Pretty Damn Frustrated

I know not to live and die by the scale, but I stepped on the scale this morning, expecting good things, and it is showing a 4 1/2 pound increase. I was under my calories all week so I know it isn't necessarily fat, but I like that motivation of seeing the scale move down.

When I am "good" I gain and when I cheat I lose, or so it seems based on the scale.


  • MissMe2morrow
    I've heard that calories don't show up on the scale for about 10 days, so, maybe you're seeing results from meals last week?
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Maybe your not eating enough on a regular basis? I don't know much about it but calorie cycling (which I do purely on accident :laugh:) seems to work better than consistantly eating the same amount of calories.

    If you lose when you eat more, than that my indicate your body needs more food and is holding on to what it gets in fear it won't get more.

    Keep up the good work!!:drinker:
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    I know not to live and die by the scale, but I stepped on the scale this morning, expecting good things, and it is showing a 4 1/2 pound increase. I was under my calories all week so I know it isn't necessarily fat, but I like that motivation of seeing the scale move down.

    When I am "good" I gain and when I cheat I lose, or so it seems based on the scale.
    When you say you were under your calories all far under? If you aren't eating at least your daily goal, the body may hold on to extra weight as an insurance policy in case you don't feed it enough. This may sound weird but you may not be eating enough. I can't tell unless we see your diary but if you are always eating under, your body will plateau and hang on to everything it already has.

    I also agree with MissMe2morrow...sometimes my weeky activity doesn't actually impact the scale for a week.
  • carriej82
    carriej82 Posts: 123 Member
    I have no advice other than I am right there with you! I have worked out 5-6 days a week for the last 3 weeks, stayed under my calories, tried eating the workout calories, drink 13 glasses of water a day, etc. I am STUCK! the scale hasn't moved in 3 weeks! I am so incredibly frustrated!

    so, I have no advice for you, just know you aren't alone
  • Texsox
    Texsox Posts: 146 Member
    I am eating around 1600-1800 per day and eating back most of my exercise calories. That should be a 1 1/2 pound los per week.
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    are you taking any measurements? I spent 6 weeks with a trainer and lost . . . about 4 lbs. And she was kickin' my butt! However, I lost 10% body fat and inches from all over the place. Now my scale is starting to go down, slowly.
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Have you checked your sodium intake??
  • Texsox
    Texsox Posts: 146 Member
    Not working out enough to have muscle gain, clothes fit the same. Could be sodium, could be my high bp meds, but I've been on the same ones for years (one reason I am trying, no getting, to a better weight)
  • JenWorthen3
    JenWorthen3 Posts: 64 Member
    Remember to measure yourself with your measuring tape. The scale won't always be accurate as to whether you're actually losing or not, but the measuring tape never lies (well, by more than 1/4" or so). I've been doing SO well on my eating for the most part the last few weeks and have almost nothing to show for it on the scales, but I've lost an average of 3' from my entire body. It frustrates the crud out of me that I'm not seeing the loss on the scale, but the measuring tape keeps me focused and determined to stay on track.

    Also, be sure you're drinking half your body weight in ounces of water (for example: 180 lbs = 90 ounces of water). If you're not drinking water, the fat can't get out of your body.

    Good luck and keep on track! It will pay off in the long run (stupid long run...).
  • tslocum2001
    my scale did the same to me this week. A 2 pound gain. Ugh..Let's just say the planetary alignment was off and move on???
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    I got stalled because of sodium because I didn't think it was a big deal. Once I started watching it and keeping it below the level, I lost 8 pounds in 2 weeks! I'd definitely say it was sodium for me, LOL
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Not working out enough to have muscle gain, clothes fit the same. Could be sodium, could be my high bp meds, but I've been on the same ones for years (one reason I am trying, no getting, to a better weight)

    I really like your last statement. You do have the right attitude.

    Sodium is in a lot of our food even when we don't think it is there. I recommend changing your food diary to show your sodium (you can do that in sodium). You'd be amazed with how much sodium you are actually taking in. That may be a part of it.
  • Texsox
    Texsox Posts: 146 Member
    I am thinking sodium and realizing we ate at an Asian restaurant a couple nights ago, I also had a few salted tortilla chips with guacamole last night.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    Can you tell where you've "gained" it? I had a five pound increase on Tuesday morning from a really terrible weekend, that landed square on my belly. I didn't even have to get on the scale to know it was bad, and I could tell on Friday morning when it was finally gone. Mine was from too much sodium and waaay too much beer over the holiday weekend, so it was mainly water and some gas (eww, right?) which went away by tons of water and discrete burping at work on Thursday.

    I'd say watch the sodium super closely the next couple of days, and just pound down the water and don't drink anything else (except maybe tea or something). Soda and coffee will likely keep the water there.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Not working out enough to have muscle gain, clothes fit the same. Could be sodium, could be my high bp meds, but I've been on the same ones for years (one reason I am trying, no getting, to a better weight)

    Have you had a check-up with your doc? Depending on how much you needed to lose, you may already find that your BP meds could be asjusted.
  • PamDW
    PamDW Posts: 246
    Sodium will get you.... I remember when I was pregnant with my last son, I gained 10 pounds in a week.... I cut out sodium high foods out of my diet and lost 15 pounds the next week. Since then (9 yrs later) I limit my sodium and we even use Nu-salt in my household. No one knows the difference. (I personally dont even use that I just over pepper everything!)
  • boogbite
    This is it. I had Thai a few weeks ago and ballooned up from the sodium and msg. Drink lots of water to flush it out and you'll be back down in a couple days.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    re 'When I am "good" I gain and when I cheat I lose, or so it seems based on the scale.' Murphy's Law of Dieting. hehe But I agree with everyone re sodium. Do you track it on your food diary? I do and it's really helpful. I normally dont even think about sodium but when you see it on the daily log, it makes you more aware of it and helps to avoid those things in the future (or at least that's the plan hehe).
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    Yep. Plain ole water is key... and at least 8 eight-ounce glasses of it per day... which I find very difficult to do most days.
  • peaches6311
    peaches6311 Posts: 32 Member
    Same thing happened to me this week too. I am only trying to lose .5 pounds a week, so I am eating fairly close to break even. But I wear a Gowear Fit and weigh all my food. I averaged more than 260 calories a day deficit and I gained 4 pounds. So that tells me either I miss calculated my chili I made this week or I am retaining water and waste products. Probably a little bit of both. I have had this happen before and the following week the scale went back down , so I am not freaked.
