2.5 weeks and nothing



  • TigerRus
    TigerRus Posts: 5 Member
    You know, I really WANT to like oatmeal. I just can't. I try it every year or so, and I still can't stomach it. Not without putting in a ton of sugar and cinnamon! So I just don't do it. I keep to non-sweetened cereal and I add no extra sugar.
  • rtmpmm
    This is my first post, but i have been doing this for a while now. If I can be honest, it looks like you are eating a lot of empty calories, which won't help you lose weight, you have lots of salads which is great but, you could probably switch up some of your snacks with something else. You could probably add more protein and fiber rich foods as well. Eggs, chicken etc. Don't get me wrong, I love me some carbs, but I have found that the more sugar and carbs I eat, the less I lose. When I make pasta now I use a whole wheat pasta. I still eat bread, but it's a fiber rich grain bread. When I need something sweet I have a fiber one 90 cal chocolate peanut butter bar, yummy!! Good Luck!!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,248 Member
    I feel your pain, frustrated too... how can people on the biggest looser loose 10 lbs in a week. I am kicking my *kitten* doing kickboxing 3x per week then resistance bands 3x per week and eating clean and it is coming off in inches but I want that scale to move too.....

    they have professional dietiticians and personal trainers, they work out at the very least 3 hours EVERY day.

    If we all had that too you bet we would be super skinny too.

    although 10 lbs a week isn't the most healthiest way to do it.

    Also realize, based on what a former contestant has come out about, a week on BL may not actually be a week. It could be quite a bit longer. Realize also that the "last chance workout" is a chance to dehydrate to lower one's weight when the get to the scale. BL is probably the worst place to look for examples

    To the original poster, you calories look pretty good, but how do they compare to how you ate before you started this? I have never used EA for working out, so I have no idea what their workout is like if it has a lot of strength building exercises, you may be building muscle (especially if you were really sedentary before). Maybe add 30 minutes of more cardio type exercise from a DVD of some sort. I used Tae bo for the longest time.

    Finally, I know I am going against the grain here. Try not eating your exercise calories for a week. See what happens. Even though many people here will warn you it will put you in starvation mode, a week won't do that by simply not eating your exercise calories.

    Finally, are you sure on the measures of your servings? If your portions are a little over on them, it will add up very quickly. I personally weigh most things as other measures are fairly imprecise.

    Finally, realize that the serving size of the nutritional label on pre-made foods (bread, granola bars, and the like) are often inaccurate because the actual serving is larger than the one on the nutritional label. I did a little test once with some bread. The calories were 200 or so to two slices, but with that was included the number of grams that was supposed to be. I took two slices and weighed them, they weighed about 10% more than the weight of a serving. That would have added 10% to the calories as well. Basically, what this means is you are probably eating, as am I, are eating more calories than you think. This could be a lot more if you are not careful with measuring. It is because of that fact, that I wouldn't worry about not eating your exercise calories for a week. If you start losing weight, you know that either you are over estimating the calories you are burning or underestimating the calories you are eating.
  • TigerRus
    TigerRus Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the ideas, everyone!
  • angelahanks
    Seems like everyone is giving you good advice. I would double check to make sure that the calories you are eating are quality calories (i.e. the lean proteins, fruits, and veggies). Reevaluate your salt and sugar intake. It could be that your body is in "starvation mode."