Suddenly unable to work out? What's going on?

So I took 2 days off of working out (tues and wed) for my knees. Yesterday I tried to begin again, and ended up having to pause a dvd I could do straight through (not easily, but able to do). Today, I'm trying to do another one I could do before my 2 day break, and I've paused it less than 3 minutes in b/c I needed a break. I feel fine otherwise, but anyone know why I suddenly can't do these dvd's?


  • drosenbauer
    Maybe you're fighting a cold? Allergies? Not drinking enough water?
  • thetennesseekid
    thetennesseekid Posts: 8 Member
    This is most probably a mental thing. You've got used to not excercising because you've told yourself you 'can't' do it because of your knee. You'll snap out of it soon, don't worry, but don't leave it too long and get back into the swing of things. Try to get your momentum back by literally telling yourself that you need to do this, and in the end, you'll do it.

  • adriayellow11
    Sleep, sodium, alcohol, stress all have an effect on our neuromuscular systems.
  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    It's possible you've changed your posture to avoid hurting your knees - perhaps actually doing the correct posture - which will not injure the knees - and that could be like starting from the beginning. It's possible that you were putting all your weight on your knees rather than your gut and quads....

    Remember to never let your knees bend further than your toes - it will hurt every time!
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    I have the same problem. I was doing 25 minute runs on C25k, took 2 days off (not injury related - friends in town) and had a really hard time doing 8 and 5 minute runs at the same speeds and under the exact same conditions. It is really frustrating! I imagine we'll snap out of it (fingers crossed). Maybe it's just a mood thing? Try playing some agreessive music (eminem or something) to see if it gets your blood pumpin.
  • RoseEnvy
    I have the same problem today.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    Is it pain, your fitness level, or psychological? I didn't catch that from your post.....
  • kristie874
    kristie874 Posts: 774 Member
    Some days I have the same thing happen to me. Sometimes my body feels strong and I have all of the energy in the world, and other days it takes everything I've got just to get through one of my simple workouts. Make sure you're getting enough rest, food, and water. I think it's just how we are sometimes...just feel tired for no reason.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    From looking into your diary I see 2 problems, 1 is protein content, you are not getting a lot and the second is carb content. Not all carbs are created equal, the body digests certain carbs faster and some slower, you want slow carbs, Kidney beans, black beans, legumes, broccoli, spinach all are great sources of slow carbs. Secondly start the morning out with 30g of protein withing 30 minutes of waking, this will start your energy levels off at a much higher level and keep the metabolic rate higher. If its due to joint pain then try taking some Swiss glusoamine/chondriotin joint care this will lube the joints. I would also recommend an omega 3 supplement as it does not look like you are getting much in your diet.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Having to pause from being tired or because of your knees? Because it sounds like you were having trouble before as well if you had to take 2 days off because of your knees?

    Check what you are eating too - I have a hard time with workouts if I am not eating enough or if I am not eating good stuff. Definitely check the water intake too. And has something as easy as the temperature or pressure changed in the last few days?

    It could be mental too, after having a break.

    Or, are you sure you are pressing yourself at the same level? If you are trying to push harder than before you won't get as far and might feel like you are doing less but you may be doing what you are doing harder.

    My advise - just take it slow and steady. If you have to pause for a while, that's fine. If it doesn't improve as you do more and more reevaluate, figure out what exactly is delaying you, and go from there. Even from one day to the next your exercise level and ability can change. Moody, sleepiness, water retention, soreness, personal motivation, distractions, diet, etc all factor in day to day.
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    I'm not in pain, and I'm in better shape than I've been in years. It might be psychological, but I was excited to work out again. It's more like I just can't do it--I'm gasping and wheezing and out of form, where I wasn't doing these same videos sunday/monday. I'm so confused!
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Same here. I was traveling and sick for the past 4 days, so I wasn't able to work out much (except I did do a little walking on a treadmill at the hotel's fitness room once). I'm just so exhausted today and can hardly finish a DVD myself. :( Booo. Hope you get it all figured out. Perhaps tomorrow you'll feel better. I'm going to push through a cardio workout later this evening (and I'm at least going to be doing Kendell Hogan's Explosive Cardio... It's actually FUN! :) ) I'm COUNTING on feeling better tomorrow! I bet it's partially psychological since these past few days I haven't been eating too well either.

    Good luck. :) Keep pushing it.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    If you are gasping and wheezing it sounds like either a respiratory infection, chronic lack of glycogen in the muscles, or onset of exercise induced asthma. Try a change of venue to a quick outdoor run or some other form of exercise see if that helps in any way. Sometimes the outdoor air can be beneficial. I would recommend seeing a doctor though given what you described.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Sometimes I think it's mental, (worried about injury, other crap on my mind) and sometimes I think I haven't had the right nutrition or the right amount of hydration during the day. If those things are messing with my performance then doubt sets in and it's really hard to push it out. It can turn into a vicious cycle. One thing that's important to remember, not all of your workouts will be perfect. I had a horrible run this morning, but it was the first bad one in a long time. I know there will be others. I know there will be others because I will keep running. You have to keep going. Do everything you can to make your workouts good, (eat right, drink enough, get enough rest) but when they don't go well, *kitten* the situation and keep going. If it's an injury, TREAT IT. Don't wait around to see if it'll get better on it's own. If you can't do your normal workout, DO SOMETHING ELSE, stretch, do upper body, ANYTHING. This will keep your mind in exercise mode and you won't feel down for missing anything.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Uh, gasping and wheezing are not good things and it is cold and flu season, my husband was feeling tired during workouts and had a severe lack of motivation and a week later we found out he had pneumonia. So what I'm getting at is your body may be trying to tell you something, it could be illness coming, it could be dehydration, eating the wrong types of foods etc. If you don't feel better you should consider going to a doctor.

    If it helps at all, I have had weeks like that where my body just doesn't want to cooperate with what I'm telling it to do and I take that hint to take it back a notch, look at what I'm eating, make sure I'm drinking enough water and getting enough sleep, I keep at it at a slower pace and within a few days to a week I'm back to normal and feeling great. Sometimes rest is all it takes to get back to full form sooner but listen to your body it will thank you!
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    oh, and as a TMI side note, my body can feel run down sometimes right before TOM or a migraine but there are usually no breathing issues, just throwing that into the mix for consideration.........even though I'm not a doctor :wink:
    TNGURL Posts: 89 Member
    Hey girl, maybe you didn't sleep good? Or you have some underlying stress? Or maybe you haven't eat enough of the right stuff for energy... I think we all have " off " days like this. Don't worry, I'm sure you're fine, just listen to what your body is telling you!