Gastric Mind-Band

Has anyone out there tried this therapy?? Did it work for you?? What are your thoughts?? Have you read the book? I just got through reading the book and it ...seems...actually amazing. But...., is it a SCAMMM???


  • Meggie_pooh
    Meggie_pooh Posts: 316 Member
    most likely a scam. i've never heard of it! If ur gonna lose weight, ur gonna do it the ol:flowerforyou: d fashioned way. Watch what goes in ur mouth and exercise like ur life depends on it (well, it does actually!)
  • heyitsmekatie
    heyitsmekatie Posts: 544 Member
    gaaaa! edited due to double post syndrome!!!
  • heyitsmekatie
    heyitsmekatie Posts: 544 Member
    never heard of it... can you tell us what it's about? (yes, i know i could google it :smile: )

    edited due to accidentally clicking save mid-sentence.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I havent tried it but its a form of hypnosis which can and does work if you believe in it. I have known a few people quit smoking with it only to start again AFTER the hypnotists guaranteed period! It is in the mind but the mind can be altered.

    I recently had dealings with an alternative therapist (multiple therapies including hypnotherapy and used by the NHS) and I asked about it out of curiosity. He warned against using one that says they can do it in one session. He said to look for one that did it in 2-3 sessions with follow ups once the hypno band has been placed for "tightening" adjustments
  • jcholliday
    The one I am looking into is in Olympia, WA....cant afford to go to Spain. *smile*
    I have read the Sharrins book about it and it is very intriguing. You can buy it on amazon.
    I know that weight loss is not supposed to be easy, I think that is why I haven't succeeded yet. and I am not looking for a quick fix....just some HELP
    The book actually has helped me 'SEE' things in a different way.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    The one I am looking into is in Olympia, WA....cant afford to go to Spain. *smile*
    I have read the Sharrins book about it and it is very intriguing. You can buy it on amazon.
    I know that weight loss is not supposed to be easy, I think that is why I haven't succeeded yet. and I am not looking for a quick fix....just some HELP
    The book actually has helped me 'SEE' things in a different way.

    Try reading the book again...and again. You absorb more each time. The therapist I was talking to said its all about changing your thinking, altering your mindset and if reading the book once has helped you see things differently imagine what a couple more readings of it can do.

    As for looking into it bear in mind what i was not use one promising it done in one visit. They have to get the feel of your and your mind, weaknesses and strengths first
  • jcholliday
    As for looking into it bear in mind what i was not use one promising it done in one visit. They have to get the feel of your and your mind, weaknesses and strengths first

    I hear ya catcrazy! totally! I am going to read the book again, and probably again. There is actually a section that asks you questions about your relationship with I am going to go back through and answer those honestly.
    I am also reading the book with my husband.

    and you are right, the cliinic in Washington tells me it takes 4 visits...and then a follow up visit. and they say they are always available either to see at the clinic or via skype.