Looking for a Workout Partner in PG County, MD

MyFitMyHealthMyLife Posts: 9 Member
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi Pals, I'm looking for a workout partner in PG County, MD at the Fitness Evolution at the Mall at Prince Georges. I need someone other than my boyfriend to workout with. I love him but sometimes we're like two ships passing in the night. I need someone to push me and someone who also needs someone to push them. (No I'm not getting anything for what I'm about to say...It's just the reason why I'm a member at Fitness Evolution.) If you are a member and go to this gym please contact me. If you are not a member at this gym but your looking for one in this area, they are pretty cheap and have a nice facility. I believe the Bally's was in that location on the back side of PG Plaza but Fitness Evolution has it now. There is no contract, it's basically month to month and they have a Basic Prepaided Plan of $10 and a Premium Prepaided Plan of $19.
If there is anyone who would like to have a motivated FitnessPal on and offline send me a message. :wink:


  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Hey! I'm in Maryland too! Columbia though. We are holding a free Fit Club in Columbia beginning this coming Monday night at 7pm. If you'd be up for coming this way at times, I'd be glad to support you! Message me if you want details!
  • If I drove I surely would but, I'm on Metro. Thanks though...:frown:
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Ah, well, keep in touch with me. We often have events in the DC area! We had a live workout with Tony Horton a few weeks ago and it was free!
  • Ok will do...Thanks hun
  • I workout there also, the only thing is that it is so busy. I have to go either later in the day or early in the morning on weekends.
  • ashonire08
    ashonire08 Posts: 2
    I am also looking for a workout partner. If u dont have one yet, we can team up together.
  • ashonire08
    ashonire08 Posts: 2
    Do u still hold a fitness club in maryland?
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    I still hold a Fit Club here in MD. Message me!
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