Happiness survey

I have been becoming steadily more unhappy with how I feel and look.

I heard an interview yesterday about a happiness survey that will be sent out to UK households soon in conjunction with 2011 census. Apparently we will be asked to grade how satisfied we feel from 1-10.
I am relatively healthy, I do not want for food or shelter for me or my family. I feel loved by people close to me, worthwhile in a professional capacity but only felt able to give myself 5 out of 10. When I thought about this everything else that is missing is directly related to me feeling so miserable about my size.

I have 90lb to lose and I have struggled all my life with weight issues. I am going to beat this and I would very much like any support and encouragement from fellow travellers.

PLease feel free to add me and we can help each other.

My sister wore very smart tailored shorts on Christmas day last year. I want to get some this year.:love:


  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    Hey buttonmoons!
    I'm in a good job, have a good family, have my own home and I'm miserable as sin!
    Seriously - I am treated for deression and am sometimes a 1 on that scale.
    I don't know how I will compelte it.
    Anyway... welcome and I'll add you.
    Best of luck!
  • fushion243
    No regrets. I always tell folks who say, "You must feel so much better after losing all that weight?" that there is something to be said for both lifestyles. Don't beat yourself up. I am still much happier being thinner, but enjoy who you are. Weight is not what defines a person. I have folks tell me they need to do what I did. I say, "That's fine if you want to, but you are just fine." It makes some mad because I'm not pushing them to weight loss. It isn't that I don't want them to be healthy, I just don't want to define them as good/bad based on their weight. I am the same guy I was, just smaller. I am a person regardless of what I weigh. Enjoy the journey down. It can be fun. You can do things you couldn't before, you get to fit smaller clothes, and you learn technical stuff about food that can be intellectually challenging. But, don't beat yourself up. Just move on. No regrets!
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    you can do it!!!

    that is a ver realistic goal! and at two pounds per week weight loss you could end up losing 104 lbs by this week next year. so in one year you could be at your desired weight....

    I don't know how long you have needed to lose those extra pounds but if it is more than one year, then realistically you could lose this weight and be healthy in less time then have spent with those extra pounds...

    everyone on this website are great! they have great advice!

    Glad you found this website!
  • Pineapples
    Pineapples Posts: 246 Member
    Fusion there has a good point, weight shouldn't define who you truly are. I always tell people that when I was in highschool I thought i was so fat and disgusting yet weighing 150lbs.. then right after college I blew a 222lbs size 22.. and I used to look at my pictures and thought my gosh look how thin I was.. why didn't I just enjoyed being in my skin then? now look at me no I am truly fat. So even after losing close to 30lbs I still wasn't happy and wanted to be thinner, yet once again I wasn't enjoying just being.

    And it wasn't until recently that I realized I have to love and enjoy the way I look because it could always be worse. Acceptance i believe is the first step to become a happier you and knowing you need to do something to change the situation.

    I read The Power of Now, I definitely recommend this book, it will change your entire way of looking at life even weight loss.
  • buttonmoons
    I have to agree. I was unhappy at 18 as I felt fat when actually I was only a little over weight. Now I am very overweight and realise I should have been happy then.
    I know it could all be much worse and I have lots to be very glad of , but if nothing else it has given me a good surge of energy to get this thing going so for that I am grateful!
    For the first time in years I feel that I can and will reach my goals.:smile: