Eating out & logging foods

I went to a German Restaurant tonight (Friday) for my son's birthday. The restaurant doesn't provide nutritional information on site nor online. I added what I felt was a reasonable substitution for the dessert I had, but other than that I can't figure out how to log what I ate. I did have tilapia in a sesame sauce - heavenly, although probably not authentically German. Aside from that was a scoop of (real) mashed potatoes with who knows what in them (also heavenly), asparagus, peppers and some other roasted vegetables on top, and a goat cheese, spinach and phillo dough appetizer that I split with my son (although I did have most of it -the insides at least).

I tried to do the best I could with what I had to work with. I knew ahead of time that German food would not be good for my diet but I tend to give myself a relaxed day at least once on the weekends, but I'd still like to log what I could. Should I just assume that I was over on everything or try to find comparable recipes online and add them that way?

This is the first time I've had to deal with this since I started, as the one or two times I did eat something outside, it was easily found on MFP


  • Teebowen
    Teebowen Posts: 78 Member
    been there done that... I actually text myself what I have eaten and list it pretty much the same way you have... sounds like you did a great job...#'s may not be exact but 1/2 this battle is accountability too!...Have a great day!
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    I know what I ate I just don't know how to put it into my food log. Where do I get the numbers from? I couldn't possibly begin to estimate them. I know the potatoes and the phillo dough were up there and goat cheese and spinach (probably about 2T each in entire dish) were ok but I have no idea how they were prepared - could have been cooked in butter for all I know. Nothing like taking a health ingredient and killing the numbers by the processing.

    I did try to make healthy choices and my numbers were relatively low for the rest of the day, I'm just not happy with not being able to account for it all. Guess it's become a habit now but a good one at least. I don't want to end my log and have it tell me I was under my calories when I know that's only because I didn't get to log what I actually ate.
  • wdwghettogirl
    wdwghettogirl Posts: 559 Member
    Try breaking it down... Mashed Potatoes: you can probably assume they added butter, maybe even some cream or milk. Goat cheese, all the veggies: you should be able to find them all individually on here, and just guess about how much you were served for your portion entry. You can prob find Tilapia on here too, maybe even in a similar sauce. Granted it won't be right on, but better than not logging things at all. I break everything down, even when I have a salad, I don't just enter "salad", I enter every little thing I put on it. Logging things individually makes things more accurate (for me). Just my thought. :)
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    Try using Google and searching for 'calories in (insert dish here)' you might find somewhere out there in the Internet that has something you can use. If that does not work than you can break the meal out to each component as best as you can. Even if you are off one day is not going to hurt your end goal much. We all have a day here and there or a meal here and there that is just difficult to track. Especially when eating out.