Starting AGAIN !! From scratch.....

Sandra_M Posts: 41 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I have had the worst 2 weeks ever. Completely lost my way and I could blame various thing but at the end of the day the only person to blame is ME..... However, I am starting again today and logging every single thing that passes my lips and I will exercise every day and do mu very very best to remain focused. Wish me positive thinking and lots of luck..

Day one begins...


  • MissWait
    MissWait Posts: 160
    I have started again soooo many times, never seems to get easier for me...So this time I'm looking for a support network, hoping that might help more? Add me if you like maybe we can help each other?

  • Good attitude! You don't need luck, you need willpower and you sound like you are full of it and very focused. I jumped back on the wagon yesturday after messing around since Christmas. There are some fantastic people on here to help you, just ask. All the best for your journey :-) XXX Carol
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    Hang in there and just change your lifestyle. Don't diet as the word is being used these days but change your lifestyle. That is to say, read the labels when you shop, measure and weigh what you eat until you get the hang of what the correct portion of food looks like and eat good healthy food. It's not that hard once you get started. And food does not have to taste like card board to be healthy. People on this site are always posting yummy recipes. Sometimes the ingredients that are in these recipes sound strange but give them a try. You will be surprised how they taste.

    Glad you're here with us and I wish you all the best on your new "Lifestyle" journey. And remember, everyone in your household can eat what you eat if you change our lifestyle. Lead by example so that none of your family has to go through what we are going through because we were not taught how to eat healthy.
  • That happens to most of us. should not disregard any progress at all or the education you got for the attempt. I have only been here a week and for the most part have not done that well. Except for the water I used this week to eat fav foods and new ones to see what they counted calorie wise. I never knew. So get back on the horse and get to riding toward the goal. Ill be rooting you on. :happy:
  • Sandra_M
    Sandra_M Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks everyone, I had a much better day yesterday much more positive. I do know that I can do this just needed a kick up the backside. You comments make a huge difference too. You are all right we have good days and bad days and it is a lifestyle change as you say and together we can all do this. I had a sneaky weigh in this morning and I know if lost even after one day - I know it's fluid but it's going in the right direction..
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