Pregnancy weight shred! :)

young1726 Posts: 347 Member
edited September 24 in Success Stories
My baby girl just turned six months old last week and as of my weekly weigh in this morning I am officially lighter than when I got pregnant with her! I am soooooo excited! :)

Also, I have a 19 month old baby boy and I am only two pounds away from where I was when I got pregnant with him. I have been losing approx. two lbs a week, so I'm really hoping next week I will be back to my pre-baby weight!

And to top it off...I got my direct deposit, HUGE tax return today! I am floating in air today :)


  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    congrats on everything! i got a 6 month old girl too and a 3 yr old boy and im working my butt off trying to get to where i was before i got pregnant with my boy!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
  • Congratulations on your steady weight loss! I find it amazing to have a slim and healthy body after having the baby! Good job! :flowerforyou: I am hoping the same for myself sometime in the future. :wink:
  • velezdina
    velezdina Posts: 31 Member
    How did you do it? I had a baby boy 7 weeks ago and I am just now getting back to excersicing and dieting.... I appreciatte any tips you have for a first time mom.
  • Me too! My third son was eight weeks yesterday. I've been working out 3-5 days the last two weeks and trying to eat clean. How do you find time to workout? I have to do it during naps but it doesn't always workout so nicely. My almost 2 month old is refusing the bottle and I can't leave him for too long...anyone have that challenge?
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    Me too! My third son was eight weeks yesterday. I've been working out 3-5 days the last two weeks and trying to eat clean. How do you find time to workout? I have to do it during naps but it doesn't always workout so nicely. My almost 2 month old is refusing the bottle and I can't leave him for too long...anyone have that challenge?
    i signed up with a gym that has child care in the facility. im just not motivated enough to do it at home by myself, but now that the weather is getting nicer...we'll be taking some nice walks together.
  • Wow! Fantastic results!! I didnt even think about losing my weight until my youngest was 6 months and you are at target already! Go You!
  • McFrench
    McFrench Posts: 205 Member
    Congrats to you!!!

    Some ideas for the Mommies: Get a moby wrap, mai tai, or baby can walk inside or outside with baby on you. My hubby and I hiked our local mountain starting when our son was 6 weeks old (he is a November baby), all bundled up in the bjorn. When it was raining, we walked the indoor track at the gym with him. When he was one I did our turkey trot with him in the mai tai, it was 14 degrees out...he was snuggled to me warm and cozy, happy as a clam. Now I have a jogging stroller, a bike trailer and a hiking backpack. My son (15 months) LOVES all of these. He also loves the gym daycare. Just some can get lots of exercise with your baby:)
  • I'm a first time mom trying to figure this all out. my baby girl is 6 weeks and i just started working out yesterday. i just started with brisk walking on the treadmill. any suggestions on good simple workouts or recipes?
  • Very awesome! Congrats on everything.
  • GinaKurtz
    GinaKurtz Posts: 228 Member
    WOW! Congratulations! Way to go!
  • Awesome! I am just getting back into working out and my baby is 3 months old. Kudos to you for doing it so fast! Thanks for the motivation!!!
  • young1726
    young1726 Posts: 347 Member
    Thanks everyone for the encouraging words! Sorry I am just now getting back to thanking you! I really do appreciate it. I have been meaning to reply, just kept spacing...and now I find it's over a week later! Holy cow.

    Sadly, I have only been losing weight by keeping track of my calories. I have been eating 1700-1800 calories, estimating 500 cals per day on breastfeeding my net calorie intake is 1200-1300. I do occasionally get some walks/plays at the park in. I wish I had more time to actually get some good workouts in, but right now my priorities are somewhere else. My husband and I both work full time not getting home until 5 or later. With bedtime routines for the kiddos starting at 7-730 there is only a couple hours to make dinner, eat and play blocks/cars/etc with the kids. Plus, my new baby is an EATER! Pretty much anytime I am home, she is EATING! She eats until late at night (and remember I'm breastfeeding so it's all on me) and by the time she is finally done, I'm ready for bed! She has JUST started falling asleep earlier, so I am hoping I can start getting some Wii Fit workouts (or something along those lines) in before bed.

    Sooooo...sorry for no real advice...just count calories and be proud of any exercise you do get in. You can do it!
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