Military wives unite. :)



  • akhapagirl
    akhapagirl Posts: 9 Member
    Another Coastie wife here of almost 19 yrs to a rescue swimmer :happy: Currently stationed in Corpus Christi, TX after being in Alaska for 3 back-to-back tours (Juneau, Sitka & Kodiak 2002-2010). Have 3 teens (17 yo daughter who I homeschool & twin almost 15 yo sons). I started my "healthy" life the day before New Year's Eve & still going strong. I'm doing TurboFire as my main workout program (currently in week 7) & also do Zumba at home w/the dvds. For me it's just easier to do my workouts at home than to have to drive to the base to hit the gym. Plus we've put together our own little gym in our garage. I'm down over 15 lbs & lost over 23 inches. Right now I'm focusing on how I'm feeling, the way my clothes fit & the healthy food choices I'm making rather than the scale.

    Here's to making our goals :drinker:
  • Hi ladies, my name is Karan. I a wife of retired air force, hubby spend 24 yrs. we've been married almost 18. we meet in Indiana, moved to wichita falls, tx, then over to germany (food is way too good over there), sent us to ohio, and now in okc, oklahoma. Military life is hard and a blessing. It's come a long way from when my husband and I first got together. We thank all who have served and are serving now, we pray that the Lord keeps you all safe and brings you home safely. Thanks for starting this topic. Good luck all on your weight loss. K
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Hello everyone! My name is Britta Stamps and I have been married for 2 1/2 years now, and my husband joined the Army National Guard about 2 years ago, so I am totally new to this whole thing. We also have a 3 1/2 year old daughter. I would say I starting gaining weight on our wedding night and the time when I gained the most weight was when he was gone 4 months for basic training...sitting around moping and eating bad junk food in addition to being too depressed to cook so I ate a lot of fast food. I have been on MFP almost a year now but just got serious in January since I am going my first Sprint Tri in June! SW this Jan was 155 and my GW is 141 by my Sprint Tri!
  • Hello, fellow MFPers. I am the wife of Staff Sergeant Wagner of the United States Marine Corps. We are currently stationed at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina. We have been here for over three years. My husband has been on four deployment tours in the almost 8 years he's been in. Three tours were to Iraq, and the last to Afghanistan. We've been together for almost ten years, but married for over three. My husband has recently been selected to be a recruiter (not his first choice, but they selected him and we're going to make the best of it). We will be embarking on our next journey (to a state still unknown) sometime towards the end of June. We should find out what city/state we will be spending the next three year at in May. We're hoping to get somewhere close to home (Indiana), but we'll just have to wait and see. It's going to be hectic, I'm sure, but nothing having to do with the Marine Corps isn't, right, ladies?

    In July of 2009, my little brother (Andy...17 years old) passed away in a tragic car accident (along with his girlfriend) in which their vehicle flipped into a drainage ditch. They both drowned. This horrific and life-altering accident sent my already creeping up on me unhealthy habits into full swing. After the accident I had to deal with my own grief, the grief of my parents and those around me, my husband's deployment (he left in August of 2009...a month after Andy died), and learn how to be a single mother to our daughter who was 7 months old at the time. I stopped second guessing what went into my mouth, and I just ate. Mindlessly. And it all went downhill from there.

    I've finally decided that's it's time to take control of my life again. I've been with MFP for 45 days, and I have lost about 12 pounds. I'm in no great hurry to lose this weight, but I'm not going to stand on the sidelines anymore and watch myself gain and gain. I'm working hard, but living my life. For myself, my family, my husband, my brother, my God.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    USMCpatience - sorry for your loss - may you find strength & patience soon.
  • MobiusMan
    MobiusMan Posts: 385 Member
    Sorry to hear about your loss, it's truly tragic. It is nice to see that you are caring for yourself though. Good luck and keep on keeping on.
  • Oh the ups and downs of being a military wife....ugh.

    Hello everyone!! I've been on MPF for almost three weeks now. I think this is the greatest site/app! I've never calorie counted in my life, but this makes it Sooo easy :)

    My name is Charissa, but everyone calls me "C" I'm a parent to six children, and mother of four...that has gone through ten tough pregnancies :( but through it husband Jonathan...current Air National Guard out of St Paul MN has encouraged me to keep my head up.

    I was always a very fit very petite person 5 foot one 100 lbs) even after two kids, but pregnancy right after pregnancy brought me up to a whopping 174lbs at my highest! I gained control after our last child was born, and managed to get down to 150 Then I got the help through a trainer, and she brought me down to 135. I continued to workout and eat better and got down to 130, but I hit a plateau :(

    So ....I started this app, and have successfully dropped another two pounds!! I'm only checking my weight every two we will see how I'm progressing.

