Any women have only 15-20 lbs to lose? Add me!

If you are a woman with 15-20 lbs to lose please add me! My body is not giving up weight easily. I've been on MFP since late November and my weight keeps going up and down. I know I don't have a ton to lose so I'm being careful about eating the right number of calories (generally around 1500), eating lots of fresh foods, and exercising, and have no health problems But I find that if I ever slip up, the weight crawls back up (sweets are a weakness- even if I stay within my calories I suspect I need to get rid of them). Especially with it being winter it is easy for me to slip up- at least when it is warm I am very very good about exercising a lot and being active outdoors. Anyway I'm 31, 5'7 and trapped at 153-156 (which is my highest lifetime weight). I need to bring my weight down to 140. Would love support from gals in a similar situation! My friends on here who are heavier seem to have an easy time losing weekly and I understand it is harder when you don't have a lot to lose. I refuse to give up but need to be more disciplined. It is a daily struggle for me! I've never been "fat", but this chubbiness is not making me happy!! Ultimately it is in my control, though, and need to just work at it every day.

So anyway- add me if you like! We can support each other!


  • Randee75
    Randee75 Posts: 234
    I have lost 15 so far and still have 16 lbs. to go to reach my 140 weight goal. I am currently 158 lbs............Sent a request!
  • sharesb
    sharesb Posts: 416 Member
    I started with a goal of 20lbs and am down to 14 left...will add you!!
  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    me me me me :sad:
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    I've already lost quite a bit, but now going for those last 20 pounds~ it seems that the closer you are to your goal, the more resistant your body is to give up those fat cells!
  • aarce
    aarce Posts: 20
    I'll send over an add right now, add me as well if you're in the same boat. I have a 15 lb weight loss goal!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    I started MFP almost a year ago but just got serious in January. I am also 154-157ish and go up and down all the time. My goal weight is ultimately 135, but I am shooting for 141 by June 1. Adding you...
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    those are the toughest!

    really had to change my workouts, COMPLETLEY :devil: and it's working :tongue:
  • JenSol
    JenSol Posts: 13
    Hi, I am in the same boat as you. I'm 37 and decided that since my baby just turned 5 it is time to get the last 10lbs. of baby weight off. Which is probably not baby weight at this time it's just weight I neglected to get off 5 years ago. So, yes I have about 10-15 lb.s to get off. I have never been fat either, I just wasn't comfortable being that size anymore and knew it needed to go. I recently started running again and doing the elliptical along with strength training. I lost two pounds befor I found this website so I'm at 4 pounds all together. It took awhile for the scale to move I think because I was building muscle. Only this week I lost about 2 lbs. I do love this website b/c I'm accountable for everything I do. It's all in black and white. Keep it up, it will come off. But, yes, I am feeling your pain. We'll get there. :flowerforyou:
  • QueenofCups
    QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member
    I added you...

    Those last few pounds are so elusive. I have 6-15 lbs to lose, depending on how I feel on certain days. lol But its difficult.
    I am with you, I have 2-3 lbs that just keep going up and down up and down. Its so infuriating!!!!
    Hang in there, it'll get better (I hope).
  • 3kidsin3years
    3kidsin3years Posts: 116 Member
    Hey there! I'm in the 15-20 lb range, too, I'll send a request! I've had good luck thus far, but I know I'll hit a wall soon, and I'm not gonna like it. =( Good luck and we can all do this together!
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I am right there with you!! I got to my goal weight end of last summer, and throughout the winter I have let 10 lbs creep back on! It is frustrating, because I cant seem to get those 10 off again! The last 10 are sooo stubborn :sad:
    Good Luck to you!
  • princesschikee
    The closer you are the harder you have to work. No way around it. I suggest lifting heavier weights as thats what burns fat. I make sure also to fuel the muscles with plenty of protein.
  • Jourdan_Rystrom
    Jourdan_Rystrom Posts: 176 Member
    I used to have about 5 pounds left...but then V-day came along and so did my anniversary. Now I have 15 left again! Ugh...sweets like chocolates and chocolate....and pad thai!! It really gets me and I get CRAVINGS that are intense and then I binge on it...chocolate dinners...chocolate breakfasts....its terrible!!!
  • MWeinTwins
    This is my first week at MFP and so far I love it. I have 14 lbs to lose but would love to lose more if my body will allow it. I haven't been below 140 since high school but it would be a great feeling to acheive that.
    Request sent.
    Also, if people would like to be of help to me, please send me a request. The more the merrier. :-)
  • missjay001
    I had about 24 to lose and so far i have lost 19. I found out that when i eat junk food even if i stay under my calories, i gain weight or hit a plateau. So to lose weight, i eat maximum one sweet a week, and for the rest of the week eat healthy. My calories are set at 1200/day. I also stop eating around 7p . I know people say it doesnt matter how late u eat, but for me if i eat late even if it's healthy, i gain weight
  • JaimeLaRae
    JaimeLaRae Posts: 279 Member
    I'm closer to needing to loose about 25, but it sounds like were a lot alike. I could use some pals!
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    I also started MFP in mid-to-late November with a goal of losing at least 22 lbs. Starting weight was 152 lbs., ballpark goal is 125-130 lbs. I'm 5'6". I weighed myself yesterday (every Friday) and I was pleasantly shocked to be down to 133 lbs. My weight does creep up every now and then but usually only by 2-3 lbs.

    MFP set my net calories to 1200 and for the most part I have stuck to that. A few slip-ups along the way due to liquor consumption.:drinker: I'm not a heavy exerciser but I try to get in a 30 minute workout 3 times per week. I totally cut out all processed foods, increased my water intake to 8-11 glasses every day, reduced my sodium, and started eating 3-5 servings of vegetables every day.

    I will send you a friend request.
  • maryrunslikeafox
    maryrunslikeafox Posts: 136 Member
    I have 14 left to lose! Request sent! :smokin:
  • bjerkins
    bjerkins Posts: 107 Member
    I have 18 lbs to go. And the pendulum continues to swing back and forth.
  • NOLAdy
    NOLAdy Posts: 133 Member
    Gosh, you're beautiful. I sent a friend request.