Addicted to Exercising??!!

OK, maybe not totally addicted to exercise but I find myself waking up in the morning thinking of when I'm going to exercise today? Maybe its more just wanting to get it out of the way but I find myself enjoying it more and more. I hope this continues as I have been on MFP for a month and half and have lost 16lbs. I'm also a pretty big guys so I knew it would probably start out fast and I hope it continues! Anyone else seem "addicted" to exercise?


  • dmoyler
    dmoyler Posts: 27 Member
    I want to get addicted to exercising... Exercising is hard for me.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,125 Member
    Endorphins are addicting. What a great addiction to have! Good for you!

  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    I just thought to myself yesterday that I'm kind of getting addicted to going to the gym. A day without exercise just does not seem complete. I HATED HATED HATED working out before, thank goodness that changed.
    It feels amazing :)
    I spend all day at work itching to leave so i can go bust my *kitten* at the gym!! :happy:
  • RochelleBlack
    I think that is a good thing. I'm def addicted to the endorphin release and the "high" from a good workout. Feel blessed that you don't dread it!
  • MaryDreamer
    I used to HATE exercise too BUT I'm looking forward to it now. But ONLY if I'm wearing a pedometer as I walk to see how far I've gone and how many calories burned. I just bought a HRM to measure my calories from video/DVD workouts as well. I like seeing the calories burned, now THAT'S addicting :)
  • grace914
    grace914 Posts: 139 Member
    I'm starting to get to the point where I want to work out twice a day! Keep up the good work!
  • emilysebastian
    emilysebastian Posts: 245 Member
    Absolutely! I am constantly thinking about how early I should get off work to ensure I get to the gym in time to get my fave treadmill (fave treadmill?! When did I start liking the treadmill, let alone have a favorite???) and be done in time to p/u my kiddo. Or randomly at 8 or 9 at night, I will finally give-in to the "itch" I have felt all day to go exercise, despite being a rest day. I have my days when I really don't feel like doing anything, but find they are few and far between now, and I just go to the gym I will end-up doing SOMETHING productive and feeling better :)

    GREAT JOB to us for not only incorporating exercise, but totally digging it, too!!!
  • NOLAdy
    NOLAdy Posts: 133 Member
    I am. I don't really have a rest day. I do from the weight training but I do a DVD or going to the park on a daily basis. You just have more energy in general. It is nice to feel the endorphins too.
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    I'm addicted to my mornin' & afternoon workouts...I love the feelin' that I get when my Endorphins are released back into my system...Even on my 'DAY of REST' - I get a little cranky...but I do find tme to get some jumprope in - to release some Endorphins in...

  • rikiOR
    rikiOR Posts: 13
    I thought exercising and drinking a pond everyday would be the hardest part. Drinking a pond is extremely difficult! I love exercising now and I feel like I forgot something when I don't. TOO WEIRD. I am completely addicted to Just Dance 2. The beach house Im renting in OBX in June has a Wii. All I could think about while booking it was cool I can take my Just Dance. LOL:laugh: :laugh:
  • leelee03
    leelee03 Posts: 67 Member
    working out makes you feel good. it releases endorphins that make you feel happy and it is sorta addictive : ) I suppose all things with moderation are good. As long as you don't do it to the point that it becomes unhealthy, there certainly are worse things to be addicted to!
  • Purplegal
    Purplegal Posts: 137 Member
    Yes...I've been unable to exercise the past few days due to a knee injury and its driving me CRAZY! I am just dying to get back to it!!! Ugh. Not to mention it really stinks only getting 1200 cals per day without those exercise earned calories. :)
  • MsMouseMouse
    MsMouseMouse Posts: 92 Member
    I have heard so much about theses "endorphins" but I have never walked or ran either fast or long enough to feel what you are talking about.. I have never been and can not really see my ever being addicted to exercise. I have invested in a treadmill and got it set up yesterday.. did 25 mins first morning.. did 30 mins in the afternoon and did 40 mins today.. Don't recall feeling warm and fuzy at any time... But will force my self to do it again tomorrow.
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    I have a short history with exercising. I have only gone to the gym at my school 3 times BUT the first time I was getting over a minor cold and 20 minutes was enough for me, the second time I did 30 min on the elliptical and didn't want to leave but had to cause I work out at night and had to get home and to bed for work in the morning. And tonight was the third time I exercised a total of 60 minutes and still did not want to leave lol : ) I think I could get addicted
  • Hotbysummer
    I hadn't thought about it like that, but I guess you could say addicted is what I am too! I could definitely think of worse things to be addicted to! lol! I missed a workout yesterday and it felt like I hadn't worked out in a week! When I started this site, I set a goal of 45 minutes 7 days a week, and have only missed 2 days in 20 days!!!!! I owe it to the motivating fitness pals!!!! thats my thought when I see MFP!!
  • SarahBaylis
    I do the same thing. And I feel terrible if I miss a day...
  • borys12
    Yep, I feel very well, even after hard exercising. In fact the more I exercise , the more I can do & addicted I am :)
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