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Hakkiri Posts: 6
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
I've actually been on here for a couple of weeks already, but decided to post something here now. :) My doctor told me that I was a bit overweight and so a friend recommended me to try this. I hope it all goes well... I lost 3 lbs. so far, and I'm hoping it's permanent!! :(

That being said, I'm also tired of always looking bigger than my boyfriend... :P haha the end. Hoping to find a great community here. :D


  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    welcome to the family of "lifestyle" changes. make the move to changing your lifestyle and it will "stick". read the labels when you go to the store and make smarter chooses when shopping. food that is good for you can taste just as good as the food that is not so good for you. you will find lots of postings with awesome, tasty recipes here. and everybody can eat what you are eating and benefit from the lifestyle also. good luck to you with your journey.
  • Awesome!! That is so true! :) Well here are the some of the lifestyle changes I am trying to sustain...

    1) Food portions are a lot smaller. I used to just simply eat SO MUCH with no control over it whatsoever...and I wouldn't feel satisfied until I was super full. I think it stretched my stomach a lot which always increased my appetite over time. But now, I'm trying to eat in smaller portions, and I've been noticing that I've been naturally wanting to eat it in smaller portions too. :)

    2) I'm no longer eating late. My huge problem was late night snacking. It was probably the main reason I gained so much weight since the end of high school. Now when it's after 8 or 9 PM, I just stop eating. If I have to eat something, I'll probably just chew on veggie stick, or eat an orange. Or I'll just simply drink water.

    3) Sleeping earlier!! This one I still struggle with as I'm more of a night owl, but I know that if you sleep more, the easier it is to lose weight. It's a work in progress...but I'm doing my best...

    4) Cut out cheese and soda (even diet soda). I haven't been able to successfully cut cheese out of my life completely, but I definitely eat so much less of it nowadays. I used to love soda, but now after more than a month of pushing myself to abstain from it, I get kinda sick from even tasting that's a good thing, I think! haha..

    In terms of exercising, I haven't been able to fit it into my busy schedule as much, but what I try to do is take the option of walking rather than not (e.g., stairs rather than escalators or elevators, park farther away in the parking lot to give myself some walking time, etc.) After I finish my studies, I'm going to implement an exercise schedule on a daily basis...

    I hope I can do this!!
  • By the way, my name is Emily. :) Nice to meet you all.
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