Now that I cant eat I'm Angry!!

I dont know why but I seem so angry lately... It's like I was eating all my feeling and now I am just angry...I just wanted to know if anyone else went through this? You would think I would be happy as much as I excercise but I'm just so upset all the time and stressed...If anyone else went through this it would be great to know what you did uhhh!!!!!:explode:


  • rowennahathaway
    I have not experienced this exactly but I have been a little annoyed at myself for always wanting the "comfort foods" I can see how this could turn into anger. I am trying to let myself have things and cook from scratch and make smart choices to stay in my calorie goal. today I had carrot cake but then had just steamed veggies for dinner. but I am happy since I got the cake in! try to find alternatives to your old favorites. I really like sugar free jell-o pudding as a treat. I will also put the pudding over sweet n lo boxed cake instead of frosting and it satisfies my sweet tooth!
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    If you need to blow off some steam, I suggest exercising to release the pent up tension and stress. You can start with walking and work your way up. Exercise will make you feel better and let you clear your mind.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    I REALLY understand what you mean. I have been venting to my friends for the last week. I even posted here about being alittle depressed. My attitude has be terrible - really snappy.

    I really believe it's a lack of something in our diets that cause this.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Swim and hot tub.
  • strandedeyes
    strandedeyes Posts: 392 Member
    Maybe you need to really reevaluate what is stressing you out and why you are angry. Exercise does help someone become happier, but the problem is deeply rooted and needs to be looked at or taken care of from a different angle. I used to eat my feelings but now I journal a lot more (my therapy) and its been so much more of a better release for me. I have found myself a little more frustrated, but again, I journal a lot more than before.
  • Missevanston
    Missevanston Posts: 361 Member
    I guess I would suggest try not looking at it as "I can't eat", and try to rethink the whole eating thing. I know it is tough, but there are lots of good options. Look at all of the new and interesting things you can eat that are more healthy for you. I agree, when angry blow some steam...have you tried Tae Bo? or any kind of kick boxing? Sometimes, to certain tunes when I am running on the elliptical, I will box the tv screens on the wall! Feels great to get angry and let it out! Good luck!
  • TonysMiss
    TonysMiss Posts: 128 Member
    Just a thought, I'm not sure what "feelings" you were eating but depending on the circumstance you may find some solace in communicating those feelings to someone. Whether it be a friend, a counselor or even a friend on here. Sharing emails with someone who shares a similar story maybe???? (I'm a deep thinker, probably think too much)
    Now, with that in mind, I'm thinking of the "bigger" issues in life that some of us have dealt with or are dealing with now. So I could be TOTALLY off track, and maybe your just pissed about not having ice cream (WAIT!!! that's ME)
    I wish you PEACE and hope you find an outlet soon!
  • 90poundsoflard
    Maybe you need to really reevaluate what is stressing you out and why you are angry. Exercise does help someone become happier, but the problem is deeply rooted and needs to be looked at or taken care of from a different angle. I used to eat my feelings but now I journal a lot more (my therapy) and its been so much more of a better release for me. I have found myself a little more frustrated, but again, I journal a lot more than before.

    I totally agree with this. Several years ago when I was trying to lose weight, one of my best friends told me, "I would rather have you heavy and happy than on a diet and constantly irritated." It was a wake-up call for me - I hadn't realized everyone else was noticing, also. Once I identified the real reason I was unhappy, and dealt with it, I was a lot easier to get along with.
  • Caffeinewitch
    Caffeinewitch Posts: 110 Member
    Hi, exact same problem here.

    Most of my weight came from stuffing down my emotions. I still do it, I have a long way to go.
    Part of what helped me was learning how to voice my frustrations, instead of letting them simmer. Even if it's just an immediate "that really annoyed me" I can feel the emotional pressure letting off like a little steam valve. Standing up for oneself does amazing things.

    Also, whenever I feel angry, I start to make music. Whether it's humming, whistling, or straight up operatic singing, I pick something that sweeps me up so completely I feel more in control of the situation than I did when I was just getting angry.

    Like all good things, it takes time and practice. But it will go away with the right approach.
  • tammy200678
    tammy200678 Posts: 201 Member
    hello I have the same problem in fact as I was logging in my husband just ask why I was being so crankey
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    I too find myself more grumpy and angry since I decided to change my eating habits. I'm cranky because I just plain can't have the food I want that normally I would eat to make me feel better. Food is my "drug" of choice. I'm having to figure out what to do in place of food to help my through whatever is going on that's making me upset. I wish I knew what the answer was to this question but I'm still trying to figure that out myself. But feel free to add me as a friend and maybe we can figure this out together!
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    For those of us who is our best friend. I have spent more time with food throughout my life than I have my own parents, siblings, husband or children. Food and I were very intimate. Think of how a person grieves when a loved one dies. They go through shock, denial, and anger is one of the stages of grief. When I started this lifestyle change it was as if my best friend died. He could no longer be there every time I needed him. I couldn't just turn to him anymore to cover my emotions. I could no longer sneak and have a late night fling with him. Yes, I was angry! I still am some days! It is completely normal. R.I.P. to my best friend!
  • trevorfox
    Actually there is a scientific explanation. When released to our brains, the hormone serotonin gives us the feeling of well-being and contentment. Unfortunately, when our bodies have low serotonin levels, we get irritable and generally angry.
    The only way our bodies can produce serotonin is thru the raw materials we gain from our diet. Specifically, we need tryptophan, which is concentrated in foods such as chocolate and poultry. Since eating is the only way we can produce serotonin, it makes sense why people become grumpy when they haven't eaten.

