my experiment

HomestarRunner Posts: 13 Member
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
I am trying to lose my baby weight. It is not easy by any means, and my biggest support has been a friend who lives far away. My husband means well, but he always says things in such a way that gets me down-makes me feel like he just doesnt get it. Anyhow, I was an exercise science major in college, and we were always taught the same thing over and over again. Eat Less, Work out More. And when it comes to the mathematics of it, its really that plain and simple. But what is not that simple is the genetics, and behavioral issues. Psychology of it plays a part as well. So I am trying and experiment over the next 18 weeks to see what works best for my body.

1st 6 weeks-I am dieting. I know they say-dont diet, just eat healthy-but I feel sometimes its easier to limit my choices. Also I will work out twice a day. THe focus here is portion control, and choosing foods that always seem healthy. For instance, like grapefruit for breakfast., salads for lunch, veggies with protein for dinner. And I can only have one serving of whatever I am eating.

2nd 6 weeks-running-I hate running. Its boring. It hurts my knees. But everyone tells me-its the best Its what burns more calories than anything. Well I am not inclined to believe them-but I will give it 6 weeks and see how much weight comes off. During these days-I will simply be calorie counting. The type of food will still be important, but the focus is on the running.

Final 6 weeks-cutting sugar some people have told me that cutting out sugar is what helped them lose weight-so I will try it. I think this one will be the hardest, but we'll see

Then I will compare my weight loss between the three 6 week periods, and see which one was the most effective.


  • Your experiment sounds quite interesting and as a added bonus, it will keep you mentally busy and challenged in the name of science. ;)

    Good luck with it!!

    P.S. - love the screen name....homestar runner is awesome. :)
  • forestdancers
    forestdancers Posts: 146 Member
    If you have access to a pool I would sugest running in the pool to lessen the impact on your knees. Joints don't heal well when they are injured so I would want to protect them for future use.
    Spin Classes actually would burn more calories than running and be easier on the joint too.
    For a good burn with less impact maybe make use of the snow and try out snowshoeing. The calories burned doing that is also impresive.

    Good luck.
  • Great start............but I don't think that running will be the best way for you. If you hate running you may become very bored and eventually stop. The concept of running is great. It will increase your heart rate into a "fat burning" zone. And that is where it should be for your cardio workout. But, if you can find an exercise that you enjoy that will increase your heart rate, you will have a better chance at success. I love going to the gym and doing my cardio on the elliptical (much better on the knees than running). I do cardio for an hour and then hit the wieght machines. I have been going to the gym for almost 3 weeks now and feel better, have more energy, lost inches and a few pounds. And yes, cutting out sugar will definately help.......but if you are "addicted" to sugar, then slowly decrease the use, while introducing a substitute (better chance of success). I would start decreasing the sugar now instead of later.......Good Luck at your success!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Good Luck!!!!!

    Keep us posted!:flowerforyou:
  • ladybird_
    ladybird_ Posts: 55 Member
    This is a great idea, and I fully agree that the math portion of weight loss is simple, but that there is where the simplicity stops cold in its tracks. I am not being critical, but... I see one flaw in the experiment because your final weeks will probably show increased weight loss as compared to the first weeks due to the increased calorie burning capabilities of increase in lean muscle ratio that will come with the running program.
  • HomestarRunner
    HomestarRunner Posts: 13 Member
    thanks. I should snowshoe. There is plenty of snow here
  • HomestarRunner
    HomestarRunner Posts: 13 Member
    you're absolutely right. I am also comparing how I feel, and how I can manage each thing as well. But I know-it can be perfect. More than anything, I just want to lose weight
  • HomestarRunner
    HomestarRunner Posts: 13 Member
    thanks. good advice
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    This is a great idea, and I fully agree that the math portion of weight loss is simple, but that there is where the simplicity stops cold in its tracks. I am not being critical, but... I see one flaw in the experiment because your final weeks will probably show increased weight loss as compared to the first weeks due to the increased calorie burning capabilities of increase in lean muscle ratio that will come with the running program.
    Consider switching the 3rd and 1st weeks goals to get an actual sugar only result without the added benefit of having done strenuous exercise for the preceding 12 weeks. You might also find you need the extra energy while running.

    I find that for me the key to motivated running is doing it somewhere you enjoy and have great music to help you keep a good rhythm. I used to live near the ocean and would run on the boardwalk everyday. I miss both!!

    When I was walking 4miles everyday, I used that time as meditation - get outside of the daily grind and really converse with yourself or God (if that's what you believe in), nature or just to the air. Or just listen to what's going through your mind when you're alone. We can be so wrapped up in daily living that we never really listen to our inner selves. Sometimes we just need to verbalize what we're feeling and it all gets to feeling better and a little more manageable.

    Either way, good luck to you. I'm curious to see the results.
  • HomestarRunner
    HomestarRunner Posts: 13 Member
    thank you. thats a good idea.
  • jipper44
    jipper44 Posts: 111
    Was so happy to see the HomestarRunner screenname...It's been a while since I've seen the Brianrietta skit (my fav) :)
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