The surgery went well, but the surgeon told me that my liver was fatty and HUGE, and I was pre-diabetic. I was 33. He also told me that the cure for insulin resistance was weight loss and that he could guarantee my success, but it would not be easy. He was right on both counts. I followed his plan and lost 166 lbs, regaining both my health and my access to cute clothes.

Fast forward to the present.. I turned to food again following some personal issues and serious financial setbacks. By January 2009, I was up to 203 and now, in February 2011, I am a dismal 228. :(

The good news is I already know how to lose this excess weight; I've done it before! I am really confident that MFP can help me do it again.

I am setting three 25 lb weight loss goals:

228 --> 203 --> 178 --> 153

Wish me luck!!


  • christinehay78
    christinehay78 Posts: 82 Member
    Goodluck! You CAN do this!! xx
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    Best of luck to you on your journey. But this time, think of this as a lifestyle change instead of a diet. Learn to make healthier chooses and it will become a habit. A good habit to follow you through life. Plus you will lead by example. Become a leader in your own right. Best wishes to you.
  • cynusps
    cynusps Posts: 72 Member
    You will make it and be an encouragement to the rest of us.
  • bren101283
    Good Luck.! I'm trying to start new also. Making it a lifestyle change not just a diet. If you don't mind me asking what were you doing before when you had all the success?
  • windwaterbliss
    thanks everyone!!

    I did make a lifestyle change but I succumbed to circumstance, and I think depression, and decided I didn't care. Well, I care now and I am back to my formerly healthy lifestyle.. for life!

    @bren I basically detailed the plan I followed to lose the weight on my profile page. I am new here and not sure who it is visible to so i'll add you as a friend and maybe you'll find something good for you in it. :)