sixth week check in


this week weight is same as last week, and measurements have not changed in 3 weeks,

I am still walking 2 miles a day. Whats up with that!!

getting a little discouraged


  • Anna19911
    Try walking a little bit longer. Or maybe doing a sprint inbetween miles. Also Make sure your eating enough calories.
  • Slthompson1982
    I would say that you are probably gaining muscle in your legs from walking. Also our bodies get bored with the same exercise routine.

    here are some suggestions that have worked for me:

    try adding in some resistance training or weight lifting
    try adding intervals of speed walking or jogging if able between intervals of brisk walking.
    make sure you are tracking everything you eat accurately.
    try eating less processed foods and more whole foods.

    Hope this helps!
  • Betsy1111
    Betsy1111 Posts: 19 Member
    Don't feel bad, I've lost .1 lbs in the last 2 weeks! Not fair!!! I'm thinking I might need to go from eating 3 peas a day to only 2!

    Kidding, mine is about not getting to the gym.

    Love you, keep up the good work!