Need to Vent!!!! (about work)

I've been in sales for several years now. For the most part I did outside sales, lots of driving meeting with HR and maintenance and purchasing people (mostly men at the types of businesses I worked with). It was alot of extra hours with all the driving and I decided I wanted something where I didn't have to be on the road all the time cuz it added so much stress and with the economy not doing so great (especially where i live) i wanted something where the consumers came to me. So I took at job at a retail specialty store as the store manager, my thoughts were it'll be less stress and we sell amazing products so it will be fun. Now I think of myself as a different kind of sales person than the stereotype, i'm not pushy i'm honest and my goal is truely to help people, i love to make people happy and help solve a problem. I also figured after dealing with men who are abrasive demanding and crude at times that i could definitely handle selling to woman (since our products are geared more towards females) however i can't take it anymore. They are some of the nastiest most disrespectful insulting people i've ever dealt with. We also service all of our products in the store and I know much more about these products than the people that purchase them since I've been trained to do repairs, and I would never, and I mean NEVER lie to a customer about what was wrong with thier maching to make more money (since i don't make money off them anyway). It's completely insulting to be talked to like i tried to rip someone off, when i actually know what the problem is and they just think they know more. I don't know how people do it, I feel like my face is on fire right now after getting off the phone with this woman who was just disgusted with my store for telling her that it would be 75 dollars to fix her machine and she took it somewhere else (that is not authorized to do repairs or sell our products) and they said they could fix it for 5. Well what they did was a temporary fix and will last like two weeks and they still have the same problem, but this woman is convinced we were trying to rip her off and is telling everyone she knows never to come to this store again. I am literally shaking because i am so upset that she would treat me like i'm a dishonest person, i can't tell you how insulting that is to me.

I think if i get it out and vent i will feel better.
Thanks all!!!!


  • luvchi3
    luvchi3 Posts: 167
    I've been in sales for several years now. For the most part I did outside sales, lots of driving meeting with HR and maintenance and purchasing people (mostly men at the types of businesses I worked with). It was alot of extra hours with all the driving and I decided I wanted something where I didn't have to be on the road all the time cuz it added so much stress and with the economy not doing so great (especially where i live) i wanted something where the consumers came to me. So I took at job at a retail specialty store as the store manager, my thoughts were it'll be less stress and we sell amazing products so it will be fun. Now I think of myself as a different kind of sales person than the stereotype, i'm not pushy i'm honest and my goal is truely to help people, i love to make people happy and help solve a problem. I also figured after dealing with men who are abrasive demanding and crude at times that i could definitely handle selling to woman (since our products are geared more towards females) however i can't take it anymore. They are some of the nastiest most disrespectful insulting people i've ever dealt with. We also service all of our products in the store and I know much more about these products than the people that purchase them since I've been trained to do repairs, and I would never, and I mean NEVER lie to a customer about what was wrong with thier maching to make more money (since i don't make money off them anyway). It's completely insulting to be talked to like i tried to rip someone off, when i actually know what the problem is and they just think they know more. I don't know how people do it, I feel like my face is on fire right now after getting off the phone with this woman who was just disgusted with my store for telling her that it would be 75 dollars to fix her machine and she took it somewhere else (that is not authorized to do repairs or sell our products) and they said they could fix it for 5. Well what they did was a temporary fix and will last like two weeks and they still have the same problem, but this woman is convinced we were trying to rip her off and is telling everyone she knows never to come to this store again. I am literally shaking because i am so upset that she would treat me like i'm a dishonest person, i can't tell you how insulting that is to me.

    I think if i get it out and vent i will feel better.
    Thanks all!!!!
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    I'm sorry.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Can you step out for a quick walk/ run and burn off that anger?
  • eyescatchfire
    eyescatchfire Posts: 257 Member
    That totally sucks. I hope the rest of your day improves! I, for one, always appreciate a helpful sales person, since I know I don't know anything. :):flowerforyou:
  • luvchi3
    luvchi3 Posts: 167
    Can you step out for a quick walk/ run and burn off that anger?

    GOD I wish i could, unfortunately I'm the only one working the store most of the time so there's no escape till 6 o'clock
  • JennyBanker
    JennyBanker Posts: 49 Member
    I worked at my parents grocery store for 20 years and I have been called every name in the book, told we are over pricing all our products and they would never come back into the store ever again. You know what they always came back in after awhile and apologiesed or just looking ashamed of themselves. I am now 31 years old and I am a financial advisore and I dont get that kind of treatment anymore I still get rejuection from people who think they know more than I do and it does not effect me anymore. I let rejection and anger from other people just go over my head and go about my day. Just breath and realize you did not make the product, you dont price the product and if they can find cheaper let them they will learn soon enough that cutting corners will only get them into trouble.
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member

    When you have an 'I Hate My Job day'
    > [Even if you're retired, you sometimes have those days]
    > Try this out:
    > On your way home from work, stop at your pharmacy and go to
    > the thermometer section and purchase a rectal thermometer
    > made by Johnson &Johnson
    > Be very sure you get this brand. When you get home, lock
    > your doors, draw the curtains and disconnect the phone so
    > you will not be disturbed.
    > Change into very comfortable clothing and sit in your
    > favorite chair. Open the packa ge and remove the
    > thermometer. Now, carefully place it on a table or a surface
    > so that it will not become chipped or broken.
    > Now the fun part begins.
    > Take out the literature from the box and read it carefully.
    > You will notice that in small print there is a statement:
    > 'Every Rectal Thermometer made by Johnson &Johnson is
    > personally tested and then sanitized. '
    > Now, close your eyes and repeat out loud five times,'I am so
    > glad I do not work in the thermometer quality control
    > department at Johnson &Johnson.'
    > ........Remember, if you haven't got a smile on your face
    > and laughter in your heart...Then you are just an old sour
    > fart; Maybe you should go and work for Johnson &Johnson!!!!!
  • heartshapdworld
    heartshapdworld Posts: 323 Member
    I worked retail, in management, for several years and before that I was a hairstylist for several years...I am sorry, but I had to laugh about your customer. It brought back some customer service memories. I can laugh about them now.

