New Scales = New Weight

Okay I am probably not doing this right but I went and bought my first set of scales the other day. I am dreading weighing on these for the first time in the morning, saturday is my normal weighing in day. Up until now I have being weighing on a scales in a chemist in a nearby town. This was ideal when I was staying at a friends house for 8 weeks (my house got flooded over christmas!) but now i have come back home it takes even longer to get to the chemist and costs more in petrol. So thought buying my own scales was better.

But now I am worried about possibly luring myself into a "false" weight in the morning. When I got the scales on Tuesday I had a cheeky mid week weigh and my weight was the same as it was last saturday. So at least I know the scales is pretty much spot on! But am panicing about when I weigh in the morning are they going to be right or are they just going to be right for that set of scales and not what I actually weigh. I don't know if anyone else notices but I tend to weigh a few lbs less or more depending on what I weigh on.

I am so confused do I log tomorrow's weight, do I start again from the beginning with tracking my weight loss on here or do I just leave it another week and hope I lose weight enough for it to be right!?!


  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    I replaced my old scale awhile ago and found out I'm actually 3 lbs heavier. At the time it felt like the end of the world. I had to change my original starting weight and everything. Then a couple of days later I realized that I hadn't "gained" any of the weight back, it was just a new number. I wish you luck on your new scale, just remember that no matter what it says, it didn't put any inches back on you! Cheers.
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    Just hop on that sucker and log whatever it says. Your weight fluctuates so much for many reasons. I would take whatever the new scale says tomorrow and move forward from there. No sense worrying about it too much!

    Just think, you might get on the new scale and have lost 5 lbs! :happy:
  • Marjorielk
    Marjorielk Posts: 202 Member
    I just weigh myself around the same time of day, the number doesn't matter that much, as long it's going down !:smile:
  • marber
    marber Posts: 118 Member
    Just weigh and log and carry on. Don't worry about what scales say as long as the general trend is down.

    My weight can fluctuate hormonally or because of what I ate the day before (IBS). I just log when I have had a reduction and ignore the fluctuations as I know that it will go back down again as long as I keep to my eating and exercise patterns.
  • cerysrhi
    cerysrhi Posts: 262
    hey hun don't worry about it too much If you weight a little more on the new scales don't log your weight loss until you reach the number on here or log it take it a a false weight gain as already said a new number and go from there all you need to remember is a lb lost is a lb lost no matter which scale its on and you know how well you have been doing oh and to spur you on I bought some cheeky 10 minute workouts for monday nights so we can do 10 mins and the chat for an hour do another 10mins chat for another hour lol x
  • daffysbird
    cerysrhi Yes I am defo up for the working out for ten minutes and chatting for an hour. Really not well with my chest at the mo but I am making myself do a little bit every day even if it is killing me lol. Will see you monday.

    Thanks everyone for the advice and support :-)