What to do with those extra calories after a workout?

My caloric goal for a day is 1675. I am doing cardio and strength training 4 days a week to lose the flab by this summer. After I input my exercise for the day, the fitness pal tells me I have extra calories to eat. Do you eat them and enjoy or just know you are burning the heck out of some calories. Thanks for any input. J


  • goodforallcoffee
    Thanks for the link. It is hard to conceive in my brain. It is telling me that I should eat almost 3000 calories today. Do you consume all your exercise calories or modify it some?
  • ciaobella47
    ciaobella47 Posts: 97 Member
    I eat mine. Last year I plateaued for a almost 2 months. I experimented with eating exercise calories and voila! 10 lbs down the next month. I took a while for me to wrap my brain around it too but I'm a believer. :) There are days when it's harder to meet my calorie goal (though it's never been over 2000) but I make sure to get within a least 50.
  • SkinnyCate
    Put those workout calories on your trophy shelf. Be proud that you burned calories, and realize that by not eating them, you will get that much closer to your goal even sooner.

    Think of The Biggest Loser. Think of how many calories they burn every day. I can promise they are not eating their workout calories, so why should I?

    But I mean if you're hungry, a little snack won't hurt ;)