Low Carb/high protein diet

I'm thinking of decreasing my carb intake to < 100 g/day and my protein to at least 40g, anyone wanna join me?


  • mariapuhl
    mariapuhl Posts: 529 Member
    If you want to do "high" protein, you need to up it to wayyyy more than 40g. I on a bad day, only eat around 70 g of protein..... I average around 90 - 100.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    40 g of protein is WAY low. I usually eat 100 g of protein a day and 120 g of carbs...but i'm on board
  • lareyna124
    If you're going to decrease your carb intake then you' should UP your protein intake by MORE than 40grams. 1lb/protein per lb of body weight. For ex. if you weigh 150 you should shoot for 150grams of protein Especially if you're weight training. You should also Up your fat intake (healthy fats, for ex - Almonds, Olive Oil, Avocado etc.
  • pretty_fit
    alright thanks for the advice. i guess i will have to go for 130 g of protein.
  • Tuckersn
    Tuckersn Posts: 149
    I'm not an expert but percentages of each macronutrient; Carbs, fats, proteins, is what you wanna shoot for. My macronutrients are 40% Carbs, 30% Fats and 30% Protein . . . I don't remember what this site is automatically set for, but its higher carbs, lower proteins and fat. Do some research and figure out what works best for you. =0) I don't do well and high carbs, but thrive on this macronutrient setting I have.

    Good luck and go for it!!
  • windwaterbliss
    I try to follow a lifestyle plan (low carb, high protein, lowered fat) recommended by my Dr to prevent diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Of course, weight loss is a happy consequence. :)

    My ratios are 35% carb, 40% protein and 25% fat. For the 1200 calories/day I am eating now in a weight loss phase that equals 105g carbs, 120g protein and 33g of fat. I feel so much better on this plan and all my cravings for sugar/sweets are gone, just like the Dr told me they would be. :)

    Good luck!
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    I have a hard time getting protein in even though I am not a vegetarian. I generally eat 22g-56 grams of protein a day. Only two days have I ever hit in the 80s. I know I need to boost my protein more though :/
  • windwaterbliss
    The only way I can meet my goals for protein intake is by having 1-2 protein shakes a day. I use a very low sugar powder that I like (I had to try about 30 different ones to find 2 I liked though haha) and I mix one scoop with 3oz of milk and 3oz of water.
  • pretty_fit
    I take protein shakes. I just finished my container of Iso Whey, the biggest thing for me is the flavour and of course I look for that's low in carbs (1-3 g). They are really high in protein about 25-30 g so it really helps.
  • windwaterbliss
    cross post :)
  • pretty_fit
    I have a hard time getting protein in even though I am not a vegetarian. I generally eat 22g-56 grams of protein a day. Only two days have I ever hit in the 80s. I know I need to boost my protein more though :/

    I guess it's understandable... but even if I exceed my calorie limit I still try to prioritize my protein intake. I think of what's more important...
  • spankretic
    To up your amount of protein, you can use a low carb body building protein.
    Nature's Best Zero Carb ISOPURE Protein power is awesome! 50g of protein per serving (2 scoops)

    There is no sugar in the protein power, includes branch-chain amino acids, L-Glutamine, and plenty of vitamins.
    This stuff is hard core :P 100% Ion Exchange Whey Protein Isolate (the good stuff)

    For a great meal-replacement shake, i blend the following:
    2 scoops of isopure cookies & cream (tasty)
    1 teaspoon of Flax Seed Oil
    1 Scoop of GNC Super Fiber Powder (not the husk one)
    1-2 cups of fat free milk
    1 banana (carbs but you need to have a little bit :P)
    4 Cubes of ICE (helps make it cold and more smoothie like)
    Optional Additives
    1 teaspoon of peanut butter if i'm feeling frisky
    Strawberries (adds another 100 calories or so)

    Note that this shake gets pretty big but holds me for quite a while. The fiber and flax seed oil makes it a meal replacement since your body takes longer to digest the fat from the flax seed oil.
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    The 80grams of protein days are when I have my protein shake (Amp Wheybolic Extreme) I don't use 2 full scoops per the serving size because of the calories and I don't want to drink all of my calories. I am starting to get more into cottage cheese, but I am not big on eggs and although I like meat, I don't like having it at every meal.
  • pretty_fit
    spankretic: thank you so much for that recipe i should really try it!

    ebgbjo: I think 50-60 g of protein is enough for an average person/male. High protein amounts are probably just for body-building or special diets like this.