Unsupportive Facebook friends



  • kdao
    kdao Posts: 265
    I feel the same exact way you do! I just chalked it up to one of my favorite sayings "haters are gonna hate" =)
  • I agree. I have not put this on my FB yet and probably won't...at least untill I lose quite a bit. I have lots of friend who would be supportive but there are a lot of aquantises ( now you know my dirty little secret...i'm a horrible speller!) who just would not 'get' it. And lets face it we all have those 'friends' who would secretly like to see us fail. At least at this site we are ALL here to improve our fitness and health and with that is losing weight. So don't feel bad about not sharing this part of your life with your FB family!

    Keep up the good work! And if I would have stopped and done something about my weight whe I gained that FIRST 10 lbs, I wouldn't need to lose 100 now!! So kudos to you for getting on top of it before it gets on top of you!!! Those young girls that are closest to me I always tell them "The best advice I can give you is to not let those 5 lbs turn into 10, keep on top of your health/weight, do what ever it takes to stay in your healthy range."

    Best of luck to you!:bigsmile:
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I have it set up where FB only updates if I make a blog post. A blog post is something I throw out there for the public so I have no qualms about FB showing the blog. The rest of it I'd rather not announce to the rest of my social circle.

    I have received some good feedback from my blog posts on FB. Of course, the people I'm really want to get the message probably aren't going to comment for their own reasons. I just want people to know that if they want some help, want to talk about weight loss/fitness issues that I'm open to it, and won't shy away from it.

    You never know. You may find out that that someone you know actually shares your interest, and can begin new dialouge. I found out one of my freinds from college actually started a gym of his own, and teaches BootCamp and other classes.
  • Most people that have not made an effort to analyze or really consider how many calories they are consuming or what they are eating would have a reaction to the 1600 calorie number. Even if you're the type that goes around reading nutritional labels often you might be thinking constantly that '2000' is the magic number for any living adult vs those people that really focus on finding out a lot of details about nutrition etc.
    Also as you mention you want to lose 10 lbs- they might think you're being extreme. Or they might just not even care? People like to be entertained on FB by funny or unusual drama and make jokes and argue.
    One of the reasons why MFP is so awesome is that we're all trying to do the same thing relatively speaking. So it's easier for the MFP crew you have on here to focus on that AND have fun (at least, for me, in my case, and my friends) and throw around caloric and GW encouragement.
  • lisablueeyes
    lisablueeyes Posts: 213 Member
    Wow.. I feel so bad for the people who don't have that support from friends or family!!!

    I do post some of my information on FB From workouts to recipes.. etc etc..... (some even want me to make them a recipe book)
    And so far no one ever said anything bad.....
    I am very lucky that I have motivated some to make this change with me!! And I have Inspired them to workout as well... Thats crazy I never inspired anyone to make any change....
    But they see how hard I work and Motivated I am!!!! I wish you all the best with journey!!
  • bparr
    bparr Posts: 246 Member
    I feel the same exact way you do! I just chalked it up to one of my favorite sayings "haters are gonna hate" =)

    I agree with this.
    I too have friends that "question" why I worry about what I eat and show no support in my commitment to exercise. I think people are jealous and it makes THEM feel better to downgrade what we're doing.
    Hells Bells-- even if we didn't need to lose weight, we need to maintain a healthy weight and exercise to not become feeble as we age.
  • I don't want my RL friends and family (with the exception of my husband) knowing all of the details of my ups and downs and how many calories I'm taking in and if I work out or not. This is just the way I am, not an explanation of how anyone else should view their own journey.
    Then again- I dislike FB and don't use it with the same intensity that others do. Even when I see people in my family IRL, I don't talk about this process at all. I'll just know I have all of the support I'll ever need when they see me in a miniskirt.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    Main reason I don't use Facebook is stuff like that. I'd rather go about my business without everyone knowing. Had a profile once, deleted it and never looked back.
  • I used to have my MFP linked to FB too and unlinked it! I got all kinds of weird comments too. :huh: I just chalked it up to the fact that I must be making some people feel lazy :laugh: ! Luckily I have a very supportive family and, of course, my MFP family that just rocks beyond words!! You just do what you need to do for yourself and keep up the good work! There are a lot more benefits to this than losing pounds. A person can be "skinny" and unhealthy. Kudos to you wanting to be healthy! :drinker:
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    this is the exact reason I've never shared with FB - most of my friends are the type that would think I was crazy cause they didn't think I'd need to lose the weight. they're happy with how they look, at least outwardly, and would not be supportive at all.

