Puppy worries...

I have a two year old Pomeranian that I absolutely adore!
His name is Chester and he's one of my best friends. So of course I try my best to take very good care of him. Last week I got a card in the mail saying it was time for his yearly check up and shots so I promptly called on Monday and scheduled him an appointment for next Monday. His hair was getting a little shaggy so I called in today and got him appointment early this evening with the groomers since I knew he wouldn't be able to be groomed for a few days after his vet visit. When I went to pick him up the groomer told me she found a rather large lump in his throat right under his chin. His trainer was also at the groomers today and she said I needed to get him to the vet ASAP. It could be a swollen lymph node, thyroid problems, or even cancer. :noway: :sad:
I'm gonna call the vet back in the morning and see what they have to say and if I can get his appointment moved up. He doesn't seem to be acting any differently than normal, but after feeling the lump I'm extremely worried. Please keep me and my sweet puppy in your thoughts.


  • SuzieQT
    SuzieQT Posts: 188 Member
    I have a two year old Pomeranian that I absolutely adore!
    His name is Chester and he's one of my best friends. So of course I try my best to take very good care of him. Last week I got a card in the mail saying it was time for his yearly check up and shots so I promptly called on Monday and scheduled him an appointment for next Monday. His hair was getting a little shaggy so I called in today and got him appointment early this evening with the groomers since I knew he wouldn't be able to be groomed for a few days after his vet visit. When I went to pick him up the groomer told me she found a rather large lump in his throat right under his chin. His trainer was also at the groomers today and she said I needed to get him to the vet ASAP. It could be a swollen lymph node, thyroid problems, or even cancer. :noway: :sad:
    I'm gonna call the vet back in the morning and see what they have to say and if I can get his appointment moved up. He doesn't seem to be acting any differently than normal, but after feeling the lump I'm extremely worried. Please keep me and my sweet puppy in your thoughts.
  • His_Kelly
    Will do!

    Good luck with your little friend...
  • kels0724
    I know exactly what you are going through and will definately keep you and chester in my prayers!
  • emtchip
    All of our thoughts are with you! I have two little ones and I am sure you are very anxious to find out what is going on. Keep us posted! :flowerforyou:
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Aw honey, keep us posted!:ohwell:

    Such a cutie patootie!
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Good luck with that girlie!!! My dog had two removed about 3 months apart and they were nothing. Let's hope you are in the same boat. Good luck and let us know how it goes. K? :flowerforyou:
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Awww :( That's awful, I hope it's nothing serious, poor little fella.
  • SuzieQT
    SuzieQT Posts: 188 Member
    Thanks so much guys! I will definitely keep you all updated.
  • jules1984
    jules1984 Posts: 439 Member
    I'll keep it in my thoughts while I snuggle with my little monster on the couch. I hope its nothing!
  • shortstack
    Keep me informed, my biscon, Bebe, has the same thing but the vet said that he was not concerned it was a fatty tumor. Like your baby she does not act like anything is bothering her. I will keep him in my prayers.
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Keep me informed, my biscon, Bebe, has the same thing but the vet said that he was not concerned it was a fatty tumor. Like your baby she does not act like anything is bothering her. I will keep him in my prayers.

    Hahahaha! I read your post really fast and thought it said BISON!

    Hope your little Pommy is okay! believe me, I had a scare with my doggie 3 weeks ago and it's not fun!
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Chester is in my prayers.

    I had a boxer that I found a lump on his throat too. He was drinking way more water then usual. Sure enough cancer. We did some injections and it wen away really fast but came back in a week! I had him put down, he was 7 years old. Broke my heart. So then, I noticed lumped on my other dogs hips, took her in right away,......not cancer, she was just overweight. Put her on a diet and now she is fine, she is 11 years old now!!!!

    Good luck and please keep us posted. These are like family members, so I know how you feel.

  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    I'm sure it's just swollen glands. It's very common. I'm sure he'll be fine.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    You guys are in my thoughts and prayers.:flowerforyou: Please keep me updated as I have two dogs that are my babies also. I understand the bond...:heart:
  • shortstack
    I am just wondering about you sweet puppy. Did you find out about the lump? Keep me informed.
  • luvchi3
    luvchi3 Posts: 167
    Aw what a sweet little face. I just want to give him a big kiss. Take a deep breath and wait till you hear from your vet on what it could be. I've had pets with major health issues and i know its hard not to worry when something is wrong but don't fear the worst, the best judge of what is going on is chesters behavior and if you say that hasn't changed at all thats a very good thing. Please keep us posted.
  • charny164
    charny164 Posts: 175 Member
    OMG - I hope everything is ok. I have 4 dogs and I don't know what I would do if something went wrong. :brokenheart:
    I did have a little look and this is what I found. Hopefully its just something this simple
    Take care
    Char :flowerforyou:
    Hypothyroidism is also quite common in Pomeranians and breeding stock should be tested for this.
    Canine Hypothyroidism is the most commonly diagnosed hormonal disease found in dogs. The term hypothyroidism simply means the underproduction of thyroxin, the hormone produced by the thyroid gland.
    The thyroid gland is located on the trachea (wind pipe) of the dog, just below the voice box. It exerts its influence on the dog's body by producing and releasing thyroxin into the blood stream. This hormone, and thus, the thyroid gland itself, is very important in controlling growth and development and maintaining normal protein, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism of the dog.
    Hypothyroidism usually occurs between the ages of two to six years. The most common sign is an increase in body weight. Lethargy and some form of skin disease (i.e., thin coat, loss of hair, dandruff, oily skin, increased scratching) are also common signs of Hypothyroidism.
    The treatment is through thyroid hormone supplementation given orally once or twice a day. Usually thyroid supplementation improves the clinical signs associated with the disease within four to six weeks. All the clinical signs of hypothyroidism are reversible, once treatment is started.

    Try this link: http://www.akc.org/breeds/pomeranian/
  • WFTomba
    It could be something very serious, but keep in mind that it could be something rather benign. I know dogs can get goiter (an enlarged thyroid), which may or may not require treatment.
  • rayche319
    make sure to let us know what happens at the vet...i have a 3 year old rottweiler and i love her to pieces!!!! she's my baby! i would be beside myself as well if something happened to her...good luck
  • JessicaT2007
    JessicaT2007 Posts: 553 Member
    My baby is a morkie and I would just DIE if anything happened to her! After reading this post and then the one about doggy teeth cleaning. I need to go to petsmart to get doggy toothpaste! I hope your puppy is ok and it is nothing serious! Can't wait to hear back from you and hear some good news!