water... water... water...



  • anything that makes drinking water more bearable is good with me. LOL. jk actually I dont mind drinking water. You just have to train yourself to like it .. everyday at work I fill up one of those huge 64oz cups with water .. [i used to fill it up with soda!] ... I drink it throughout the day.... it stays cold. While Im at home, I just use regular glasses .. Im gonna try the water bottle thing though! Thanks for the idea!
  • I have a big problem drinking enough water. I just don't like it and It has to be ice cold for me to be able to drink it. The bf tends to not replace the cold water when he takes it and with a dorm sized fridge can't put too many in at once :/

    I am not a huge fan of water either. I could drink Strawberry Kiwi Propel fitness water all day long...but I know I shouldnt. The water at my work is disgusting....old pipes maybe, so now my next task is to figure out how I can get all my decent 'home water' to work! LOL

    oh my!!! strawberry kiwi propel was my fav! its how i weened myself off of moutnain dew BUT (excuse my grossness) the caffeine withdraws gave me migraines and made me puke.... once u puke up the taste of something (propel) for so long you dont wanna drink it anymore lol
  • To those of you adding lemon...that's good for kidney health as well. My husband's doctor recommended he do that after he had kidney stones. A little FYI tidbit. :)
  • jessalice66
    jessalice66 Posts: 47 Member
    try putting water bottles in the freezer and take it out for the day - when you fancy a sip there'll be enough for you to have a drink and it'll be nice and cold! xx
  • I have a very hard time getting enough water in each day so I have been trying a few different things. Today I think I found my secret weapon...water bottles! I have just been refilling a 16.9 oz water bottle and aim for at least 4 bottles a day. I am finding that since I can SEE the water, as opposed to my normal white styrofoam cup, I enjoy seeing how fast I can drink them and how much I have left to go. I just wanted to share incase any of you have the same problem as me...and if any one has any more tips, feel free to share!

    I had a hard time in the beginning too. Like you, I switched to water bottles and tell myself to drink at least 4. (Unlike most people, I don't like my water cold but rather warm temperature-weird, I know). But after a few weeks of this, I have gotten basically addicted to water. I don't want to drink anything else (except for hot herbal tea with honey that I have in the evenings). It has also helped me to understand the difference between hunger and thirst. So hopefully, you have a similar experience where it becomes less of a chore. :)
  • kdao
    kdao Posts: 265
    I start my day with 16oz of water. and by start my day, I mean as soon as I get up I drink a bottle of water.
    After that it seems to be smooth sailing.

    Same here. Start with 16 ounces and right before bed 16 ounces. I usually drink between 14-16 cups of water a day.
  • Mrsbonno
    Mrsbonno Posts: 38 Member
    i have 32oz plastic cups from The Funny Bone comedy club that i use to track my water! i also put lemon or lime in it to give it a little flavor! :)
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