    I love my friends here on MFP!
    MUAH! We love you too!

    I was overweight growing up so I don't get too much of the "stop losing" from people I knew back then. It's only the people I've met since I've lost weight that give me that bunk. I don't post anything about losing weight. The closest thing I do to that is occasionally I'll post about a fitness accomplishment like running 3 miles in 27:39.
  • RHOyalT
    RHOyalT Posts: 204 Member
    I only have status updates (completed food journal, logged in XX amount of days and weight loss). Anything else is left to the "privacy" of MFP including whatever status I post, blogs, etc.
  • toddstogner
    toddstogner Posts: 1 Member
    I think the number of responses to this post is very revealing. I, for many of the same reasons, have chosen not to link MFP with FB. Honestly, I don't even like telling people how many calories I'm eating every day. When people ask if I've lost weight and how I've done it I just share that it's "diet and exercise."

    However, I have turned a few people on to MFP.

    Hang in there everyone. Keep sharing here on MFP.
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    I never have shared my weight loss info on FB. I don't think that most of my FB friends "get it" but my MFP friends do. I get all the support and encouragement I need right here. :happy:
  • SayLiLIG
    SayLiLIG Posts: 197 Member
    I didnt link back up to fb when they unlinked it a little while ago because I just didnt want them seeing the 2 pounds lost stuff. I post to my fb if ive lost like 10 and up. I also have my photo album on there stating "Gettin My Skinny On"... lol

    The friends that care about me...give words of encouragement, but no one else says anything negative... But its OBVIOUS i have a weight problem and have had one for quite sometime.

    Im sorry your friends cant support you.
  • rcrea
    rcrea Posts: 80
    I NEVER mention my attempts to lose weight on FB because I'd get bombarded with comments about how I'm skinny enough already. But people don't realize that I just gained some weight from medication I was taking from being too thin and it worked a little TOO well. So I have to find an even keel now. In fact, I don't mention it outside my house or MFP either.
  • fevre
    fevre Posts: 60 Member
    I'd be afraid of posting my info to Facebook just because it seems so personal! I'm losing weight just through diet (eventually I may introduce exercise, but I'm soo busy with school right now that I can't find the time or the energy), so I'd also be afraid of sounding like I have an eating disorder (some medication I was on in high school led to a short eating disorder, and I am worried people will connect the two). To people who don't know about nutrition, 1300 calories sounds very low!
    My friends are all thin and I'm just about 20 pounds higher than where I'd like to be, so they've always reassured me that I'm not overweight - partly out of kindness and partly because I've never been clinically overweight. However, they've been supportive of what I've told them so far, and they'd probably remain supportive if I told them more. My girlfriend was actually afraid to compliment me on my weight loss at first because she was afraid it would sound like a backhanded compliment to acknowledge there was any weight to lose! Meanwhile, I'm the only one in my immediate family without a major weight problem, and I don't know if they'd see this as being "too skinny" or if they'd see it as inspiration to lose weight as well. I'd love to show them this website and all the other great resources I've found, but I don't want to sound preachy - I never had as far to go.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    I hear ya! I only want to lose five pounds, maybe ten pounds tops! And when I tell people this, they say, Oh you dont need to lose weight or whatever. Ive learned to ignore what other people say. As long as Im healthy and running and able to do my Tae Kwon Do and not feel tired, I feel that Im on the right track. I try not to be obsessed about my weight but it's tough when it's very easy for me to gain weight... and not so easy to lose it. (Ive been sick in the last two weeks and have been eating horribly! So being on this myfitnesspal site has been very helpful to at least keep me somewhat focused on what I need to do to meet my goals.)
  • quanta
    quanta Posts: 28
    I don't post any MFP stuff on facebook. But boy do I look forward to the day when I post a new fb photo of myself at my goal weight with the caption "10 lbs lost" or something like that! :smile:
  • melissarforlife
    melissarforlife Posts: 47 Member
    Thank you for talking about this. I think your right. I'm going to limit what goes on fb, because of what you guys already know! Misery does LOVE company..and im not part of that crap anymore! Lets all do this!
  • cheyennekl
    cheyennekl Posts: 90 Member
    I just try to avoid talking about this stuff with anyone except MFP friends these days .... even my housemates are negative and insensitive sometimes. When people who aren't happy with themselves see someone else making positive changes in their lives, they often feel guilty and can try to sabotage that person's success rather than examining themselves differently. Just do what is right for you, and ignore the negativity!! :smile:
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