    My goal is 110, but when I reach that...who knows...!?!
  • Thank you all for your support. And good luck to each and every one of you (Miltiary associations are not) on your weigh-loss/ healthy lifestyle endeavors.
  • Hello! Another military wife here too! Wow, there are a lot of us!
  • Hello! My name is Shanna, I am also a military wife. Reading all these posts before me, I feel like I can relate to every one at least a little and some a whole lot! My husband has been in the USMC for almost 12 years now. We've been married 11 and have 3 children 14, 10, & 4. My husband has been in Afghanistan since October. This is our 8th overseas deployment. My weight has been up and down my whole married life (having babies sure changes a girl, lol) This time for me is the Be All and End All... I'm so over the up and down, over all the pills that claim to have you in a bikini by spring, I've done Nutrisystem, Jenny Craig, WW, Atkins... Now instead of trying to get skinny quick, I'm going to have patients and do it right. I started back in October when my husband left and since lost 30lbs. I want to loose another 30. I'm new to MFP and so excited about it, sure beats keeping that food journal and googling the nutrition info for everything! I'm really glad this topic was started, I need support! Please feel free to friend me if you need encouragement, a walking or gym partner if you're in my area, or just a friend!
  • dsolgot
    dsolgot Posts: 86 Member
    Hi my names Danyelle I’m 24 (soon to be 25 lol) I am married to a High school sweet heart he is a Marine. We have been together for almost 9 years but only 2 married (we got married the same day we started dating lol cheesy I know). We have 2 amazing children our little boy is just turned 4, and I just had our little girl January 4th, He deployed in November but he got to be at the hospital for our daughters birth via Skype thank god for internet lol. We are currently stationed in Beaufort, but I am living back in Michigan where we are from until he gets back.
    Anyways I dropped all my pregnancy weight about 2 weeks after I had the baby, now I am working off all the weight I’ve gained over the years since high school. Got a ways to go before I reach my goal but I am keeping my head up and trying to do my best, I really want to WOW my husband when he gets home.
    Good luck to everyone and your journeys!
    Feel free to add me if you’d like.
  • We have been together for almost 9 years but only 2 married (we got married the same day we started dating lol cheesy I know).

    Haha! No...not cheesy! We married the same day we started dating... I think it's sweet ;)
  • Im a military wife also. Married my high school sweetheart as soon as we graduated and he has been in almost 8 years. We have been married almost 8 years also and together for 12 years. We have pcs'ed a bunch and not to long ago moved to a new base in North Carolina. Havent really met anyone here, so I found this website and came here for motivation. All feel free to add me, can use all the support I can get :o)
  • Aspynmom
    Aspynmom Posts: 166 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm an Army wife who's also husband and I are at Fort Lewis, rain rain rain! I've always struggled with my weight, and contrary to popular belief, just being in the military doesn't mean you're thin. My "happy weight" is about 150, but I haven't seen it since before my pregnancy, seven years ago. Since I work in the hospital, I don't really have a "PT" schedule, I'm supposed to do it on my own and just make the standard twice a year.

    I just got back from Iraq in May and had lost about 15 pounds over there, I actually was down to 158. Buuuuuut, then I came home and indulged a little too much and that plus some came back with a vengence! My reasons for coming on here aren't to necessarily maintain Army standards, but to make enjoyable exercise and proper eating a habit so I don't blow up like a balloon when we retire in two years!!!!

    Everyone is so inspiring to me on here, and I can honestly say this is the longest I've ever stuck to any "program" without being forced into it!

    Good luck to all of us!
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
  • squeaktones
    squeaktones Posts: 195 Member
    hi, i used to be in the air force and a military wife many eons ago. i know the trials you all face and just want to say i am glad there is something like this site where you all can meet and help each other out. i wish there was something like this site when i was married. for the newly married ladies out there don't get discouraged when your husbands have to deploy and you can't contact them all the time. please know that you and your family are on their mind always even though it may not always seem like it. get involved in your family support center and try to find some outside activities. if you are all fortunate to live or have access to the base gym take advantage of it. if you do not go because you are embarassed of your size don't make that an excuse. go anyway, if you don't know how to use the equipment ask one of the soldiers or ask the person at the equipment desk if there is someone around to show you. you will be surprised how much help is available there if you ask. if your husband has a first sergant with an open door policy you can always ask to talk to him or her. you will find that there is nearly always someone or even a group of someones on the" fat boy/girl" program who might need someone to exercise with. good luck ladies. i am rooting for you all.
  • My husban is in the gaurd and half way through our 1st deploy ment and a Army mom as well I started this on monday nice to see othe military wives and moms
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    I'm a military wife. I'm tired of being "the fat wife" amongst all the skinny wives. I didn't start out that way before we married.

    I've been through 2+ year-long deployments.

    I was steadily gaining weight since I've been with hubby, and the stress of his return after his last deployment sent my weight skyrocketing by 20lbs in as little as two months.

    I want to shed as much of this excess weight as possibly and to get fit again.
  • fatsnacker
    fatsnacker Posts: 209 Member
    never lose sight of your end goal and I hope to see you celebrating when you reach it.
  • Hi everyone!! I'm 25, was married this past July to my Marine, moved to Okinawa Japan in November, and now trying to lose 25/30pounds. Maybe eventually run a 5k, have to see how far I reach my goals. Nice to meet everyone! Feel free to add me, the more support the better. :smile:
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