What is my activity level???

I have myself down as "active" but I want to make sure that is accurate.

I walk my dog 4 times a day (I live in an apt), 2 miles in the am that I log, and 3 other walks that range between 10-15 minutes that I dont log. I run 4-5 times a week, I park far away at campus and especially on mondays and wednesdays, I walk alot.
I dont feel that lightly active describes me considering I am moving more then most people I know, but I want to make sure I am accurate in my assumption! What do you think?


  • amymunn
    amymunn Posts: 115 Member
    i would say active definitely. you do alot of movin around and exercisin! :]
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    It really depends how much you log and how much you include within your activity level.

    I put lightly active for myself. I have 3 young children so I am up and about after them most of the day. I'm also up and walking around the shops/ cleaning/ doing washing etc rather than sitting in front of a computer in an office all day. I do a LOT of exercise but I'd prefer to log this rather than have it on my activity level. That way, when you do have a lazy day, you can still be reasonably certain that you are not over eating for that day.

    Always better to under estimate when it comes to exercise.... and the opposite for calories!!
  • Carissa83
    Carissa83 Posts: 33 Member
    I don't know if this helps but my personal trainer says he would describe his job as lightly active. I think active would be more like the mailmen that have to walk or a server. If you aren't meeting your weight goals maybe change it to lightly active, but if you are then you are probably all good.
  • kbisch
    I agree that it's always better to underestimate for activity so I changed my profile from active to lightly active but it didn't end up changing any of my numbers....so maybe it doesn't matter that much?
  • mfergie889
    Thanks everyone...

    So I just changed my level to "lightly active" and changed my goal weight loss from 1 lb per week toa 1/2 lb per week, and it upped my calorie intake from 1400 to 1500. Nice! haha
  • katieseitz
    Piggybacking this thread, but... What about someone who works in retail (clothing) on the sales floor? Constantly walking around a large store carrying around hangers of clothes (or piles of folded jeans) can get heavy surprisingly fast. I saw the salesman example so I picked that, but I figure I do as much walking and carrying as a waitress which was the next level up.
  • wmartin8
    Wow your hot! hehe....Anyway, I think slightly active sounds about right. If you take a look a little closely you'll notice that fitness pal let's you record the calorie burn from all types of exercises. So i would assume you would get the most accurate calorie estimate by picking an activity level that best describes you without taking into account any of your walks, and runs; just take into account the things that you would do in a typical day with no exercise. After you figure that out just log in all the physical activity you can, and I think that would give you your most accurate calorie burn and consumption for the day. hope that helps.