severe stomach cramps while running

little_lion Posts: 18
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey everyone. This post contains some information which might be TMI for some people (especially guys) so .. just warning you. :)

I am doing Couch to 5k at the moment and I am currently on week 3. I've done 3 runs this week. The first was on Tuesday AM, outside, however after about 5 mins I developed really bad pains in my lower stomach - it felt exactly like period pains but REALLY bad (I have never had period pains this bad in my life). I stopped running and went home (doubled over in pain ..) thinking I had appendicitis or something (haha) however I laid down for about 15 mins with a hot bean bag on my tummy and eventually the pain went away.

(On Wednesday AM I came on my period so I decided that must have been the reason...)

I ran again in the gym on the treadmill on Wednesday morning and felt no pain at all and completed my run with no problems.

Today (Friday) I went back to the gym in the morning and ran again, after about 15 mins I felt the pain begin again but decided to carry on to see I could 'run through it'. By the end of my run I was in huge amounts of pain again, I couldn't even walk the 5 minute cool down at the end, so I got off the machine and sat in the stretching area, trying to stretch it out (made no difference).. Starting to feel a bit embarassed because I was trying not to cry! LOL. After about 10 mins I decided to use the weight machines for my arms because at least then I'd be sitting down. On the walk to the machine I was in so much pain I thought I was going to throw up..
Anyway, the pain lasted about 15 mins and then I was able to carry on with my workout (bike & elliptical) as though nothing had happened.

Has anyone else experienced this?? Is it something I am doing wrong, e.g. breathing wrong? I am going to ask a fitness coach for advice next time I am at the gym but wondered if anyone had an answer on here. I am really enjoying running and building my way to doing 5k which is a big fitness motivation for me.. So I don't want this to stop me running :(

Thanks !


  • The first thing that comes to mind is dehydration...are you drinking enough water? After speaking to your fitness coach you may want to speak to your doctor as well. It's odd how the pain comes and then goes. Hope it gets better for you.
  • If the pain is that severe, I would go see a doctor about it. And sooner rather than later. Abdominal pain like that is not something to mess around with. Better to be safe than sorry. (I say this having learned the lesson the hard way too many times.)
  • benitocereno
    benitocereno Posts: 101 Member
    Yep, it's most likely your breathing :smile:. I've had the same thing on occasion, as does my wife when we run together. After some experience and focusing on your breathing it should mostly go away. If it hurts when you're running slow down, go into a walk, focus on your breathing rhythm, then try again. Good luck :smile:

    PS. One thing you didn't mention is what you ate before either of these workouts (unless I missed it!). You may want to try some anti-gas medication about an hour before your run to see if it helps. Yes, it can really hurt _that bad_.
  • maryrunslikeafox
    maryrunslikeafox Posts: 136 Member
    Definitely don't stop running! I just started running again too! I am training for a half marathon in April. Just out of curiosity, how close to your runs are you eating? Sometimes when I eat too close to the time I am running I get stomach cramps. The other day this happened to me. I know what you mean about feeling like period pain. It might be gas from what you ate. Pain from gas can be completely horrible! I try to have the last thing I ate about 3 hours before I run. Before I run, I stop drinking glasses of water an hour before (I bring water to sip on during my run though)... and I usually use gatorade prime before my long runs. It's an energy pack, I use it if I'm going over 3 miles.
  • amg_89
    amg_89 Posts: 184
    I used to have that SAME problem when I ran cross country in high school. I can't tell you what caused it, but it did eventually go away. There is hope! Now I'm not saying this had anything to do with my issue, but when I got into college I stopped eating meat and haven't had the issue since. That's really the only correlation I can find..I also switched from white carbs to wheat or whole grain once i got to college
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Three things to keep in mind...Frequency, Intensity and Duration. The description you give is of INTENSE pain, it has happened several times and the frequency seems to be increasing, not decreasing, and it seems your pain lasted quite a while after you stopped running (15 min is long IMHO). Go to the doctor. Do not keep running. I agree that you should be safe rather than sorry. Too many times people put off (me included) going to the doctor thinking something will just go away. Get it checked out so you can know for sure if it is something serious or not. Don't rely on your trainer to diagnose you!
  • I'm a vegetarian so don't eat meat anyway.. Umm I usually have a bowl of porridge and a banana about 1.5 hours before i exercise, do you think that i should leave it longer after I eat? or maybe just have the banana? I don;t think i'm dehydrated, I drink a lot of water before and during exercising..
    The breathing information looks really useful, thank you!
    Also could it be anything to do with my posture?? :\
  • riley711
    riley711 Posts: 298 Member
    I'm not a runner although I want to try the C25K program. :smile: However, your cramps sound like either dehydration or a potassium deficiency. Whenever I start cramping, I drink a large glass of orange juice and lots of water.
  • kmtetour
    kmtetour Posts: 300 Member
    I'm going to agree with the breathing thing. I have narrow nasal passages and I get cramping a lot. Try using breath right strips when you are working out. A lot of pro athletes do that.
  • im a very experienced runner and i always leave 2.5 hours minimum after eating before i run and i dont drink any energy drinks within 60 mins prior to running either.

