2 weeks and gained a lb!

I have been tracking and working out (although there are some slip-ups) since the past 2 weeks and I gained 1 lb ?

With all the turbojamming and kickboxing, I thought I will lose atleast some. I met my fitness coach today during my weigh-in and she gave some pointers which should help me like - PM snacking, portion control, etc.

I am 5.5ft tall and weigh 156lbs. I consume mostly 1200cals/day. There are days where I go well over my limit (200-600cals) which could be the culprit. I workout 3-4 times a week for 30-60mins each. This is mostly kicboxing videos or some ST at the gym,

Any motivation/ideas with how to not exceed my daily calorie intake ?. My biggest challenge is dinner. Any dinner ideas for 300-350 cals ?


  • preppie84
    Palm-sized amount of meat, unlimited vegetables, and water.
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    I would say that for your height and weight, a 1200 calorie daily target is far too low
    As you get closer to a healthy BMI, as you are approx on 26, you should be looking at a less aggressive deficit
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Unless you've eaten 3500 calories over your maintenance calories you haven't gained a pound of tissue. It's most likely just water weight. Exercising will make your muscles hold on to some water to help them recovery. Drinking a protein shake immediately after working out delivers protein to the muscles immediately and replenishes their glycogen stores, both of which aid in recovery. You get increases strength and stamina faster and your muscles don't hold on to as much water because they recover faster.

    Are you eating your exercise calories?
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,247 Member
    I have been tracking and working out (although there are some slip-ups) since the past 2 weeks and I gained 1 lb ?

    That may really stink, but it may not. First of all get out a measuring tape and measure yourself. The scale is ok, but it only gives part of the picture. You could be losing inches and not weight
    With all the turbojamming and kickboxing, I thought I will lose atleast some. I met my fitness coach today during my weigh-in and she gave some pointers which should help me like - PM snacking, portion control, etc.

    PM snacking in and of itself will not stop you from losing weight. Within limits your body does not care when you eat your calories, it cares about how many you eat.
    I am 5.5ft tall and weigh 156lbs. I consume mostly 1200cals/day. There are days where I go well over my limit (200-600cals) which could be the culprit. I workout 3-4 times a week for 30-60mins each. This is mostly kicboxing videos or some ST at the gym,

    Just so you know those days you go over add up very quickly. I know it seem that it is only 600 calories, but remember you need to burn 3500 for one pound of fat to come off. Even 200 a few times a week will result in hindering your weight loss a great deal. A few 600 over calorie days and suddenly your calorie deficit is gone. You cannot out exercise over eating.

    Check out this to see an illustration of that http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQbuzsY_34Q

    As for the exercise you do, that sounds very good. It should work well. I lost most of my weight doing Tae-bo which is similar to what you are probably doing. Keep up the exercise, but at the same time get the diet under control.

    It might help people to help you if you make you food diary public.

    Any motivation/ideas with how to not exceed my daily calorie intake ?. My biggest challenge is dinner. Any dinner ideas for 300-350 cals ?