starting to feel down

kellymcnulty26 Posts: 11
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
Anyone else having the same issue I am being really good on the calories and working out at least an hour a day sometimes more, but I'm not losing on fact when I got on the scales today it went up by a pound! This has been happening for at least 3 weeks! Please let me know if you're in the same boat so I don't feel quite so depressed or if you have any advice how to breakthrough this it will be gratefully received.


  • srogden
    srogden Posts: 3 Member
    You could be hi
  • srogden
    srogden Posts: 3 Member
    You could be hi
  • srogden
    srogden Posts: 3 Member
    You could be hitting a plateau and need to ramp up the intensity of your workouts. Or you could just be building muscle, which could explain the weight gain since muscle weighs more than fat. Also, weight always fluctuates by a couple of pounds, especially around your period and such. Keep up the good work, and don't get too discouraged!
  • annabelmartinez
    annabelmartinez Posts: 63 Member
    I totally feel you... This happened to me for a month and I was getting soooo frustrated. At first I lost 8 pounds and I was thrilled then gained ALL of it back. Then after 3 weeks, I lost the 8 pounds, I am stuck there right now and getting very frustrated again but keeping on track... We can do it!!!!!!!!!!! Hang in there!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Thanks for the support think I'm gonna try a cheat meal and see if this helps kick start the ole metabolism again - if not I'll ramp up the weights next week in an attempt to burn more calories :ohwell:
  • remember that muscle weighs more than fat I do believe so maybe your gaining muscle....which isn't such a bad thing! Keep it up I'm sure your doing great!!!
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