Great at home, but when I leave the house...

I've really got the hang of keeping inside my calorie goal-but only at home. when I go out to a party I find that I eat way way too much. I totally know that I should have stopped a long time before, but I'm so addicted to the good foods that are offered me.
Anyone have some tips?


  • live2smyle
    live2smyle Posts: 592 Member
    Eat before you go and drink a ton of water so your bloated and full :) Get one plate with the healthiest options available and nibble on it slowly through the night.
  • faithahiggins
    It's really tough to avoid those free, tasty treats! I know it sounds hard, but what I do is only allow myself one desert/junk food and only one serving of it. If there's a ton of cake, like cheese cake or chocolate stuff I tend to lean towards the pie. Pick things that look more natural and identifiable like an angel food wit fruit. Thanks to my fitnesspal I can guess the gerneal callory count of stuff. When I look at the crappy food being offered to me I tend to think "Wow think of all the good food I could eat instead of this for the same calories." yeah.. that's my only advice. I fail at this too! But I'm here supporting you!
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    I eat beforehand and try to avoid any nibbling.

    Today I had a birthday party to attend, I even made the deviled eggs for the event. I went to tropical smoothie (it's a little higher in calories and carbs, but the smoothies are so sweet to me, it's more like a treat!) and ordered a half-sized smoothie and flatbread sandwich and brought it with me. I had something very sweet to enjoy while everyone was pigging out on munchies, but I knew exactly how much was in my cup, and I was very full and satisfied through the whole thing. I also brought a friend to give me a friendly reminder when I started to weaken.
  • squitzwife
    squitzwife Posts: 51 Member
    this is REALLY very helpful! Keep it coming!!!
  • tdenotter
    tdenotter Posts: 40 Member
    Have a hand full of nuts and have water. Keep drinking water through the party I find that it keeps my hands and my mouth busy. I also chew gum that helps me too. Gives me something to do and distracts me from the food that is provided. If /when you do go for a snack cause you know you will. Choose the smallest plate you tend to eat less and so sit or stand the farthest away from the food table. NEVER stand around it. If there are only larger plate use a napkin then you are really limited to the amount and kind of food you can take! I also tend to avoid the sugary treats as they are worse for you. Stick to the fruit, veggies, meats, cheese ect. If you must have cake take a small piece/sliver. Your body does not know the difference between a large piece or a sliver it is the taste your after not the size.