    Customers have no right to treat the store and its employees with disrepect. I had no problem telling a customer when they were inappropiate. It didn't matter if the customer was abusive or harassing my staff.

    Good luck on the rest of your day, and don't let your customer ruin it! You will get to know your regulars, and they will make you smile everytime you see them! And always have passion for the product,! (sometimes that got me through some bad times):flowerforyou:
  • luvchi3
    luvchi3 Posts: 167
    I so just wish i could find a job i would love forever. I just seem to find one after another that are awful, i'm starting to think it's me, but it's probably just that their not the right job for me, i just don't know what is. :cry:
  • Losing_It
    Losing_It Posts: 3,271 Member

    When you have an 'I Hate My Job day'
    > [Even if you're retired, you sometimes have those days]
    > Try this out:
    > On your way home from work, stop at your pharmacy and go to
    > the thermometer section and purchase a rectal thermometer
    > made by Johnson &Johnson
    > Be very sure you get this brand. When you get home, lock
    > your doors, draw the curtains and disconnect the phone so
    > you will not be disturbed.
    > Change into very comfortable clothing and sit in your
    > favorite chair. Open the packa ge and remove the
    > thermometer. Now, carefully place it on a table or a surface
    > so that it will not become chipped or broken.
    > Now the fun part begins.
    > Take out the literature from the box and read it carefully.
    > You will notice that in small print there is a statement:
    > 'Every Rectal Thermometer made by Johnson &Johnson is
    > personally tested and then sanitized. '
    > Now, close your eyes and repeat out loud five times,'I am so
    > glad I do not work in the thermometer quality control
    > department at Johnson &Johnson.'
    > ........Remember, if you haven't got a smile on your face
    > and laughter in your heart...Then you are just an old sour
    > fart; Maybe you should go and work for Johnson &Johnson!!!!!

    (That's HILARIOUS, Anna)

    Luvchi, I hope your day improves!:flowerforyou:
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    I so just wish i could find a job i would love forever. I just seem to find one after another that are awful, i'm starting to think it's me, but it's probably just that their not the right job for me, i just don't know what is. :cry:

    It's not you. There are just some really crabby people out there.

    I use to work at a truck stop that sold rebuilt TV's and radios. We had a very strict return policy and some of the people that would come in to bring crap back were just impossible to deal with. I would have to just remember it's not me they are mad at its the situation.
  • luvchi3
    luvchi3 Posts: 167
    UGH!!!! Maybe i'd feel better if it were busy, so much of my salary is made up of commision and bonus and when it's slow i make barely anything, and to have to deal with these rude people on top of it just makes it so not worth it
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    I soooo understand. I was a retail manager for 20 years and you wouldn't believe some of the stories I've got. Customers will do and say things to service associates that they would never dare do to anyone else. I've never really understood it. I've been called all kinds of unimaginable names, had things thrown at me and once had my car vandalized. As for repairs on products....I have horror stories from clothing (women can be truely nasty) that is returned stained or with unmentionable things in the pockets to electronics and appliances that have roaches racing out of them when they are set on the counter. And don't even get me started on shoplifters and parents that are teaching their children to steal, compulsive shoppers who return everything, and bathroom etiquette for other people's children. It will make you question what is happening in our society.

    You have to keep your sense of humor and balance it with all the good customer stories. I have some really funny experiences and some heartwarming ones. It's always great when you feel as if you made someone's day. When you can no longer do that, get out. I finally had to as it seemed to get worse every year.

    Hope your day gets bettter:flowerforyou:
  • luvchi3
    luvchi3 Posts: 167
    I soooo understand. I was a retail manager for 20 years and you wouldn't believe some of the stories I've got. Customers will do and say things to service associates that they would never dare do to anyone else. I've never really understood it. I've been called all kinds of unimaginable names, had things thrown at me and once had my car vandalized. As for repairs on products....I have horror stories from clothing (women can be truely nasty) that is returned stained or with unmentionable things in the pockets to electronics and appliances that have roaches racing out of them when they are set on the counter. And don't even get me started on shoplifters and parents that are teaching their children to steal, compulsive shoppers who return everything, and bathroom etiquette for other people's children. It will make you question what is happening in our society.

    You have to keep your sense of humor and balance it with all the good customer stories. I have some really funny experiences and some heartwarming ones. It's always great when you feel as if you made someone's day. When you can no longer do that, get out. I finally had to as it seemed to get worse every year.

    Hope your day gets bettter:flowerforyou:

    You summed it up pretty well, thanks, that's exactly why i loved doing this work it was all the good customer experiences that gave me a rush and made me feel great. i just get hardly any anymore, it seems people get worse and worse as the months go on