Treadmill or Stationary Bike?

I'm 350 lbs and recently joined the gym. I have a BIG behind ( ! ) and want it GONE!! Can anyone tell me which would be better or should I just do both?

Thank ya



  • KellieR56
    KellieR56 Posts: 135 Member
    I have a stationary bike. they say cardio is the best workout and you burn more calories
  • philiphirons
    philiphirons Posts: 34 Member
    I use a both but my split is 95 / 5 in favour of the treadmill
  • monro86
    monro86 Posts: 4 Member
    Whichever one will let you get a more intense workout. The treadmill is probably more strenuous since your weight acts as your own resistance. A really great, low impact exercise would be swimming though. It's a full body workout that burns calories like crazy. Try it out if you can.
  • Juniper88
    I'd say ultimately both the bike and the treadmill. They are two similar but different workouts. If you could only pick one, I would go with the treadmill though. This is because they say that walking is one of the absolutely best workouts that you could do and it works your entire body (partly because you have to lift your own weight with each step). However, if you have bad knees, stick to the stationary bike mainly.

    That being said, my knees (one more so than the other) are pretty much **** and I still do the treadmill - both walking and running. I find that you get a really good sweat and greater calorie burn on the treadmill. BUT, I also do the stationary bike sometimes too. Though the calorie burn shows less on the machine, you really do feel the work of it in your legs.
  • JenniferVegas
    JenniferVegas Posts: 25 Member
    I use a treadmill at walking speed 1.6 miles per hour and have a keyboard shelf on it so I can use my computer.

    I surf and work while I'm walking though out the day. So far I've lost 15 pounds in about two weeks.

    My profile might say different as I was on Loseit! before I joined here.

    Treadmill is my choice.
  • aytch_d
    You might find that the treadmill is hard on your knees and joints. I have been active all my life but only started running seriously in the last year and a half and I am not in pain but my knees crack more often and I sometimes get mild shin splints.
    I would suggest even talking to your doctor or a trainer at your local gym as you do not want to hurt yourself. Is an elliptical an option for you? it's very low impact and you can change the resistance levels, they are great!
    Last but not least, if you're wanting to focus on your behind you may want to consider leg exercises as well. Lunges and squats will help tighten things up! Good luck!
  • welcominganewself
    I don't think either burn enough calories and usually jump to the elliptical.
  • frankisgal
    Thanks for all of yall's far as the knees go, yes I have bad knees, the right one being worse than the left. When I walk on the treadmill, I can only walk about 2.0 hip joints start I just walk for 10 min and rest. I'm not gonna kill myself to walk the "mile" right now....and as far as the stationary bike, my knee did ache but not that my understanding there are 2 types of stationary bikes right? Recumbunt (?) might have that wrong...and the upright. I was on the upright. but the gym does offer the other one. And I'm also doin Chest presses.....15 reps of 6 sets. As far as lunges go....I can't do that right now...I"m afraid I'd fall or realllllly mess my knees up....but thank u for the suggestion. I wanna do the leg press machine but I have a BAD varicose vein in my left leg and it spasms sometimes and you talk about PAIN.....OMG!!! I'm not tryin to sound like I'm wimping out on exercise....I just know my body and how far I can push it.....but hey, I'm proud of myself for what I can do at this weight.... :wink:

    Again, thanks to everyone for yalls replies
  • dengarrett
    Recumbent stationary bike is great if you have bad knees.