Sugar in Fruit/Veggie Juices??

Hello there,

I hope someone can make this clearer for me. I have just bought a juicer and for the past week I have been substituting breakfast and dinner for really good juices, low in calories but packed with all the other good things. The problem is just one of them throws me above my recommended daily sugar intake! I have been loosing weight, I have lots of energy, go to the gym, University, work... I was just wondering how is it that fruit sugars count the same or differently from the ones that come with fat (like chocolate, etc).

Any help is very welcome, have a lovely weekend all x


  • jonny_gee
    I am similar. I have grapefruit for brekkie and eat apples, a banana and satsumas etc through the day. My sugar level is always over. I dont know if it is doing me any harm - how can it be!?
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    you are eating natural sugar not refined. there is a difference and the sugar that is found in fruits and veggies are good sugars. now you don't what to eat nothing but sugar, you must get the carbs, protein and fiber that the body needs to help build muscle when exercising.
  • smota
    smota Posts: 62

    Thank you so much for replying. No worries, juices have a lot of carbs too, and I eat all the other things I need to be in shape. I'm not even trying to lose that much weight. I used to run every day and (believe it or not) smoke quite a bit. Then I got in trouble with my knees and recently started medication for vitD and Calcium and quit smoking. This is a way to make sure I don't put on weight from quitting AND have a good and balanced diet. Also, as soon as I can jog again, I'll be running around London! For now I'm just building up a bit more muscle so my soft tissues get a break :)

    Jigger: See? All good ;)!
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    I'm not an expert on the topic (trying to learn more for myself actually!) but I think there's a difference between "added" sugars and naturally-occurring fruit sugars. As far as I know, you don't really need to watch out for those "natural" ones, but your "added" sugar should be less than 20-25g/day (I think!).