
Luv2Learn Posts: 5
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
I need to lose a lot of weight. I also need to excercise;:embarassed: but just a little activity makes me sweat. I don't mean perspire, I mean sweat. I do belong to a gym but I am extremely embarassed when after a little bit of exercise I can't stop sweating. Has anybody got any helpful hints about how to act cool when you're sweating like a horse?


  • Just know everyone else is sweating too. Don't worry about it. Sweating is a good thing :] Is usually sweat a lot I have to take showers. Just think at least your out there doing something productive.
  • IDK about keepnig cool but sweating is good while working out!!! So dont be embarrassed even though I do know what you mean about not wanting to go because you do sweat. Just keep at it. You will be happy you did in the end. =0) Good Luck.
  • carguy42503
    carguy42503 Posts: 24 Member
    ... but sweating is what you go to the gym for... I say wear it proudly!! it says that you are doing what you came for...
  • The more you sweat, the better. People who arn't sweating arn't burning calories.
  • you should be happy you are sweating ! it is super healthy and trust me, much better than not sweating. I did not sweat for six months before I had diabetes because I had no water in my body. believe me, after going through this, i know that sweating is so healthy. and youre at a gym! it's not like you are walking around all casual and sweating like a horse. so just remember that sweating is healthy so really when you are working out you are treating your body extra good by sweating that much because you are working your muscles and respiratory system while sweating out a whole bunch of nasties!!!
  • Kaetheb
    Kaetheb Posts: 16 Member
    Sweating is your body's way of cooling itself and getting rid of waste. Try dressing in lighter gymwear so your body doesn't have to work so hard to cool itself, and hydrate often. You can also try a clinical-strength anti-perspirant, or take a break during your workout to apply a little baby powder (my trick when I bike to work and there's nowhere to shower). It may be that as you work out more frequently you'll sweat less. If it's really bothering you, it doesn't hurt to mention it to your doctor during your next checkup. He or she may have some more specific advice based on your own health profile.
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    I sweat like crazy when I exercise! My husband and daughter laugha t me when I get off the elliptical after 45 minutes. My clothes, my hair, my shorts, my exposed skin for that matter, are all wet! I LOVE IT! I'm burning calories and not in a fashion show. Bring the sweat on!!!!! After Zumba I can be pretty bad too, but not quite as bad as after the elliptical. I lvoe seeing where the sweat stains wind up. Under the boobs cracks me up!!!!
  • fmouco
    fmouco Posts: 100 Member
    If somebody looks at you sweating..............it is envy!!!!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Sweat is a good thing! I judge how good my workout was by how wet my clothes are. And if they aren't soaked, I didn't work hard enough. And people at the gym, so often are worried about themselves they pay little attention to those around them.
  • Please do not worry about sweating!! If you're not sweating, then you're not working hard. At my peak of physical fitness (some time ago!) I dripped every time I went to the gym or ran outside and still do. I am proud of this because I am proud of the fact that I am taking this time to take care of myself and my body. Congratulations for belonging to the gym. When you look to your right and see someone, walking on the treadmill, talking on their cell phone and looking like they could be on the cover of a magazine, know that you're not wasting your time at the gym like they are. Also, look around and notice that the people with the really tight toned bodies ARE sweating. You will lose all your weight and you will still sweat like a horse because you're working hard!!! You will feel great about yourself.
  • Started diet this monday and it's ALOT harder than I rememeber lol Good luck guys, add me could use some advice from someone going through the same as. May x
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