I really struggle- need advice PLEASE

neelixo2 Posts: 14 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
hello everyone, I have always had weight issues. I currently weigh 86.6kg.
I have stuck to 1200 calories this week and so far lost nothing- which has upset me.
I do not eat bad foods and have increased my cals 1300 a day incase not eating enough.
Problem is if I eat alot I gain weight :-( I am starting aerobic classes tomorrow
And am not sure if I have to eat calories I burn or not? Any advice would be great as
Feeling pretty down. Thanks


  • dracobaby82
    dracobaby82 Posts: 380 Member
    You know I have been the same way... I've now been on this site for a month only lost 6 pounds... just keep going, don't give up, and here soon you will see a difference! Give it time, soon enough you'll notice a weight loss, and maybe even a loss in inches!
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    Always eat a minimum of 50% of the calories you burn. Up you daily calorie limit to 1,400 and see if that help. I've found 1,400 to be the magic # for many ppl who say 1,200 isn't enough. Also, are your portion sizes accurate?
  • Andie1515
    Andie1515 Posts: 2 Member
    I highly recommend trying something like the South Beach diet. That is what I'm on and I started last week. My food diary is open so you can see what I eat. I know it's probably a drastic change but it really is worth it.
  • I started at 1200 calories and changed mine to 1750 after reading some of the boards - I don't eat that much - but it allows for me to do it - I have also found that ZUMBA is a very good workout for me. After reading Shawn's blog he inspired me on how to pace myself and how he works out M-W off Thursday workout F-S off Sunday - I am using some of his expertise and it is really helping me.
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    1200 calories is a really small amount of food. I weigh about 61 kg, and 1200 is what is recommended for me to lose weight. So, my normal diet would be about 1700 to maintain what I have now.

    Second, if you have only followed this diet for one week, you can't expect to lose a ton of weight. Weight loss takes time. We're not on "Biggest Loser" where we have a personal trainer screaming in our ear and someone literally watching everything we eat.

    I highly recommend you go to see a registered dietician about your weight loss efforts so they can give you some practical advice.
  • Hi, congrats! Calories consumed plus more needs to be used to lose weight. It is a balance thing. If you consume as many calories that you burn, you will remain approx. the same weight. To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume. Starting aerobics is a fantastic start! This site helps you track everything! Remember to also put in your coffe creamers, marinades, salad dressings, etc.....I found that I was using lots of calories in my coffee creamer. I now measure most everything to be more accurate on my calorie consumption. Also track your vitamins, some of them have calories. I hope this helps.............
  • forestdancers
    forestdancers Posts: 146 Member
    I can't say much on eating or not eating your calories burned but I will tell you that your still on the right track.
    I too have had weight issues all my life and I have tried and failed many times but came to the realization that as long as I pick my self off dust my self off and get back on the wagon I will succeed on day.
    You will only fail if you stop trying.
    So keep your head up and soldier on.
    Best of wishes.
  • Focus on the positive instead of the negative, and you will see positive results. Picture the ways your life will feel when you are looking, feeling and acting more healthy. Write it down. What will your rewards be? Make a poster board and show the positive ways you will feel when you are a healthy you. Focus on each step one foot in front of the other, as though you were on a journey. You are not there, yet, but each step takes you one step closer to where you want to be.
    Pat yourself on the back for each step you are taking in a positive direction to reach your goals instead of feeling any sadness or worry that you are not there yet or not getting there fast enough. Don't give up on YOU. YOU CAN do this if you focus on each little step being a positive step in the right direction. GREAT JOB for starting your exercise tomorrow! We're all cheering for your success!
  • habibti
    habibti Posts: 56 Member
    Don't worry, you are not the only one. Join the aerobics class and go loyally. Keep with your calorie goal, you might like to try eating around 1200 one day, then 1300, 1500, 1200, etc. on different days just to change it up, keep your body guessing and keep yourself happy! :wink: You can eat some or all of your burned calories - different people find different things work for them. Listen to your body and don't give up. I try to remind myself of how long it took to gain the weight, then it seems more logical that it's also a slow process to take it back off.
  • melrae675
    melrae675 Posts: 17 Member
    Regardless of lose if you make more healthful choices you will feel better. Depending on what you have to lose expecting 1-2 pounds a week lose is the best way. And I would suggest you STOP weighing yourself more than once a week. Have a consistent day and time (mine is first thing Monday mornings before food or drink and after the bathroom). I hope this helps. Melanie
  • loupammac
    loupammac Posts: 194 Member
    I can't see your food diary so I can't give you any advice there. Please make sure that if you do exercise, your NET calories are at least 1200 by the end of the day. Otherwise you risk putting your body into starvation mode and you'll find yourself on a plateau very quickly. MFP is set up to include a calorie deficit in your daily calorie goal so that you will lose weight according to the goals you set up on your settings page. Remember this isn't a quick fix so results will be slow. Just focus on eating a healthy diet, exercising when you can and only weighing yourself once a week. :)
  • neelixo2
    neelixo2 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi all,
    Thankyou for all the advice.I have synced my phone so you should now see what I am eating. Thanks again:happy:
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