    My pre-running meal will be small but loaded with energy and you need to make sure your water intake is adequate.
    Dont eat a lot before training, just eat a high energy meal.
    Peanut butter sandwich is perfect. Then eat within 30 mins of finishing.

    You just need to do the right things before you run and also visit the docs.
  • I hope you are warmin up properly too prior to running. A brisk walk of at least 2 mins with deep breathing will help.
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    I made the mistake of eating taco bell before a run when I was just starting out. I thought I was going to die right there on the treadmill. Definately look at what you're eating. I've never had the pain come back :)
  • Is my food diary public? (Sorry I'm new so not sure how to work it out!) But you can see what I am eating on there if nutrition could be a problem.
    I always warm up, I do stretches and walk for 5 mins before running.
    I will definitely try leaving a longer gap after eating though, and also change my breathing.
    Does anyone have any tips for breathing properly when running?
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    I was drawn to this topic because I too have recently experienced quite severe cramps while exercising... mostly while walking.

    Mine feel more like a "stitch" but more intense, and I do try to keep going through the pain, but it does slow me down! And it's always on the left side of my lower abdomen! TBH, I thought nothing of it until I read the posts here, I was putting it down to drinking too much water just before my walk!

    **edited to add... I just head from my friend that a cramp in the side or lower abdomen is due to exhaling while stepping onto the right foot!!
  • lainglesita
    lainglesita Posts: 90 Member
    I would have a couple days' rest and take it down a notch and see if that has an impact. If not I would talk to someone at the gym or go see a doctor.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    I was getting bad cramping about 2 miles or 20 mins into my runs after about 1 month of running and they were sharp cramps that forced me to slow down, one person on here suggested that I exhale when my left foot lands to prevent it and surprisingly enough once I did this the cramps did not happen, do not ask me to explain how or why but it worked for me.
  • Definitely try exhaling when your left foot comes down. I had cramps for years and years and years and years (high and beyond) and it magically went away when I started breathing correctly!

    I am also a very experienced runner. I've been running since 1999. I don't know what classifies as "severe" pain...I mean these side stitches were severe when I first started getting them because I wasn't used to getting them. Sometimes they can be so bad that they literally stop you in your tracks. People who just start running for the first time may think they're dying when really they're just not that used to the stress running puts on the body.

    For me, food has nothing to do with it...I can be eating as I'm walking out the door to run and it doesn't matter. I can eat meats, veggies, tacos, BURGERS, it doesn't matter....It's all about breathing for me! Sometimes I'm in the zone and BOOM, a cramp comes on, and I realize that I had been exhaling on the right foot instead of the left...oops. I'll correct it and it will go away within a minute!

    Good luck with your race! Everyone has their own personal rituals but you will find what works for you :tongue:
  • Really interested in this breathing on the left foot thing.. What do you mean? When I run, the pace my feet move at is much faster than my pace of breathing... so do you just mean BEGIN exhaling when my left foot hits the ground? or should I be breathing really really fast so it goes right, inhale, left, exhale...?
  • obviously you're going to take more than one stride with your feet while you're inhaling....just make sure that when you exhale, your left foot hits the ground at the point in which you blow the air out of your lungs. I probably exhale every 4 strides.

    I dont know how else to explain it lol...theres lots of articles online if you google it :)
  • nady20
    nady20 Posts: 1
    I had the exact same problem today while running exactly how you described! The only possible thing I can think of is that you are 2-3 days off getting your period and the heavy exercise is just too much? I jogged slowly once the pain had subsided and it was much better but I was going about 1/3 of my original pace
    also have been running for years, eat well - and ate at least 2 hrs before my run. I was breathing correctly and it was a normal run I do often so I really believe its linked to your cycle!
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