
Hi, my name is Karen, I am 34 and live in Pinellas Park, Florida. I work F/T for a IT distributor in Clearwater, am married with no kids. I currently weight 183. I joined Weight Watchers about 5 weeks ago. I lost about 5 lbs with it, but think maybe this will work better. I am tempted to try the counch to 5K i am hearing about. I always walked a lot and can run a little. Usually my shins will hurt, but maybe a slow start will help. I wish everyone a lot of luck with weight loss. I know it is hard!


  • autiemommy
    Hey there. Well 5 lbs is a great start. This board and the wonderful people on here have helped me alot. When i feel unmotivated i look at all the posts about people excercises and weight losses and it makes me want to keep going. Its just all positive on here to me. I wish you luck in your journey of weight loss and on your journey of the 5k. :flowerforyou:
  • mrsannett
    mrsannett Posts: 257 Member
    Hello there! Welcome aboard and good luck on your new journey...we are all here for support!! Congrats on the pounds lost as well!
  • julietupper
    julietupper Posts: 2 Member
    Good Luck on your journey!!! Just wanted to mention that I used to get terrible shin splints when I walked. A Dr. I happened to start talking to one day while I was walking, told me to really try to walk hard on your heal first as you take a step!!! I have never had shin pain since!!! A total miracle : )
  • autiemommy
    Good Luck on your journey!!! Just wanted to mention that I used to get terrible shin splints when I walked. A Dr. I happened to start talking to one day while I was walking, told me to really try to walk hard on your heal first as you take a step!!! I have never had shin pain since!!! A total miracle : )

    Julie-- Thanks for posting that! I have a friend in the same situation. And now i can tell her that and she will have no more excuses not to walk with me.