    Here's an article about a test, just in case you think I'm making this up:
  • WomanofWorth
    WomanofWorth Posts: 395 Member
    For those of us who is our best friend. I have spent more time with food throughout my life than I have my own parents, siblings, husband or children. Food and I were very intimate. Think of how a person grieves when a loved one dies. They go through shock, denial, and anger is one of the stages of grief. When I started this lifestyle change it was as if my best friend died. He could no longer be there every time I needed him. I couldn't just turn to him anymore to cover my emotions. I could no longer sneak and have a late night fling with him. Yes, I was angry! I still am some days! It is completely normal. R.I.P. to my best friend!

    Wow, how profoundly stated and it makes perfect sense. We are eating to live and sometimes that means that while I want Velveeta Shells & Cheese (but can't eat it due to the diary, gluten, sodium and cholesterol) that if I want a type of food badly enough I have to find a find version of it and those options are out there.

    I agree with others here that exercising through emotions is a good strategy as well. I have learned to drum, box or run though anger or frustration, do tai chi or yoga to deal with stress or worry, walk to gain energy, dance to express joy, etc. This from a reformed non-exerciser.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    All above well said! I haven't seen your food diary but if you're being so strict with your foods to have gone very low carb and you're not getting the fuel you need to balance your nutrition, that could be a factor. Don't deprive yourself of treats when you need them. Better to have a small treat to be satisfied than to binge on something that will sabotage you. When people have low blood sugar or spikes in blood sugar they can be irritable. Just an FYI... Walking briskly every day has been a great stress reliever and the endorphins are flowing for me. It seems to be my recipe for feeling good through this journey. I wish you success and I do think finding someone on this site you share a similar story with helps when you need to talk through your feelings. Everyone is so supportive. Friend me if you want, I love to chat!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • jhmomofmany
    jhmomofmany Posts: 571 Member
    I've noticed that I tend to feel angry/resentful when the rest of the family can go for more, but I have to stick with what's on my plate. Even though "no seconds" is a rule I have set for myself for my own good.... it feels like at least DH should be suffering right along with me.

    A "cheat" day once a week (Sundays for me) helps a lot. Then I can tell myself "Well, I can't have this today, but on Sunday I'll get whatever I want and maybe two of them." :)

    I've also heard the theory that loosing weight has this effect because of the female hormones stored in body fat. ??? Don't know much about that, but it's an interesting theory.
  • Missevanston
    Missevanston Posts: 361 Member
    For those of us who is our best friend. I have spent more time with food throughout my life than I have my own parents, siblings, husband or children. Food and I were very intimate. Think of how a person grieves when a loved one dies. They go through shock, denial, and anger is one of the stages of grief. When I started this lifestyle change it was as if my best friend died. He could no longer be there every time I needed him. I couldn't just turn to him anymore to cover my emotions. I could no longer sneak and have a late night fling with him. Yes, I was angry! I still am some days! It is completely normal. R.I.P. to my best friend!

    Such a good point!! Never thought of it THAT way! No it makes more sense! Thanks!
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    One of the things I've done is that I haven't really changed my eating habits. I've never been a big veggie eater, so I haven't made myself eat tons of salads. They just don't satisfy me, I get frustrated and irritable, and I quit trying.

    I DO count my calories. I make sure if I have pizza that I have one or two servings at the most. I make my own now, so it is lower-calories to begin with. I also have added a lot of fruit to my foods. It is a pain because I have to go shopping every week now, but it is worth it to have fresh bananas and grapes, because I can grab them and go. When I did eat candy a lot, I always chose fruit candy over chocolate, so I know that's why it has been working for me. There were a few days when I felt deprived, and there have been days when I went psycho and ate and entire box of crackers, even though I was rarely like that before.

    I beat myself up about those days at first, but now I just realize that this isn't going to happen over night. Although I want to be perfect all the time, that's simply unreasonable. So don't hold yourself to insane expectations. Just go one step at a time. You can do this, and you can get your happy self back- in fact, you'll find that you'll get a happier self back! :smile:
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    Could it just be that you are going too long between meals? If I go too long I get 'hangry' (hungry, angry).
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I definately notice that the scale will dictate my mood. If I am up it will offset my whole day or days, and if the numbers are down I wont be as grumpy!!