I think this might just work!

I think MFP may just work for me. I am list / data driven and can stick to a weight loss plan if I can look at what I am and have been doing at any given point in time.


  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    Good for you! Welcome to MFP! It has definately worked for me, down 44 pounds in 13 weeks! I love this site. Everyday, just keep giving it your all and good things will happen. Good luck and keep it up!
  • missduffbug
    Am new to this too - only joined 5 days ago and it's actually such a good site! It really helps having somewhere to log all your food and exercise, and it works it all out for you which is awesome!
    Welcome and good luck!!!!
  • coxy1968
    Hi i love this site as well, this is my third week and no other diet has really worked for me but this seems to be the one so welcome and good luck on your journey.:happy:
  • willowbank
    :bigsmile: hi there i am Kelly and Joined yesterday - i havent a clue how it all works , but looks like fun, i am looking for friends that i can talk to about w8 loss and motivation, i am from New Zealand and would love to meet people close by as well, so that we could maybe start a walking group : )
  • missduffbug
    Hi i love this site as well, this is my third week and no other diet has really worked for me but this seems to be the one so welcome and good luck on your journey.:happy:

    wow - 10lb in 3 weeks - thats fantastic!!!